All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (2025)

Astrariums are placed all across the two continents within Dragon Age: Inquisition. Players need to solve three puzzles per area to unlock a hidden cache. Each puzzle is a grouping of stars that players will need to turn into an image. Here are how to solve each of them.

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Astrariums in the Hinterlands

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (1)

The Outskirts Astrarium

  1. Start on one side of the cross-guard
  2. Connect to the closest part of the cross-guard
  3. Connect to either the pommel or hilt of the sword
  4. Connect back with the empty inner cross-guard piece
  5. Reconnect to the star from step two
  6. Connect to the opposite star from step three
  7. Reconnect with the star from step four
  8. Connect to the opposite star from step one

Astrarium in Hafter's Woods

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (3)
  1. Start at the far left star
  2. Connect to the star up from the last
  3. Connect to the star to the right
  4. Connect to the two stars southeast of that one
  5. Connect straight south
  6. Connect with the far southern star
  7. Connect northeast for the next two stars
  8. Connect north and then northeast again
  9. Connect to the center and across
  10. Connect to the northeastern star and to the star immediately right of it
  11. Reconnect southeast
  12. Then connect to the three stars up and to the right to complete the right wing

Astrarium in Northern Hafter's Woods

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (4)
  1. Start at the centermost star
  2. Connect to the far left star
  3. Connect southeast
  4. Connect to the far northeastern star
  5. Reconnect to the first star
  6. Connect immediately up
  7. Connect southwest
  8. Connect to the far northern star
  9. Connect southeast
  10. Reconnect to the star in step six

Related: How to Romance Cassandra in Dragon Age Inquisition

Astrariums on the Storm Coast

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (5)

Astrarium in Morrin's Outlook

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (6)
  1. Start at the upper right star of the tree trunk
  2. Connect to the star beneath it
  3. Connect southeast
  4. Connect southwest
  5. Connect northwest
  6. Reconnect to the star from step three
  7. Connect to the star in the upper middle, left of the starting star
  8. Connect southwest
  9. Reconnect to the star from step five
  10. Connect far southwest
  11. Connect northwest
  12. Reconnect to the northeastern star from step eight
  13. Connect north
  14. Reconnect northeast to the star from step seven
  15. Connect to the west northern most star
  16. Connect southwest
  17. Reconnect to the star from step 14
  18. Connect to the east northern most star
  19. Connect to the southeastern star
  20. Reconnect to the star from step 17
  21. Reconnect with the starting star
  22. Reconnect with the middle southern star
  23. Reconnect with the upper left star of the trunk

Astrarium in the Great Cove

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (7)
  1. Start on the far southwestern star
  2. Connect northeast
  3. Connect east
  4. Connect southeast
  5. Connect southwest
  6. Reconnect with the starting star
  7. Reconnect across to the star from step four
  8. Connect northeast
  9. Reconnect southwest
  10. Connect northwest
  11. Reconnect across to the east
  12. Connect northwest
  13. Reconnect southwest

Astrarium in Apostate's Landing

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (8)
  1. Connect with the centered northern star
  2. Connect northwest
  3. Connect east
  4. Reconnect to the center
  5. Connect westward
  6. Connect south
  7. Reconnect to the center
  8. Connect east
  9. Connect north
  10. Reconnect to the center
  11. Connect southeast
  12. Connect downward to the center
  13. Reconnect to the first star
  14. Connect southwest
  15. Reconnect down to the center
  16. Connect westward
  17. Reconnect northeast
  18. Reconnect across to the right
  19. Connect southeast
  20. Reconnect southwest to the center
  21. Connect to the star directly south
  22. Connect northwest
  23. Reconnect northeast to the center
  24. Connect southeast
  25. Connect across previous lines to the southwest
  26. Reconnect to the right
  27. Connect southwest
  28. Connect southeast
  29. Connect directly north
  30. Connect back northeast to the center

Astrariums on the Western Approach

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (9)

Astrarium near the Fortress

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (10)
  1. Start with the right most center star
  2. Connect across to the far left
  3. Connect southwest
  4. Connect to the right
  5. Reconnect north to the second star
  6. Connect southeast
  7. Reconnect with the first star northeast
  8. Connect north
  9. Connect northwest
  10. Reconnect with the second star again
  11. Reconnect northwest to the star from step eight

Astrarium in the Prison Ruins

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (11)
  1. Start with the far left star
  2. Connect to the southern most star
  3. Connect northwest between the starting star and the one directly north
  4. Connect to the middle star to the east
  5. Connect to the most southeastern star
  6. Reconnect to the second star to the southwest
  7. Reconnect to the diagonal corner star
  8. Connect to the far northeast
  9. Reconnect to the third star
  10. Reconnect with the first star
  11. Reconnect with the northern most star

Astrarium in the Echoback Canyon

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (12)
  1. Start with the star just northwest of the southern star
  2. Connect with the southmost star
  3. Connect north
  4. Connect east
  5. Connect diagonally northwest
  6. Connect right
  7. Reconnect south
  8. Reconnect with the first star
  9. Connect with the far northeastern star
  10. Reconnect to the closest star to the southwest
  11. Connect north
  12. Reconnect right

Astrariums in Crestwood

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (13)

Astrarium near the Forester Homestead

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (14)
  1. Start at the northmost star
  2. Connect directly down
  3. Connect southeast
  4. Connect southeast again
  5. Connect northeast
  6. Connect south
  7. Connect immediately left
  8. Reconnect to the nearest star to the north
  9. Connect to the center star
  10. Connect to the southmost eastern star
  11. Connect to the star below the ninth
  12. Connect to the southmost western star
  13. Reconnect to the center star
  14. Connect directly left
  15. Connect southeast
  16. Connect southwest
  17. Connect north
  18. Reconnect with the 14th star
  19. Connect northeast
  20. Reconnect with the second star

Astrarium of Glenmorgan Mine

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (15)
  1. Start with the middle northern star
  2. Connect northeast
  3. Connect diagonally southwest
  4. Connect northwest
  5. Reconnect with the first star
  6. Connect with the northwestern star
  7. Reconnect across to the eastern star
  8. Connect with the southern most star
  9. Reconnect with the closest star

Astrarium on the East Side Hills

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (16)
  1. Start with the middle left star
  2. Connect with the star to the north
  3. Connect southeast
  4. Connect southeast again
  5. Connect west
  6. Reconnect to the north with the first star
  7. Connect to the far northwestern star
  8. Reconnect with the second star
  9. Connect right
  10. Connect to the far northeastern star
  11. Reconnect with the ninth star

Related: Best Companions in Dragon Age Inquisition

Astrariums in the Emerald Graves

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (17)

Astrarium near the Direstone

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (18)
  1. Start with the leftmost star
  2. Connect northeast
  3. Connect southeast
  4. Reconnect with the first star
  5. Connect southeast
  6. Connect east
  7. Connect northeast
  8. Reconnect northwest
  9. Connect southwest
  10. Reconnect southeast
  11. Connect to the far southern star
  12. Connect northeast
  13. Connect to the far eastern star
  14. Connect northwest
  15. Connect to the northmost star
  16. Connect southwest
  17. Reconnect southeast
  18. Reconnect south
  19. Reconnect northwest

Astrarium in the Harrow

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (19)
  1. Start with the leftmost star
  2. Connect northeast
  3. Connect southeast
  4. Connect east
  5. Connect southwest
  6. Reconnect directly north
  7. Connect northeast
  8. Connect northwest
  9. Connect east
  10. Reconnect south
  11. Connect southeast
  12. Connect southeast again
  13. Connect northwest
  14. Connect south
  15. Connect southwest
  16. Connect directly west
  17. Connect northeast
  18. Connect northwest
  19. Reconnect northwest
  20. Connect directly west
  21. Connect southeast

Astrarium in Nettle Pass

All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (20)
  1. Start with the southern most west star
  2. Connect diagonally northeast
  3. Connect diagonally northwest
  4. Connect diagonally northeast
  5. Connect southeast
  6. Reconnect southwest
  7. Connect south
  8. Reconnect west
  9. Connect north
  10. Reconnect northwest
  11. Connect northeast
  12. Reconnect diagonally southeast
  13. Reconnect diagonally southwest
  14. Reconnect diagonally southeast

For more Dragon Age content, be sure to check out All Specializations in Dragon Age Inquisition on Pro Game Guides.

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All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition (2025)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.