Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (2024)

Ahmad Sharabiani

9,563 reviews506 followers

May 25, 2022

The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #3), Jeff Kinney

Jeffrey Patrick Kinney is an American author and cartoonist. In this book when Greg's father threatens to send Greg to a military academy, Greg must find a way to prevent this from happening. Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other “manly” endeavors.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «خاطرات یک بیعرضه: جلد سوم، دفترچه سبز»؛ «آخرین تلاش: کتاب سوم از سری دفترچه خاطرات یک بچه لاغر»؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش این نسخه: بیست و سوم ماه جولای سال2015میلادی

عنوان: خاطرات یک بیعرضه: جلد سوم، دفترچه سبز؛ نویسنده و تصویرگر جف کینی؛ مترجم: ندا شادنظر؛ تهران، نشر ایران بان، چاپ نخست سال1389، در224ص، مصور، فروست خاطرات یک بیعرضه جلد سوم، شابک جلد سه9789642980840؛ چاپ پنجم سال1392؛ موضوع داستانهای فکاهی مصور، دفترچه های خاطرات، مدرسه ها، داستان؛ گروه سنی ب و ج از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م

عنوان: آخرین تلاش: کتاب سوم از سری دفترچه خاطرات یک بچه لاغر؛ نویسنده و تصویرگر: جف کینی؛ مترجم: میترا لبافی؛ تهران، نشر شهر قصه، سال1393؛ شابک9786009117758؛

شخصیتهای داستانهای طنز دفترچه خاطرات یک بیعرضه (بچه لاغر): «گریگوری (گرگ) هفلی»؛ «رودریک هفلی»؛ «سوزان هفلی»؛ «فرانکلین (فرانک) هفلی» و «راولی جفرسون» هستند

نقل از آغاز متن: (میدانستی اگر در آغاز سال نو فهرستی از هدفهایت بنویسی، میتوانی خودت را اصلاح کنی؟ راستش، مشکل اینجاست که برای من آسان نیست که راهی برای اصلاح شخصیتم پیدا کنم، چون من یکی از بهترین آدمهایی هستم که میشناسم؛ بنابراین امسال هدفم این است که به دیگران کمک کنم خودشان را اصلاح کنند؛ اما تازگیها متوجه شدم که وقتی سعی میکنی به دیگران کمک کنی، بعضیها قَدر تو را نمیدانند؛ چیزی که بلافاصله متوجه شدم، این است که اعضای خانواده ام هیچ تلاشی برای تحقق هدفهای سال جدیدشان نمیکنند؛ مامان گفته بود که از امروز میخواهد کلاس ورزش برود، اما تمام بعد از ظهر تلویزیون تماشا میکرد؛ بابا گفته بود میخواهد رژیم سفت و سختی بگیرد، اما بعد از شام، در حالیکه خرده های کلوچه دور دهانش چسبیده بود، مچش را در گاراژ گرفتم؛ حتی برادر کوچکم «م��نی»، به هدف هایش پایبند نیست؛ امروز صبح «مانی» به همه گفت «بزرگ شده» و میخواهد خوردن پستانک را کنار بگذارد؛ بعد پستانک محبوبش را در سطل آشغال انداخت)؛ پایان

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 07/05/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 03/03/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی


24 reviews29 followers

March 21, 2009

i want to read this book soooooooooooooo bad because the first 2 were pretty funny. i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3,046 reviews225 followers

February 11, 2015

The wimpy kid books never fail to make me laugh. Kinney has a great sense of comic timing in these books and the pictures really do make the story what it is.

What bothers me about these books is the main character's attitude and the way he treats others. I hope that kids see that the reason Greg gets himself into trouble all the time is because of his attitude. Instead of looking up to him, it's my hope that kids who read this book say, "Man, if Greg just treated people with a little more respect then maybe he wouldn't always get himself into these bad situations."

I've said it in other reviews of these books before, but I'll say it again: I don't think Greg's physique is wimpy; I think his character is.

    bestsellers in-classroom-library middle-grade


56 reviews10 followers

January 16, 2009

I never tire of this series. I just think the humor is so right on! I read often that the book appeals to reluctant readers and I would seriously challenge that. It appeals to ALL readers in fifth grade. Let's face it, we were all a "Greg Heffley" in fifth grade. Unless of course you were a "Rowley" in which case, I am very sorry.
There was a part that had me seriously laughing so hard. (I am not giving anything away here, it will just be much funnier when you read it yourself) Greg had gone to a sleep-over with Rowley. The sleep-over was at a friend of Rowley's house. If you know Rowley, you will know he has many "friends" who are not his age equivalent, but his mental equivalent. Greg said at one point the kids at the party suggested playing a game called "Who Licked Me?" I mean come on... that is funny. -- Okay, maybe in a slightly less mature world.
I suspect my students will soon be calling each other "Ploopy" just as they were all giving the "Cheese Touch." One of my favorite story lines in the book was about Manny's "Tingy." Can't decide if "Ploopy" is a compliment or not? Don't know what a "Tingy" is? Well, I guess you'll have to pick up the book.

Janete on hiatus due health issues

784 reviews428 followers

November 23, 2019

This book should be denominated "Diary of a Wimpy FATHER"! Greg's dad is silly, dumb and has no authority on his children.

Ahmad Sharabiani

9,563 reviews506 followers

June 9, 2018

The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #3), Jeff Kinney
When Greg's father threatens to send Greg to a military academy, Greg must find a way to prevent this from happening.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیست و دوم ماه سپتامبر سال 2012 میلادی
عنوان: خاطرات یک بیعرضه: جلد سوم، دفترچه سبز؛ نویسنده و تصویرگر: جف کینی؛ مترجم: ندا شادنظر؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، ایران بان، چاپ نخست 1389، در 224 ص، مصور، فروست: خاطرات یک بیعرضه جلد 3، شابک جلد 3: 9789642980840؛ چاپ پنجم 1392؛ موضوع: داستانهای فکاهی مصور، دفترچه های خاطرات، مدرسه ها، داستان؛ گروه سنی ب و ج - سده 21 م
شخصیتهای داستانهای طنز دفترچه خاطرات یک بیعرضه: گریگوری (گرگ) هفلی؛ رودریک هفلی؛ سوزان هفلی؛ فرانکلیم (فرانک) هفلی؛ راولی جفرسون. ا. شربیانی

Rahaf Potrosh

177 reviews268 followers


December 17, 2018

المراجعة ..... لاحقاً

    book-series children comedy
May 12, 2011

Every once in a while you need a break from wizard boys, sparkling vampires, conspiracy theories, go-nowhere love stories, end-of-the-world page turners and the never ending stream of parallel worlds.

Every once in a while you need to forget that you are a full-blown adult whose literary tastes are mature and discerning and who, to put it mildly is a bit up-yourself.

Every once in a while, you need to escape into the world of a Wimpy middle-school Kid who is high on smarts and low on luck.

It’s time to hold your breath over the unwashed clothes and dodge the well-meaning parents and stumble over the boogers as you venture into the world of Greg Heffley.

Greg Heffley’s astounding schemes and equally mind-boggling failures continue. His chief bête noire in this book is his long-suffering dad. Greg’s father wants to make a man out of his dandelion-blowing son. To achieve this admirable goal, he is intent on sending Greg off to a military academy. This doesn’t sit well with Mr.Wimpy, who was looking forward to a summer of playing video-games and sleeping....snarfing down junk-food and sleeping....hooking up with the pretty Holly Hills and yep, catching up on some more sleep.

The Wimpy Kid series may be considered juvenile and trite. But it’s entertaining and you read it with a constant smile playing on your lips. Sometimes you even snort with glee (well, I did). I say, regardless of your age....pick it up for some instant laughs, dry humour and a cast of characters that is so unbelievably well put together that you can’t help but stay hooked.


Louie the Mustache Matos

1,243 reviews112 followers

October 28, 2022

I have been listening to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books recently, reminding me of when I used to read these to my youngest son. He was very much of the Greg Heffley mindset (a clueless child, oblivious to the situations caused by his own machinations.) Kinney has clearly found the perfect voice for Greg and he sounds an awful lot like my Nathanael. There are some hilarious parts, with some chapters that might be of particular interest such as the sleepover, trying to understand the difference between "Ploopy," and Manny's "Tingy." You will laugh and share moments with your kid if you are reading these together. There is also a difficult discussion, change in tone when Greg and his father are not getting along well, which happens between children and their parents regardless of who is at fault. The threat of Greg getting shipped off to a military academy is discussed, but really seems to carry more gloom than the idea should bear. Overall, these books are funny, and even my son would roll his eyes when a plot was being hatched.

    audible humor kids-book


1,179 reviews2,832 followers

February 25, 2023

الحماقات التي يرتكبها " غريغ " لابد وأن على إثرها سيصاب والده بنوبة قلبية حادة...لا أدري ولكن يوماً ما لابد وإحداها ستكون الضربة القاضية....😁
مسكين والده ..أشفقت على كل الجهود التي بذلها من أجل تغيير ابنه للأفضل ...كل محاولاته باءت بالفشل...
" غريغ " صبي أناني..مشاكس..أحمق..تصرفاته تثير حنقك وبالرغم من ذلك لن تتوقف عن الضحك...😄



4,886 reviews31.3k followers

December 15, 2021

The Nephew put this book in my hands and told me to read it. The Niece agreed and both told me it was so funny. It was taking me a while to read and the Nephew kept demanding I finish it so he could get his book back. Never make the Nephew mad.

This is more adventures of the Greg Heffley. He spends a lot of time locked out of rooms in his underwear in these series. It's obvious people, especially kids, think being in your underwear is hilarious.

They take scenes from Book 3 and book 4 and they put both in the movie. The Niece thought the movie was ok. There was a part about the book 'The Giving Tree' and Shel Silverstein that had me rolling on the floor it was so funny. As a kid, I used to think that Shel was scary and pirate looking myself. That bit did me in.

The family dynamics in the story are comedy gold. I love how Jeff Kinney finds the funny in Family Life.

Both Niece and Nephew tell me I have to read the next book, so I will certainly be doing so and in a timely manner to get the book back to the Nephew on time.

These books are funny for all ages.

    2009 bage-middle-grade genre-comedy


285 reviews8 followers

August 25, 2022

Greg’s still a little shit, but nostalgia. So.

    audiobook nostalgia


624 reviews201 followers

June 18, 2018

3,5 Stars.
I read this one, with my nine-year-old brother. He is such a big fan of the series and i always enjoy reading by his side.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (14)

This series is a highly entertaining collection of books that offer much laugh, but notably not much, educationally speaking.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (15)

That is not such a big deal, if you know exactly why you are reading a book. There are not all of them about inspiration and highly profound meanings. Some plain, simple fun is well needed too, and those books will provide just that.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (16)

Maybe if you give it some thought, though, you might come to the conclussion and form a more complex idea, that those books are a rough guide of what not to do if you are a boy that age.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (17)

Now that is highly pedagogic. So i had a good time reading it, i chuckled and rolled my eyes in the stupidity that still torments Greg and it was all ok..
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (18)


- I don't like his parents..
- The jovial plot is always a plus.
- My brother loved it.
- It was very enjoyable and fun, easy to read.
- I like the cartoon style so much.


825 reviews3,203 followers

March 16, 2018

If you've enjoyed Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1, you should definitely follow the series because it keeps getting hilarious with each installment.


Nandakishore Mridula

1,292 reviews2,505 followers

March 16, 2012

Greg Heffley continues with his hilarious journal. It seems that he has now become accustomed to writing it, because there are no gripes about that in this book. Or maybe it is because he has much more serious things to worry about... like the school soccer team and military school.

Dad is determined to make a man out of Greg. Greg is quite happy to stay a wimp, playing with the latest video games and trying to impress the beautiful Holly Hills. However, being the kind of person he is, Greg finds it difficult to attack the problem outright. The only method open to him is subterfuge.

Two-thirds of the book recounts Greg's ineffectual attempts to get out of the soccer team and his equally ineffectual attempts to befriend Holly Hills. He uses Rowley quite shamelessly whenever he feels it would give him an advantage: however, Rowley almost always comes out on top without even trying! We cannot blame Greg for feeling that life is unfair to him.

Towards the last third, soccer moves to the backstage as military school moves into the limelight. Dad sees the wonders it has done for teenage troublemaker in the neighbourhood: if it can work so well on a hooligan, what will it not do for a good boy? Greg is in immediate danger of being sent to boot camp for his summer holidays. None of his stratagems, like joining the Boy Scouts, seems to have any effect in forestalling the inevitable...

However, fate takes a hand, and Greg escapes by a hair's breadth. How that happens is narrated in his own inimitable way by Jeff Kinney, and is the highlight of the book. It is guaranteed to leave you in stitches.

In this novel, we see Greg slowly forming a bond with his Dad, who we find is not very different from his son. It is quite possible that Greg will grow up to be just like his father. And for a change, the novel ends on a happy note, because Greg has run out of pages immediately after being befriended by the gorgeous Trista, the new girl in the neighbourhood. And we are also happy, because despite all his cowardly traits, Greg Heffley is a lovable kid.

As humorous and warm as the first two books: highly recommended.

A_ bookbound _soul

190 reviews41 followers

August 10, 2019

3.5 stars!

Poor Greg has a tough time in this one. I found this book funnier than the last one, though I can't remember since I read it a long time ago.
It took me 4 days to complete this book, thanks to my busy life. But I'm glad I picked it up, as I was actually able to finish it.
A hilarious short read(with cartoons, of course!). Definitely recommended for humour lovers.

    read-ebook reviewed

Kevin Xu

292 reviews104 followers

April 15, 2011

This was my first trip into this series, I think this book was clever being the first of its kind, but I think overall this book has a lot of problems. For example, the biggest I have with this book is that is gives more reasons for kids today to not read a real book, a chapter book with no pictures. Second the main character, Greg, I like the kid who plays him in the movie, but in the book I find him to a self centered, self fish, most of all lazy kid who takes advantage of his best friend, Rowley just because he is a little slow. It reminds me of two friends I knew in high school.

Reading_ Tamishly

5,216 reviews3,229 followers

January 19, 2021

The series just gets better, it just gets more funny with each page👍
However, the main narrator is not my favorite character.
I just cannot wait for the youngest member of the family to start speaking😉
I cannot believe I have not been reading this series all these years!
Feeling blessed to read it now in 2019😊

Prabhjot Kaur

1,063 reviews201 followers

December 29, 2020

It's New Years and that means making resolutions. Greg's resolution is to make sure others stick to their resolutions and it starts off with a bang until he realizes that everyone else has given up on their resolutions and he gives up on his too since he didn't make any real progress.

Greg received a laundry hoop as a Christmas present from his uncle but he doesn't do his own laundry but his mum thinks it to be a good idea. We find out later on that Greg didn't do his laundry for months and he wears things from his pile and there are a few laugh out loud moments when that happens.

His dad gets him to try out for soccer but Greg isn't all that into Soccer and just ends up either chasing the ball or just sitting on the bench freezing. But when he gets a chance at being the goalie, his team ends up losing. When hid dad finds out that one of the most notorious neighborhood kids works at the cinemas after going to snag military academy, Greg's dad has an idea to make a man out of him yet. Greg joins the scouts to show his dad that he can do outdoor activities so that his dad might re-think of not sending him to a boot camp in summer holidays. Things work out but only just.

This was another funny read in the series. I especially loved when Greg's mum takes up exercising and gives up soon after and his dad made a before and after photo. As usual the sketches make the book that much more enjoyable. I can't wait to read the next.

4 stars

    children contemporary fiction

George Jankovic

140 reviews102 followers

August 6, 2017

Greg, the main character of this incredibly funny series, is a middle schooler whose universe revolves around him. He was quite selfish in the first two books. But that was nothing. Greg is reaching the pinnacle of selfishness in this book. He always has an idea how to benefit himself even if it hurts someone else inclusing his best friend or family members. But there still is karma in the world (Greg doesn't know about it).

This might be the funniest book in the series so far. Loved it!



967 reviews397 followers

January 7, 2018

Meh! Not bad, I always get through these real quick, but it wasn't funny or anything, and Greg really gets on my nerves sometimes. Especially when it comes to how he treats Rowley.

Jerry (Rebel With a Massive Media Library)

4,858 reviews73 followers

May 30, 2024

Cute and fun...but a bit underwhelming for such an insanely popular franchise.

EDIT: This time, I read the British edition, which I randomly found at a garage sale; you never know what you're going to encounter at those! It was interesting to see the different spellings: "maths," "programme," etc.


5 reviews

February 2, 2009

I heard about this series from NPR and decided to get the first one for my boy. I'm glad I got it. It's honest, clever, funny, and sweet without being nauseatingly so. I understand the character and his "uniquenesses". He reminds me of Charlie Brown except for one major difference. The main character accepts himself without all the self depricating self-analyzation.

"I am the best person I have ever known." I love nerds.


1,645 reviews55.7k followers

April 1, 2009

Typical mayhem ensues, Gregory and Rodrick and the rest of the Heffley family yuck it up as the "wimpy kid" continues to behave in the same self-serving manners which could possibly land him in military school.

I think this is a cute series, just right for my oldest sons age group. Not only is it funny, but at times we find ourselves stopping and discussing what a spoiled rotten kid Greg is!!


[S] Bibliophage

950 reviews872 followers

March 10, 2018

Actual rating: 4.5 (round off to 5)

I was torn between giving this 4 and 5 stars so I thought I just rate it in between. I like this series but this particular installment didn't make me burst out laughing, unlike the first two books. This issue tackles Greg's being wimpy in sports and being not man enough so I can't relate that much. Maybe male readers and followers of this series could appreciate this 3rd book.

    books-read-2012-earlier books-read-2017 english-novels


608 reviews115 followers

October 7, 2016

Γελάω πολύ με το σπασικλάκι μας... Μπορεί η εφηβεία του ώρες ώρες να είναι κόλαση, αλλά τα λέει χαριτωμένα! Τουλάχιστον γλίτωσε τη στρατιωτική σχολή για το καλοκαίρι.. Θα έλεγα ότι θα μπορούσε να γίνει ήρωας του Big Bang Theory, αλλά με τους βαθμούς που φέρνει ο ρόλος του θα ήταν του ιδιοκτήτη από το μαγαζί με τα comic...

S.Baqer Al-Meshqab

357 reviews109 followers

November 19, 2016

I shall write a comprehensive review for all books upon completion of the series.


Author14 books205 followers

March 12, 2020

For series like this, the writer should have brilliant creativity that prevents the books from becoming less attractive. Maybe some fans don't agree with me, but this book wasn't as strong as the first two. I explain why.

1. Weak theme: Trying to attract a girl? It's not unique at all. And whenever the writer was out of creativity, he went for that.

2. Lack of sparkle moments: I remember the book one by "cheese touch", but I can't name any memorable moment in this book. "laundry hoop" was good, but not good enough.

3. Bad Ending: Why Greg's father changed his decision about sending Greg to military school so easily? It could end by going Greg to military school and in the next book, we could read about his adventure.

As a 25 years old person, I didn't enjoy this book so much. But my 10 years old nephew loved it, so mission accomplished!

    english fiction humour

Connor Southern

5 reviews


March 4, 2009

Diary of a Wimpy kid The Last Straw:I learned that if you're going to stand over a vent with a robe on, lock the door.Never burry money in a time capsle.And never go to a sleepover with a friends kerate classmates.The main character is Greg Hefley,a boy that is writing in a diary/journal and tells all about his life in words and pictures.His big brother Rodrick is always torchering Greg by hiding all of the phones when Greg needs to make a call.His little brother Many always drives Greg crazy by getting away with stuff that when Greg was his age, he wouldn't have been able to get away with.To find out more read Diary of a Wimpy kid The Last Straw.

Kata Bel Air

72 reviews7 followers

January 26, 2009

I was surprised to find out that this book was not nearly as good as the first two Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I did not enjoy as much as the other two because the humor that kept me hooked was almost completely gone and the book was more focused on getting the attention of a girl. i hope the next book will be better.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.