General Jumpchain Thread the 13th RP (2024)

dhasenan said:

Kind of ironic. It's very easy to win this very thoroughly with something that lets you create and share powers. You don't even have to go as far as Worm CYOA's Power Manipulation; Dexter's Lab has GENIUS!! that lets you make super serums, for instance. But if you want a narrow theme, it could be harder to find both your main ability and your supporting powers in that budget, especially since you're trying to similarly outfit everyone in your team.

Heck with it, I'm trying it.

Aehriman said:

And most recently StarGazerMorningstar put up a challenge called Forging Your Own Legend. Build a novel superhero team of you and your eight Companions. Frontload 5K cp to mail order perks, powers and gear for the punch of you (or 555.55... per person). Anything free or under 50 cp gets bumped up to 50 cp. If a perk or item gives you another perk/power/item for free, makes that a 75% discount instead.
Automatically waive any restrictions to a particular origin or requiring previous Jumps. Prerequisities of another, perhaps more basic perk remain in place, gotta buy them capstone boosters if you want to boost the capstone. You can buy stuff from setting-specific supplements like the Nasuverse Servant Builder or the APGTE Named Supplement, but you only get half the stipend.
You can also mail-order drawbacks! As long as they're reasonably universally applicable and you don't mind them becoming chain-long while only benefitting from this one frontload payout.
Hardcode mode is obligatory. 0 starting cp, drawbacks give half points and are capped at +1000 cp (regardless of normal drawback limit)
Finally, your Benefactor will be enforcing a superhero code of conduct appropriate to the Silver Age. The more violations you stack, the harder your life will become.

A slot for me and a slot for SO. Mine is gonna look a lot like my Dragon Lord Ascendant FJB, but with some flourishes. Stealing magic from Sorothustra and brains from the Transynth.

I said split nine ways everyone gets 550 cp. Gonna have to be a little selfish, rob Peter to pay Paul, and take on a couple drawbacks to make things quite work. I'm throwing this together on the assumption I don't get to consult with people beforehand. So be prepared to be offended.

Ursine, because every team needs a bear.

A Sense Of Self (50): The multiverse is a dangerous place and not just to one's physical or spiritual self, but sometimes even to their minds. Sanguinarchs, Omega Lords, Grand Venuses, and other cosmic beings are capable of potently and nearly irresistibly overcoming the sense of self of beings as mighty as non-ascendant gods, demons, dragons, and the undead, and enslaving them. Thankfully, this perk exists. By taking this perk you are immune to all mind-control and any alterations to your mind that, if you were sober and fully informed as to their long-term effects, you would reject. This is a simple but immeasurably potent protection that ensures that you will forever be who you are meant to be and will never become a simple puppet. The only things that can override this perk are drawbacks or other contexts in which you'd be reduced to your body-mod and locked out of your alt-forms such as a gauntlet.

Rift To Anywhere (50): The kekkei mōra technique known as Yomotsu Hirasaka is one of the most common techniques used by our clan and most of the Ōtsutsuki have access to it, including you. As the progenitor technique of all space-time ninjutsu, it enables you to open rifts in the fabric of space that allow them to instantaneously transport themselves to another location, essentially working as portals. The openings can be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension, or even link two dimensions. By entering these portals, the user is able to retreat, disorient enemies, execute ambush attacks at a moment's notice or just use it as transport. For now, you can use it to teleport to anywhere within a planetary system and its range will increase as you grow stronger, but, until post-Spark, you'll be completely unable to use it to open rifts to past Jumps.

Create Objects (100 CP)
You can, at will, "create" any in context object of your choice. Are you in a classic fantasy setting? Swords and treasures aplenty. Are you in a military setting? Unlimited weapons and ammo.

Create Places (100 CP)
You can, at will, "create" buildings, structures, locales, and if you're feeling particularly enchanted, even pocket dimensions and planets. They must be in context, however, so you can't create krypton while you're in a marvel jump or some such. Creating a random planet is probably fine... if a bad idea given the regional or planetary scale of most settings.

Out of Context Creation (200 CP)
Now, when you create something, it no longer has to be within context. Create the one ring in dragonball; summon krypton into the marvel universe; or create magical artifacts in an otherwise mundane setting, heck, you can make up some power if you want to - it's all open to you.

Yoinking 50 cp. But you can go anywhere within planetary limits and conjure anything you can imagine, up to the size of a planet. Including super-serums, power armor, fleets of starships, ancient relics of lost magic from this or that setting. You can also create hammerspace and pocket dimensions at will.

cliffc999, not part of the Pact of Jumpers who are ready to go if any Jumper swings by our 'verse, but you've said before you'd give up a lot to go. You're getting robbed so I can stack instant regeneration from a single cell and a +1UP on top of my invulnerability, on the assumption that Companions respawn, Jumper dies and it's over. Console yourself that you're going on a Jumpchain and we're gonna be superheroes, and this is just the start for you.

A Sense Of Self - 50: The multiverse is a dangerous place and not just to one's physical or spiritual self, but sometimes even to their minds. Sanguinarchs, Omega Lords, Grand Venuses, and other cosmic beings are capable of potently and nearly irresistibly overcoming the sense of self of beings as mighty as non-ascendant gods, demons, dragons, and the undead, and enslaving them. Thankfully, this perk exists. By taking this perk you are immune to all mind-control and any alterations to your mind that, if you were sober and fully informed as to their long-term effects, you would reject. This is a simple but immeasurably potent protection that ensures that you will forever be who you are meant to be and will never become a simple puppet. The only things that can override this perk are drawbacks or other contexts in which you'd be reduced to your body-mod and locked out of your alt-forms such as a gauntlet.

Heavenly Restriction[Superior Physiology] - 50
You have a heavenly restriction, in return for not having access to any supernatural energy (For this jump at least) you will have a Physiology that makes you absurdly powerful to the point that even without training you're absurdly powerful. First your body is always going to be fit and have peak athletic build and a small natural boost to your looks. Second, you're going to be naturally confident, but it also makes you take a healthy amount of caution. Third, you're innately able to gauge the strength of others just by looking at them at least in relation to yourself and this including any hidden power they have. Fourth, your physical abilities are absurd now, for starters your body is durable enough to take a 50 caliber sniper round to the forehead at point blank range and only have your head slightly pushed back because of it. Your physical speed and strength are terrifying with you being strong enough to casually crater the ground at your feet by stamping and if you try to destroy a multistory building with a single punch. You're fast enough to go from a standing start to standing a few meters behind someone that was already 10 meters away from you in the opposite direction and steal a hat from them in the literal blink of an eye with your perceptions, reaction and dexterity scaling to match. Your dexterity and spatial awareness is enough to effortlessly fight anyone weaker than you blindfolded in a place you've never been. You have a natural danger sense that warns you similarly to spider sense though it gives you a sense of where and what the danger is allowing you to react better than you should be able to. You're a natural at combat and anything physical even without other talents you could be the best at any skill or style of combat within 5 years of casual effort. You're absurdly flexible and precise in your movements that you could casually balance on your fingers and walk on a tightrope while bending yourself in knots with them almost as easily as walking on a normal solid path. You have a reduced amount of needs requiring only half the sleep as before and comfortably surviving on only 1 bowl of rice or equivalent per day and only half the amount of liquid as before. In addition to that you naturally regenerate and recover much faster allowing you to recover from exhaustion 10 times faster than before and your natural regeneration can not only fully regenerate missing limbs but is fast enough that you could lose an arm at the elbow and have it fully back by the end of 2 weeks. Your stamina is also absurd now enough that your could fight at full effort for 6 hours non stop and only be slightly winded. Lastly you are resistant to supernatural energies. Enough that any form of supernatural energies would need to be twice as potent to affect you as badly as they would for a normal person. This is a base of any physical abilities you have and affect any alt form you have/gain meaning that each form would have proportional increase in physical abilities(including powers that are based in biology) for each alt form you have. Also since this is now your base capabilities any enhancements gained are scaled on top of this now.

Sensory Mastery -100
Your senses are 10 times more potent than peak human senses and have such mastery over them you can perceive all that each of your senses pick up with startling clarity and awareness as if you were focused on each thing you sense. Your senses are also startling hard to harm now to the point you could only be slightly irritated if a flash bang directly hit you. It wouldn't even hinder your sight now. You can't be annoyed with your senses now.

50 - Supercritical
Your intellect has ascended to where it's uncertain if you are actually a post-Singularity entity or not. You could learn how to play a musical instrument
in minutes or assimilate the bulk of human knowledge in just a few weeks, figure out the theory behind generating artificial gravity just by cross-correlating multiple obscure facts from real-world physics and mathematics, multitask several separate mental projects simultaneously, easily
exercise conscious control over every muscle in your body, and demonstrate a nigh-transcendent level of genius in almost any field of endeavor, whether intellectual, artistic, or physical. Many elements of the psyche conventionally described as 'personality' are now entirely at your discretion, and you have full control over your emotions and all functions normally delegated to the subconscious mind.

Caped Crusader 50: You're adept and experienced at crime fighting as an unpowered vigilante. In stealth, combat, gadget wrangling, detective work, and the like, you're good enough to be Batman's sidekick. Not the best of them on this alone, but at least even with Tim Drake a year after Batman took him in.

I See Flaws - 100 CP
Uriah Olathaire serves a number of roles for the Emperor of Mankind. One of his lesser known roles is the Imperial Confessor. His duties in this role are to clear up any misunderstandings with the Emperor's commands and to aid the Imperial Family. To assist him in this duty the Emperor gave him the ability to see the flaws of anything, even himself. This allows him to see physical, mental, and spiritual weaknesses within others. For example, it allowed him to see the inner turmoil within Perturabo after he was assigned to restrain the Eye of Terror and sneak up on him by exploiting a flaw in his sight. You can see these weaknesses in others. There are a number of things you can do with this knowledge. You can exploit your foes in combat, provide a comforting hand to your allies, or even alter the faith of a devoted zealot. Even the greatest beings tend to have a few weaknesses.

Heavenly Restriction for a hell of a physical tune-up. .50 caliber bullets basically feel like getting slapped, and if you hit the ground or a large building, it won't be you who breaks. Supercritical for brains, general protection from mental f*ckery, because you deserve it. The skills of someone who has been Batman's understudy for a year. That should give your enhanced intellect and physical learning something to proc off of.

Enhanced senses are arguably less than the Body Mod's peak animal kingdom. But this has comprehensive fiat protection from being blinded or taken out by sonics.

And on a more metaphorical level, the ability to see the weaknesses in others, to exploit or help them, is a hell of a thing.

What more can I say? You strike me as the most likely of my Jumpchain friends to become Batman, given the physicality back and obligated to go superheroing across the multiverse.

nobodez, for being an all-around decent and obliging person.

A Sense Of Self (50): The multiverse is a dangerous place and not just to one's physical or spiritual self, but sometimes even to their minds. Sanguinarchs, Omega Lords, Grand Venuses, and other cosmic beings are capable of potently and nearly irresistibly overcoming the sense of self of beings as mighty as non-ascendant gods, demons, dragons, and the undead, and enslaving them. Thankfully, this perk exists. By taking this perk you are immune to all mind-control and any alterations to your mind that, if you were sober and fully informed as to their long-term effects, you would reject. This is a simple but immeasurably potent protection that ensures that you will forever be who you are meant to be and will never become a simple puppet. The only things that can override this perk are drawbacks or other contexts in which you'd be reduced to your body-mod and locked out of your alt-forms such as a gauntlet.

Sorothustran Sorcery (50): Sorothustran magi are powerful magic users capable of using a myriad of magical disciplines with fantastical finesse and frightening skill. The most powerful and famous, as well as infamous, Sorothustran sorcerers categorized their sorcery into four broad categories: Iron Law, Nornic Fractal, Wild Dream, and Chaos Calculus. Each of these broad schools of arcane skill and thought has unique quirks and strengths, and you can pick one to specialize in. You can use magic related to that school with greater precision, faster, easier, and are better at piercing defenses and ignoring antimagic when you harness magic related to this school of thaumaturgical thought.
Iron Law is the school of magic that focuses on construction, maintenance, defense, and paradoxically destruction as well. This school is incredibly effective at stopping magic, chaos, and most forms of reality warping. In simple terms, this school is good at both offense and defense and is an excellent, and at least initially, simple school. True mastery of this school allows you to be the one who decides what withstands the test of time, and what will become forgotten, buried under the sands of time.
Nornic Fractal is the school of Sorothustran magic that deals with life, intelligence, and destiny. Even novices of this school gain enhanced affinity with magic such as awakenings, biomancy, healing, and minor divinations. Masters of this arcane discipline have powerful life-manipulation abilities and can also prodigiously predict the future, at least barring things with fate manipulation or immunity to scrying and future-sight intervening to change the future.
Wild Dream is about massive-scale and incredibly potent magic. Dreamers who have walked down the wild road are tremendously powerful mages whose magic is boosted to star-scale but they lack the same level of focus and precision as the other Sorothustrans do (at least by default). This magic is centered around change and is powered by desire, growing stronger based on how much you want something and the more determined you are to get it. Masters of this school of magic are arcane titans who specialize in enacting grandiose changes to reality.
Chaos Calculus is the school of magic that is focused on precision, plots, methodical breakthroughs, and planning. This school of magic and ritual craft allows you to perform faster, cheaper, more effective rituals that tend to be more effective than the rituals done by other Sorothustrans, which in and of itself allows you to circumvent the most common limitation for Sorothustran magic: magic above star-scale requiring rituals.

An Age of Gods- 50: The Age of Gods is certainly a time to be alive. Humanity is far from as weak as it will become in the modern era, so you will require a suitable body to these early times. Should you be born later in this world's life, after the Age of Gods has ended, you will be quite the anomaly. A human with a body from the Age of Gods yet born in the latter ages. You have the physical and mental capabilities that any modern human would believe you are superhuman. You can tear through the stone or metal of the modern day without much exertion, perhaps even lift a tonne of weight over your head, and certainly outrun any horse. You have magical power unlike what appears to those who use magecraft, as you do not have magic circuits.
Instead, through your body runs pure magical energy, allowing you to much more easily manipulate your own energy and that of the world around you. Of course, such a thing requires training to utilise to any real effect but once you have that training, there is no modern mage not considered a freakish prodigy that could level with you. As befits a time of myths and heroes, you will be assured to be at least somewhat attractive and it is possible for your body to grow to somewhat inhuman degrees, though whether that manifests as being eight feet tall and bulging with muscles or the sort of beauty normally seen only in the depictions of fertility goddesses in the temples of Babylon...that's still to be decided.

Ninja Basics - 50: You have the abilities, training, and experience of a veteran genin of Konoha, and are ready to take your first chuunin exam (although you may or may not actually be enrolled to). You have chakra capacity and control sufficient to place you in the top 5% of your class, excellent physical conditioning for a ninja, all the Academy basics fully mastered, and a dozen or so genin-level jutsu and techniques appropriate to your particular specialty. This does not give you a bloodline.

Seeker Of Mysteries (50) – As an Archmage you have taken the first steps into understanding the power and form of Imperial Mysteries. As such you have potential to cast spells of such imposing power that they could change the world. These spells are called Imperial Mysteries and are powered by Quintessence. You now have knowledge of the first level of these great feats of power and have the potential to learn more in time and grow in power, you also have an uncanny ability to seek and find quintessence. Going on a quest for a quintessence to power a lower tier mystery could take you up too a half year of constant searching without help with the greatest quintessence's taking only a decade to unearth without aid.

Archmastery (50) – You have achieved archmastery (shown as a sixth dot in your magical attainments in an arcana) And crossed the threshold of the golden road creating your own Cintamani. You are no longer bound as a normal awakened would be in your studies of the arcana, you can grow in knowledge and skill simply by studying the symbols present in the supernal without the aid of a teacher, though having a teacher would still provide a great boon.
As an Archmage your spells no longer are susceptible to paradox unless casting Imperial Mysteries (Which are always vulgar and have potential to cause paradox) Your spells no longer cost mana to use when cast using this system of magic (so long as they are below the level of master) you still suffer the penalties inherent in learning and using spells from your towers inferior arcana though. An Archmage is in many ways a living expression of the watchtower they follow and will often take on characteristics of the arcana they follow, you no longer age unless you wish it and are immune to disease though you may still be killed.
Finally you are aware of changes to reality at large and for the most part immune to spells which alter the fabric of the world at large around you. Meaning if someone erased the earth magically and replaced it with an exact copy you would know, but if someone just fireballed an area you be affected just as anyone else.

Saidin (300):
• Saidin is the male half of the One Power. It is described as a raging torrent of the Power which must be subdued and dominated by a strong-willed channeler in order to be controlled. You were born with the spark, and have been able to channel since you were a child, and can hold the Power perpetually, even when sleeping, which is almost unique. You have been taught the basics of wielding it. Merely holding the one power makes your senses sharper and better, your reactions quicker, life itself feeling simply more. It will be like living in high definition, going from 480p to 1080p60.
You can choose two elements to be strong in, Earth, Spirit, Water, Air, and Fire, and you can choose two talents that you have.
A man channeling Saidin repeatedly over a longer time starts to "slow," meaning that he doesn't age in the same way as a man without the ability, giving the man a longer life equal to the amount of power they have. The strongest have the lifespan of a millennia.
Men feel women holding the Source as a tingling on their skin, like goosebumps. They can also sense when another man is holding the Power though not in the way women do: a man would describe it as a feeling of awe and menace, with nothing truly visible, and not easily pinpointed to a particular location or person. The farther the channeling, the fainter the feel. However, unlike women, men are unable to link together unless they link together with a woman. Instead, they grow in strength much faster than women. The stronger you are, the easier it is to learn and master new waves.
One purchase make you average in strength.
Two purchases make you equal to Demandred and Logain.
Three purchases make you equal to Rand Al'Thor and Ishamael and is the peak a male Channeler can become.
You don't have to fear burning out, and you are immune to Severing.

Basics in several extremely powerful, complex and versatile magic systems. Physically the weakest hero here, you can lift a ton. But as a wizard, why would you ever get into arm-wrestling contests? You'll have to figure out a lot of how your complex abilities work, but in time, watch out.

Belial666 gets some extra, to satisfy my morbid curiosity over what she'll do with the literal console commands.

A Sense Of Self - 50: The multiverse is a dangerous place and not just to one's physical or spiritual self, but sometimes even to their minds. Sanguinarchs, Omega Lords, Grand Venuses, and other cosmic beings are capable of potently and nearly irresistibly overcoming the sense of self of beings as mighty as non-ascendant gods, demons, dragons, and the undead, and enslaving them. Thankfully, this perk exists. By taking this perk you are immune to all mind-control and any alterations to your mind that, if you were sober and fully informed as to their long-term effects, you would reject. This is a simple but immeasurably potent protection that ensures that you will forever be who you are meant to be and will never become a simple puppet. The only things that can override this perk are drawbacks or other contexts in which you'd be reduced to your body-mod and locked out of your alt-forms such as a gauntlet.

Ōtsutsuki Physiology 50: You're an Ōtsutsuki, a member of a species of pale horned aliens, having all of their advantages and strength, including their godlike power. Even the average member of your clan is born with an incredibly immense reserve of chakra, have enough strength to chop down a God Tree with a single physical attack, enough speed to appear as if you teleported a kilometer and half away and enough resilience to survive being cut in half for a few minutes or even more, but you'll still die from it if you don't find some way to heal yourself. You can also use the five basic nature transformations (fire, water, lightning, earth and wind), along with access to Yin Release and Yang Release and the potential to use Yin-Yang Release with enough training and time. Your power is enough to easily match five Kage-level shinobis, as well as having the potential to become even stronger than this. Your lifespan is hundreds of years and it can be extended further if you absorb chakra from powerful sources, up to the point you can achieve agelessness. While you can still eat, breathe and drink if you want, you don't require any sustenance other than chakra and you can easily survive in space. If you aren't a pure Ōtsutsuki but a hybrid instead, your appearance will be different due to your mixed heritage, being similar in appearance to Hagoromo and Hamura, which have less pale skin but still retain more alien traits like white eyes and horns

The Console - 800
The Console was the special power that was gifted to Sev when he was thrown into the world of Fallout. This power gave him the ability to create and modify various items. Creation allowed him to freely spawn any item imaginable under the size of one cubic meter. Though you can unlock more items outside of this range by acquiring copies of them. As a result after Sev saved Piper's town he was able to create an array of new items when he discovered items they possessed. Modification allowed him to freely alter the properties of an item For example, he was able to give all of his equipment max-level stats (9,999,999,999 after upgrades), infinite ammo, and alter the items at will. The third power Console gives you is the ability to restore. Restoring allows you to return something to pristine condition, though this can have disturbing effects on living beings.
Next, is the companion system which tracks notable individuals who follow you. This allows you to inspect the status of your allies, see how they feel about you, and can give you special rewards based on your relationship with them.
The fifth aspect of the Console is the Remote Pickup. This power allows the user to freely move objects regardless of weight and rotate them. Though this can have negative effects at extreme speeds. You can claim objects by touching them which allows you to move them from a distance. This feature can also be used similarly to the Build Mode in Fallout 4 allowing for rapid construction.
The sixth piece of the Console is an achievement system. This system keeps track of notable or unique actions you perform. Many of these achievements will grant you special rewards. Lastly, the Console possesses a number of other features as well which you can explore over time.

Otsutsuki is a very high starting position for raw power, though you'll need a lot of training to make the most of it. And the Console will let you ctrl+c and trick out items, to start, and eventually give you cheat codes to reality.

Sonic0704 gets robbed harder than Cliff. But I have a lively faith in them.

A Sense Of Self - 50: The multiverse is a dangerous place and not just to one's physical or spiritual self, but sometimes even to their minds. Sanguinarchs, Omega Lords, Grand Venuses, and other cosmic beings are capable of potently and nearly irresistibly overcoming the sense of self of beings as mighty as non-ascendant gods, demons, dragons, and the undead, and enslaving them. Thankfully, this perk exists. By taking this perk you are immune to all mind-control and any alterations to your mind that, if you were sober and fully informed as to their long-term effects, you would reject. This is a simple but immeasurably potent protection that ensures that you will forever be who you are meant to be and will never become a simple puppet. The only things that can override this perk are drawbacks or other contexts in which you'd be reduced to your body-mod and locked out of your alt-forms such as a gauntlet.

Power [100]: Pick a Parahuman from Worm or Ward. You have their powers, but they are not shard-based. This cannot be taken multiple times. (Panacea)

Blacklight - 50: You've been infected by the Blacklight virus, a modified strain of the Redlight virus, created by Dr. Alex Mercer. This grants you increased physical abilities like strength, durability, and more. You possess heightened senses and a much higher pain tolerance along with a greatly boosted healing factor, allowing you to regrow lost limbs in an hour. Illness and disease are a non-issue for you, with the exception of the exotic. Things like food, air, and water are now suggestions rather than requirements. The most important part is the virus is slowly mutating and evolving within you, granting you more power and abilities albeit at a very slow rate.

Powers (50) What would you do if you had the power to do whatever you want, Jumper? No matter what your answer to that question is, you'll be able to prove it to the world soon enough. Through strange means, you have gained the potential to do great things, though you might not notice it for the first few weeks. But after some time, you will come to realize the existence of what might be described as a new sort of muscle. One that allows you to use a power commonly called telekinesis in fiction. After you first begin to use it, even moving a baseball around for a few seconds will be too much overexertion, the strain making your nose bleed. But like any other muscle, this one can be trained as well. Throughout the course of a few weeks, if you trained regularly, your power would grow by leaps and bounds, allowing you to easily move around cars, fly, or create a protective forcefield around yourself. And just a mere month after that, you would be able to throw around buses like they weighted nothing, easily fly through skyscrapers without harm, and create telekinetic pulses and vibrations to push away dozens of cars or threaten the structural integrity of multiple high-rises. If you kept at it, who knows how much stronger you could become.

Everybody gets immunity to mind control. You get Blacklight, which converts your body into viral bodymass that can reconfigure on the fly. And Panacea's power, so you can control the biology of whatever you touch. And the TK from Chronicle, fo those times whipfist isn't enough.

Velk, short and sweet.

A Sense Of Self - 50: The multiverse is a dangerous place and not just to one's physical or spiritual self, but sometimes even to their minds. Sanguinarchs, Omega Lords, Grand Venuses, and other cosmic beings are capable of potently and nearly irresistibly overcoming the sense of self of beings as mighty as non-ascendant gods, demons, dragons, and the undead, and enslaving them. Thankfully, this perk exists. By taking this perk you are immune to all mind-control and any alterations to your mind that, if you were sober and fully informed as to their long-term effects, you would reject. This is a simple but immeasurably potent protection that ensures that you will forever be who you are meant to be and will never become a simple puppet. The only things that can override this perk are drawbacks or other contexts in which you'd be reduced to your body-mod and locked out of your alt-forms such as a gauntlet.

Green Power Ring and Lantern Power Battery [50] – What you hold is the most versatile tool in the entire universe.
Powered by either one of the seven lights of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum or Death itself, the Power Ring of your chosen color is an immensely powerful item. Some colors differ between each other in terms of abilities and scope, but we will cover the basics before getting into the differences in
each Ring type. As each Ring is powered by a specific emotion, the user must be able to feel that emotion in great abundance in order to use it effectively...being 'out of touch' with said emotion will cause the Ring to fail. You have received your chosen Ring's emotion and the ability to tap into it by default. .
A few basic abilities the Power Ring grants is the ability to create a specialized uniform for the user, representing their chosen Corps and whatever design choices considered fashionable for their species. You may design yours to look however you wish, though it comes with no extra benefits beyond aesthetics. The Ring can also fire blasts using its own energy, either in simple beams of light or 'booms', altered to suit whatever you deem fit in that situation.
The Power Ring can also create a force field around the user, shielding them from environmental dangers such as deep space or unfavorable terrain, also functioning as life support that lets the user comfortably travel in deep space or other toxic environments. The force field and life support is adjusted to be suitable to your given species or biology. This also enables the use to fly at supersonic speeds within an atmosphere, while traveling much faster in outer space – intersystem and intergalactic travel is very common for all Corps.
Another basic ability is the Universal Translator – the Ring can translate any language in the entire universe, allowing the user to communicate with various alien species and cultures with much less difficulty. The Ring can also access a Galactic Encyclopedia that contains vast knowledge of the various galaxies in the universe, informing you of planetary locations and cultures so long as it isn't obscured for whatever reason. Post-jump, this becomes access to any public information networks, should they exist. Otherwise, it stores data you personally research and discover in their place.
Finally, the most famous ability of the Power Rings, particularly Green Lanterns, is the ability to create constructs made of pure energy. The user can create any particular item or construct so long as they have the necessary emotion in enough abundance to create it. Weapons, shields, battlesuits, on-demand computers, couches – almost anything is possible so long as the user has the emotion and energy needed to create it.
The Rings possess many other esoteric abilities, some rare and conditional, others long forgotten, though these are the mainstays of their arsenal. However, they do share a common weakness – the energy a Power Ring uses is finite. Constructs eventually vanish at the will of the user or when there is no more energy to sustain them, and when a Ring runs out of power, it is effectively a useless trinket. To recharge it, you must hold the Ring to your particular Lantern Battery and recite the Oath of your color...or an Oath thematically appropriate to your given emotion, should you find them unfit for your particular 'style'. Also, emotionally charged individuals can potentially overcome your Ring's power...those with a stronger willpower can break through Green constructs with somewhat greater ease, for instance. As the Ring's raw power is determined by your own emotions, being caught in a moment of weakness can make life very difficult for you.
Most of these abilities are based on the Green Lantern Ring, which forms the basis of most of the others. Any differences between the colors are noted below.

Primarch Physiology (50): All the Emperor's sons have been forged out of both physical matter and pure psychic force. In some, this manifests as incredible psychic talents, in others more esoteric gifts, but all have some things in common. You are to Astartes what Astartes are to children, standing head and shoulders over your fellows and obviously superior in every measurable way. You can hurl around Terminator armoured Astartes like they were children or punch straight through their plating, move far faster than even Astartes sight can follow, and even briefly lift a small Titan under your own power. A breathing apparatus is largely useless for Primarchs, for excepting a few chemical weapons and hellish worlds, a Primarch can breathe just fine in nearly any environment and even fight for hours without air amid the void of space. Not only that, you possess a fairly quick regeneration ability; you will heal from bruises in mere seconds and fully recover cuts down to the bone in minutes for a regular cut to hours for having the flesh entirely stripped off. But it is already extremely difficult to actually wound a Primarch, who is capable of surviving shots from tank cannons, bathing in molten rock, and being shot through the eye with sniper rounds. The average Primarch is also notably extremely resistant to psychic powers – capable of largely shrugging off all but attacks from extremely rare, extremely powerful psykers, though you may lower your resistance if you wish to be easier to affect with psychic powers such as healing and buffs from your allies.

Primarch Mentality (50): Your mind is every bit as honed as your body. Your towering intellect would be considered genius among the greatest of men, though naturally inferior to the Emperor Himself. At the least, you have perfect eidetic memory (though there are ways to make you forget) and can memorise vast quantities of information far faster than any living human has or ever will. Furthermore, all Primarchs seem remarkably resistant to Chaos corruption and possession; short of directly clutching a Daemon weapon, being wounded by a specific weapon meant to corrupt you personally, or willingly letting the power of Chaos into you, you do not fear the gradual insanity and corruption into darkness lesser men might face. A Primarch naturally has the kind of towering willpower to resist Chaos in general, even the Ruinous Powers must put some serious effort and elaborate plans into luring one over to their side.

Psychic Abilities (50): You are, even before any other purchases, a very strong psyker. However, your powers most likely manifest as latent abilities you have no particular influence over, and many Primarchs showed an... aversion to psychic powers that further limited their ability to develop them. If you were to deliberately apply yourself, learn to unlock your psychic potential and learn to safely use it, you could easily become an Alpha psyker at the very least. This is your raw potential and barring any other purchases in jump will begin entirely latent and untapped by yourself though it remains entirely possible you can awaken your gifts and reclaim your birthright as a mighty psychic demigod. Constant exposure to the Warp or the gifts of the Dark Gods may even empower you further...

A Lantern ring is a most formidable tool and weapon, especially married to a superhuman intellect and willpower. Primarch physiology and Alpha plus psyker potential give you something to fall back on should the ring be disabled or unavailable or lose a charge.

heridfel gets pigeonholed as the tech guy to meet a need of the team rather than their own inclinations. Sorry.

Transynth Talents (50): This is for transynths only. In much the same way that there are multiple things universal to every ascendant, there are things that are universal to "Every" transynth, as in abilities that you and any and every other transynth would share and possess due to your nature as transynths.
You possess transhuman intelligence. Your brain is equal to that of a Jupiter Brain in every respect, and the sheer processing power of this, coupled with the nature of your transystems is how you are capable of utilizing your powers remotely.
You are a transcientific engineer. You can evolve, growing in power and building all sorts of incredible super-science gadgetry and technology which you can affix to yourself or to use separately. Even the eldritch sciences of the Omega Lords is not beyond you, and their technology holds no secrets from you for reasons that are unclear even to your potent intellect.
You possess transtechnical mastery. Technology responds to your will and you possess an uncanny ability to take over technology in your presence. Systems of magic and enchantments are also applicable targets here, as is anything that functions off of consistent rules. You can also control anything you yourself created at will.

Power Core (50): What is it that powers you? You are an incredible machine of some sort, and thus require an equally remarkable power source. Whatever you pick during this moment, the moment at which you are ascending, will power you from the start of your journey here until you are forcibly depowered such as by a drawback, or you lose your chain, and if you spark this will continue to give you a potent power source. All cores sustain you indefinitely, providing for all of your basic needs, and never needing to be recharged. You CAN take this out and place it somewhere without endangering it or weakening you, but it's possible that you'd be the safest place for it depending on your durability, any outside context perks, and the choices you've made here. If your power core were somehow destroyed, you could transfer your consciousness to another object you control or have created and slowly rebuild your core. This counts, as far as jumpchains go, as a 1-up that is usable every ten years/once per jump, whichever comes first. It's worth noting that wherever you send your consciousness you will exist in a weakened state, which will persist for a few weeks as you rebuild your core.
Tesseract Universe: You have found a way to shrink an entire universe into your core and siphon off the energies produced by countless sextillions of stars. You are a walking type IV civilization, and can store countless items and even people or civilizations inside of yourself. You can turn your awareness internal if you wish and in doing so can see what those inside of you are doing, but nothing they can do can negatively affect you, nor can they ever escape without your permission unless you perish somehow. This can easily allow you to serve as your own warehouse.

Primary Material (300): Transynths are made of any combination of three potent mystical metals. These mystical metals are named Orichalcum, Darksteel, and Mithril, and all three have their own innate qualities which will become a part of you during your apotheosis. You can select one for free, two for 200 TP, and all three for 300 TP.
Each of the materials provides four types of benefits/abilities. There is the "Boon" the primary nature of the benefits you get, the "Aura" a passive benefit you give your allies so long as they are in range and you want them to benefit from the abilities in question, "Tinkering" which is an ability you possess to increase/improve attributes related to your metal(s), and then the "Speciality" which refers to a discount selecting a metal will get you on a type of transystem (an ability possessed by transynths divided into four categories; "Offensive", "Defensive", "Mobility", and "Utility").
Orichalcum is the metal of magic and other esoteric energies. By making orichalcum your primary metal (or one of it at least) you cement yourself as a master of magic and psionic abilities, able to cast dozens of high level spells at once, armed with telepathy strong enough to subjugate planetary populations, and capable of using telekinesis mighty enough to destroy mountains (this is your boon). Your aura empowers the magic and psionics of your allies up to a galaxy's distance around you, and this aura is so mighty that novices gain archmage levels of power and archmages can perform planet-changing feats. Objects they make or use are similarly improved. As far as tinkering goes, you can upgrade things and even people holistically, with things you create being better overall than they should be and with people you upgrade gaining a boost to all of their abilities though one that is only moderate in strength. By making this your primary metal or one of your primary metals you get a 50% discount on all weaponry transystems.
Darksteel is the metal of resilience and resistance. If you make darksteel your primary metal, or one of them, then you will have strength necessary to shatter planets with singular blows, and the durability needed to take a planet-killing laser or planet-destroying blow to the face without blinking. This durability extends to all vectors and it would take blows with equivalent power or equally potent status effects to overcome this level of defensive might. Your aura makes your allies stronger and tougher, strong enough to crush coal into diamonds and tough enough to tank hits that would hurt adamantine. Even their infrastructure benefits from this, with objects in their possession becoming tougher, with starships becoming able to tank hits from entire fleets of foes. As far as tinkering goes, this metal makes you a whiz at upgrading people and infrastructure to be tougher and more reliable, and things you make are tougher and more reliable than they'd otherwise be. By purchasing you will get a discount on defensive transystems.
The final of the three metals is known as Mithril. This is the metal of speed and vitality. If you purchase it as part of your primary composition you will gain faster-than-light speed (to the extent that galactic distances are distances you can cross in an instant), reflexes and agility needed to make use of this speed, and you can even stop time for a few seconds every few hours. This also amps up your passive regeneration, including your odder energy stores such as magic, chakra, or any other such things. Your aura shares your boosted speed and regeneration with allies and their possessions to the extent that their supernatural/esoteric energy stores also regenerate faster. Your tinkering makes things you create faster and more regenerative and you can upgrade people and things to have wholly new abilities! Your specialty is speed and you gain a discount on all mobility transystems.

Technosupremacy Array (100): By default transynths can seize control of technology in their presence but this power lets you seize control of technology up to the distance of a planet away from you, and this passively makes it far easier to use your remote powers out of technology you create and/or control. This can also include magic, so long as the magic is a part of a well-defined magical system you understand. When charged you can use this to seize technology in the same galaxy as you/up to a galaxy's length away from you.

You're a cyborg, who can subvert all tech on a planetary scale with a shrug. Hyper-intelligent, faster than most speedsters, tougher and stronger than most Superman interpretations. Plus you can provide huge buffs to the speed, strength and durability and magic/psionics of allies, while yourself having the potential to become an insanely capable mage and psion.

3200/5000 starting cp spent, you can build quite the team this way. SO gets 600 into mostly Sanguinarch, with Sorothustran magic and a Mother Box. My own build will take more time as I contemplate what drawbacks I'm willing to entertain as chain-wide.

Firing up the old random roller we are taking this multiversal superhero show first to…. Either DOTA 2, DC Blackest Night, or Omnibus New World of Darkness. Dice karma is a thing, and it hates me.

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General Jumpchain Thread the 13th RP (2024)


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