MARRIED 1843: On Tuesday evening, January 17th, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Henry C. Wayne, First Lieutenant First Regiment U.S. Artiltillery, to Mary Louisa, daughter of the late Henry W. Nicoll.
MARRIED 1843: On Wednesday, Jan. 18th, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Lewis Howard Livingston, to Julia Augusta, youngest daughter of the late James Boggs, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: On the 8th inst., Francis A. Worthington, Esq., of Chilicothe. Ohio., to Jane Lomax of Washington.
MARRIED 1843: In Paris, on Thursday, the 26th January, at the Hotel Gallifas, by the Right Rev. Lord Bishop Luscombe, Regis, Raron de Trobriand, to Miss Mary Mason Jones, of New York, United States of America. The Baron de Trobriand, son and nephew of two general officers, belongs to a family, who, before they took their place among the nobility of Bretagne, in the fourteenth century, was a noble Norman family of England. The witnesses on one side were, General the Duke of Clermont Tonnerre (long time minister under the Restoration,) and the Marquis de la Rochejacquelin, Deputy; on the side of the lady, Mr. Ledyard, Charge d'Affaires of the United States, Robert Ray, Esq., and Colonel Thorn. Alter a dejeune, at which were present several persons of the highest distinction, the newly married couple left Paris for Tours to pass a few days.
MARRIED 1843: On the 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Dr. James Trudeau, to Cephise, daughter of Francis E. Berger, M.D.
MARRIED 1843: On Wednesday evening, 26th April, instant, by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, Samuel G. Howe, of Boston, to Julia, daughter of Samuel Ward, late of this city.
MARRIED 1843: On the 26th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Spring, George F. Allen, Esq., to Grace Davison, daughter of James Brown, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1843: On Wednesday, 17th instant, at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, S.T. Jones, to Martha M., daughter of Philip Thomas, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: At Burlington, N.J., on Tuesday evening, May 2d, by the Rev. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, John C. Cruger, Esq., of this city, to Euphemia White, youngest daughter of the late Stephen Van Rensselaer, of Albany.
MARRIED 1843: This morning, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, Alexander Fleming, to Angeline, daughter of the late John Stebbins, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1843: At Green Lawn, Burlington, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Beach Jones, Jonathan H. Hasbrouck, of Kingston, N.Y., to Hannah Chauncey, daughter of the late Rev. John Chester, D.D.
MARRIED 1843: At Cincinnati, May 18, by Rev. John T. Brooke, Rufus King, Esq., to Margaret, daughter of Dr. Laudon C. Rives.
MARRIED 1843: May 23, by Rev. Dr. Anthon, William H. Paine, to Virginia, daughter of Reuben Withers, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: At Poughkeepsie, on Thursday, June 1st, by the Rev. Dr. Van Vranken, Middleton Goldsmith, M.D., of New York, to Miss Frances, daughter of Henry Swift, of Poughkeepsie.
MARRIED 1843: On the 6th instant, in St. Paul's Church, Paterson, N.J., by the Rev. A.M. Loutret, Dr. John O'Connor Barclay, U.S.N., to Anne Wilks, daughter of the late M.W. Collet, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: On Tuesday morning, the 6th instant, in St. Peter's Church, Chelsea, New York, by the Rev. Hugh Smith, D.D., James Clark Smith, of Milwaukie, W.T., to Harriet A. daughter of the late Robert C. Ludlow, of this city.
MARRIED 1843: Last evening, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Joseph Gallard Jr., to Maria Louisa, daughter of Benjamin Aymar, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1843: On Tuesday evening, June 6th, at Goshen, by the Rev. Mr. Page, David F. Gedney, to Harriet Robinson, daughter of the late Alexander Duer, Esq., deceased.
MARRIED 1843: On the 7th inst., at Great Neck, L.I., by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, Wm. H. Onderdonk, of New York, to Harriet Stella, daughter of Rob't W. Mott, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1843: On Tuesday 13th instant, at St. Mark's Church, by Rev. Dr. Anthon, Alfred Wagstaff, M.D., to Sarah P., daughter of Cornelius Dubois, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: At Boston, July 13th, Henry W. Longfellow, Professor of Modern Languages, in Harvard University, to Fanny Elizabeth, daughter of the Hon. Nathan Appleton, of the former place.
MARRIED 1843: On the 27th instant, at St. Paul's Church, Eastchester, by the Rev. Robert Bolton, the rector, William H. Harrison, of New York, to Mary, daughter of A. Hammond, late of Throg's Neck, Westchester county, deceased.
MARRIED 1843: On Thursday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, S. Cornell Ogden, of New Orleans, to Sarah Frances, daughter of Joshua Waddington, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: At Jamaica, L.I., on Thursday, 7th, by the Rev. Wm. L. Johnson, James Gore King, Jr., to Caroline, daughter of John Alsop King, of Jamaica.
MARRIED 1843: In Salem, 7th instant, William S. Wetmore, Esq., of New York, to Anstiss Derby, third daughter of John W. Rogers, Esq., of Salem.
MARRIED 1843: At Staten Island, on the 20th Sept., by the Rev. J.M. Wainwright, Samuel Ward, Esq., of New York, to Cedora, eldest daughter of John R. Grymes, Esq., of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1843: At Lancaster, on Tuesday, the 19th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Bowman, Thomas F. Potter, of Georgia, to Sarah Jane, daughter of the late Charles Hall, of Sunbury.
MARRIED 1843: Monday, 9th instant, at St Thomas' Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Charles James Livingston, to Charlotte Lucia, daughter of Thomas H. Merry, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: At Sing Sing, on the 12th instant, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, Edward B. Dean, to Caroline Archer, niece and adopted daughter of James Smith, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: On the 18th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Holdich, at Glenburn, in Rhinebeck, the Rev. Stephen Olin, D.D., President of the We Ieyan University, Middletown, Conn., to Miss Julia M. Lynch, daughter of James Lynch Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1843: On Thursday, the 19th instant, at St. John's Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, William Watson, Esq., to Louise Adele, daughter of Henry Lynch, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: On Tuesday evening, October 31st, by the Rev. Geo. H. Fisher, the Rev. Joseph Few Smith, to Emma C., daughter of the late Francis A. Livingston, of this city.
MARRIED 1843: On Saturday, the 4th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Mr. William Whitney, to Miss Mary Stuart, daughter of the late James McVickar, all of this city.
MARRIED 1843: On Wednesday evening, Nov. 8th, by Rev. Dr. Dewey, P. Kemble Paulding, to Elizabeth P., daughter of J. Green Pearson.
MARRIED 1843: In Albany, yesterday morning, November, 9th, by the Rev. Dr. Sprague, Gen. Rufus King, to Susan, daughter of Col. Robert Elliot, all of that city.
MARRIED 1843: On Wednesday, the 15th instant, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hughes, L. Palmieri, to Salvania Adelaide, daughter of the late Charles Brugiere.
MARRIED 1843: In Boston, on the 4th instant, by Rev'd Dr. Gannett, Robert M. Mason, to Sarah Ellen, daughter of Ebenezer Francis, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: This morning, at St. John's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Bayard Clarke, Esq., U.S.A., to Aletta Remsen, daughter of the late Thomas R. Lawrence, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: On Thursday evening, 7th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Alfred Schermerhorn, to Elizabeth, daughter of William Barnewall, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: At the Mount Savage Iron Works, Alleghany county, Maryland, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Wall, J.B. Staples, Esq., counsellor at law, of New York, to Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Young, Esq.
MARRIED 1843: On Tuesday morning, in St. John's Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, S. Henry Remsen, to Elizabeth Mayhew, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Wainwright.
MARRIED 1844: On the 10th instant, at Trinity Church, Newark, N.J., by the Right Rev. Bishop Ives, of North Carolina, the Rev. John Henry Hobert, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late C.S. Riggs, Esq., formerly of this city.
MARRIED 1844: On the 8th instant, at the Briars, the residence of Dr. Robert P. Page, Clarke County, Virginia, by the Rev. Mr. Jones, Passed Mid. J.M. Wainwright, U.S. Navy, to Maria, eldest daughter of Dr. Page.
MARRIED 1844: At New Orleans, on 24th February, Alfred Kearny, to Emma B., daughter of Abraham H. Inskeep.
MARRIED 1844: On Thursday, April 11th, at Saint Paul's Chapel, by the Right Reverend the Bishop of New York, Dr. Edward Hodges, to Sarah Anne, daughter of William Moore, M.D. deceased.
MARRIED 1844: In this city, on Wednesday evening, the 17th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Phinney, Edward C. Evans, M.D., of Philadelphia, to Mary Louisa, daughter of the late Benjamin, Allen, LL.D., of Hyde Park, Dutchess county.
MARRIED 1844: At Boston, on Tuesday, 14th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Vinton, Wickham Hoffman, of the city of New York, to Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Baylies, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1844: At Bay Side, Flushing, L.I., on Wednesday evening June 5th, by the Rev. Henry M. Beare, Cornelius W. Lawrence, of this city, to Lydia Ann, daughter of Effingham Lawrence, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1844: On Thursday morning, the 6th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Bedell, Waldron, B. Post, Jr., of the firm of Davol & Post, to Euretta B., daughter of Alfred Seton, Esq.
MARRIED 1844: At Baltimore, on Tuesday, 4th instant, Lieut. T. Augustus Craven, U.S. Navy, to Maria Louise, daughter of the late Geo. P. Stevenson.
MARRIED 1844: In Middletown, Con., Wednesday evening, June 19th, by the Rev. E. Edwards Beardsley, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Cheshire, Henry G. Habbard, of Middletown, to Charlotte Rosella, only daughter of the late Com. Thomas McDonough.
MARRIED 1844: In this city, at the Church of the Ascension, on Wednesday, 25th instant, by the Right Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, John Tyler, President of the United States, to Julia, daughter of the Hon. David Gardiner, deceased, late of this city.
MARRIED 1844: On Thursday, June 27th, by the Rt. Rev. George W. Doane, Bishop of New Jersey, William B. Parker, of Mount Vernon, Penna<?>., to Margaret E., daughter of Henry W. Hills, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1844: At Liverpool, Eng., on the 11th June, Mr. Valentine Mott, son of Dr. Valentine Mott, of New York, to Miss Isabella Fitzpatrick, of Edinburg, Scotland.
MARRIED 1844: At St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, John Constable, of Constableville, Lewis county, to Julia Evelyn, daughter of the late H.B. Pierrepont.
MARRIED 1844: At Ogdensburg, August 29, Mr. C. Colon Augur, U.S.A., to Mish Jane E., only daughter of the late Gen. Jacob Arnold.
MARRIED 1844: On the 4th instant, at St. John's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Isaac Bell, Jr., to Adelaide, daughter of Dr. Valentine Mott.
MARRIED 1844: At Albany, yesterday, by Prof. John A. Yates, D.D., Joseph C.Y. Paige, to Harriet, daughter of the late James Vanderpool.
MARRIED 1844: At Lower Red Hook, Dutchess county, on Tuesday 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Hobart, Franklin H. Delano, to Laura, daughter of William B. Astor, Esq.
MARRIED 1844: On Tuesday, the 17th instant, in Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn., by the Rev. Dr. Croswell, the Rev. Joseph H. Nichols, to Louisa, daughter of the late Rev. Edward Rutledge, of Charleston, S.C.
MARRIED 1844: On Wednesday, the 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, Minturn Post, M.D., to Mary, daughter of the late James King, Esq., of Albany.
MARRIED 1844: At St. George's Church, N.S., on the 7th instant, by the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Ralph Shuttleworth Allen Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, to Anne Elizabeth, 4th daughter of Hon. Samuel Cunard.
MARRIED 1844: In Washington, on Wednesday evening, the 25th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Lauria, Thomas C Amory Dexer, of Boston, to Elizabeth Marian, daughter of Col. T. Cross, Assistant Quartermaster General U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1844: On the 30th ultimo, at Greenhill, Goshen, by the Rev. G.T. Badell, John Pattison, M.D., to Maria Coloen, daughter of the late Martin Hoffman, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1844: On Wednesday, 2d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Spring, George Garr, to Eliza P., daughter of Joseph Kernochan, Esq.
MARRIED 1844: This morning Oct. 7th, by the Rev. Mr. Chauncey, Geo. F. Gorrissen, Esq., of Hamburg, Germany, to Sarah Charlotte, eldest daughter of Elbert J. Anderson, Esq., of Mamaroneck.
MARRIED 1844: On Wednesday evening, Oct. 9th, by the Rev. Dr. Knox, Herman T.E. Foster, to Mary Pauline, daughter of the late Antoine Lentilhon.
MARRIED 1844: At Tivoli, Dutchess County, on the 9th of October, by the Rev. John Henry Hobart, Henry B. Livingston, to Mary L. Livingston, daughter of Mr. John S. Livingston.
MARRIED 1844: At Oak Hill, October 6th, by the Rev. Mr. Hobart, Clermont Livingston, of Clermont, to Cornelia, daughter of Hiram Livingston, of the former place.
MARRIED 1844: At St. Paul's Church, East Chester, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. Robert Bolton, William A. Spencer, of Westchester, to Catherine, daughter of the late Peter Lorillard.
MARRIED 1844: On Tuesday morning, 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Skinner, Daniel D. Lord, to Mary Howard, daughter of Benjamin F. Butler, Esq.
MARRIED 1844: On Wednesday morning, 16th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. R. Townsend Huddart, John Schermerhorn, to Emily, daughter of H.W. Hills, Esq.
MARRIED 1844: At Hell-Gate, on Thursday, 17th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Brown, of Astoria, George Frederic Jones, to Lucretia S., daughter of the late Frederic W. Rhinelander.
MARRIED 1844: At Goshen, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. Dr. McCartee James H. Van Alen, to Mary, daughter of John Steward Esq.
MARRIED 1844: At St. Mark's Church, on the 24th of Oct. instant, by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, George Wickham Duer, to Catharine, daughter of Beverley Robinson.
MARRIED 1844: On Monday, October 21st, at St. Paul's, Chillicothe, by the Rev. Mr. Britton, William Peter, Esq., H.B.M. Consul for the State of Pennsylvania, to Sarah King daughter of the late Gov. Worthington of Ohio.
MARRIED 1844: On Friday evening, 2d Nov., by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, Thomas Crawford, Esq., to Louisa C. daughter of the late Saml Ward.
MARRIED 1844: At St. Peter's Church, Morristown, on Monday morning Nov. 11th, by Rev. Mr. Staunton, J.C. Burgess, of the New Jersey Hotel, to Adelaide Amblaidre.
MARRIED 1844: Yesterday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Bedell, Frederic G. Foster, to Emily, daughter of the late John Hone, Jr.
MARRIED 1844: On Thursday, the 14th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Potts James Alexander Brown, eldest son of James Brown, Esq., to Maria Louisa, daughter of Gardiner G. Howland, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1844: By the Very Rev. Dr. Power, on Saturday evening, Nov. 23d, Ernest Caylus, formerly of Paris France, to Theresa, daughter of John D. Ruyter, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1844: On the 10th instant, at Christ Church, Brooklyn, by the Rev. Dr. Stone. Hugh McCorquodale, to Helen, only daughter of the late Joseph Pitcairn, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1844: On Tuesday, 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Cortlandt Schermerhorn, to Ellen, daughter of James A. Bayard, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1844: On Tuesday evening, Dec 24th, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, B. Woolsey Rogers, Jr., to Helen, daughter of R.K. Hoffman, M.D.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, 6th instant, at the Church of St. Bartholomew's, by the Rev'd Francis Vinton, Samuel Powel, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late the Hon. Robert Johnston of St. Ann's, Jamaica, W.I.
MARRIED 1845: On the 4th inst., at Snowdoun, the residence of Mrs. Pugh in Marshall Co., Miss., by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Eaton Pugh Govan, Esq., to Miss Julia A. Hawks.
MARRIED 1845: In Trinity Church, Columbus, March 27, by the Rev. Mr. Dobb, Thomas W. King, Esq., of New Orleans, to Miss Elizabeth J. Neil, daughter of William Neil, Esq., of Columbus.
MARRIED 1845: On Wednesday, the 2d inst., by the Rev. Orville Dewey, Lucius Tuckerman, of Chicago, Ill, to Eliza Wolcott, eldest daughter of the late Col. George Gibbs, of Sunswick, Newtown, Queens Co. N.Y.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, the 3d instant, at Tarrytown, Westchester county, N.Y., by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, Oscar Irving, to Mrs. Eliza Romeyn.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Dewey, George T. Lyman, Esq., of Boston, to Miss Sally Otis, daughter of J.W. Otis, of this city.
MARRIED 1845: At Morristown, N.J. on Thursday evening, May 8th, by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, Archibald Gracie King, to Elizabeth Denning, daughter of William Alexander Duer. Esq.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, at St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. Dr. Whitehouse, William A. Bailey, to Julia, daughter of William Neilson, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: On Monday, 26th inst., in St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. Chas. Tomes, John A. Iselin, to Margaret Anne, eldest daughter of Francis Tomes, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: On Monday evening, May 26th, in St. Mark's Church, Leroy, by the Rev. Benjamin Hale, D.D., Rev. George D. Gillespie, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Cincinnati, to Rebecca Perit, daughter of Joshua Lathrop, Esqr. of the former place.
MARRIED 1845: In Waterford, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. G.B. Eastman, James M. Austin, M.D., to Miss Catharine Duer, daughter of the late Hugh Peebles, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: At Philadelphia, on Thursday, the 5th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Robert Morris Ludlow, of this city, to Mary L., daughter of the late Robert Fulton.
MARRIED 1845: At Port Mahon, (Island of Minorca, on the 22nd of March last, Lieutenant Dominick Lynch, of the U.S. Navy, to Antonia, eldest daughter of Lieutenant Joseph Arguimbau, of the Royal Navy
MARRIED 1845: At Philadelphia, 22d, Gouverneur M. Ogden of this city, to Harriet V. Evans.
MARRIED 1845: Married at Wilton Place, the Hon. Henry George Howard, youngest son of the Earl of Carlisle, to Mary Wellesley, daughter of John Mactavish, Esq., of Montreal, and niece of the Marchioness Wellesley.
MARRIED 1845: In St. Paul's Church, Troy, N.Y., on Tuesday evening, 3d instant, by the Rev. R.B. Van Kleeck, John B. Murray, of this city, to Sarah E., second daughter of the late M. Craft, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1845: At Elizabethtown, N.J., on Thursday, the 5th instant, by the Rev. F.W. Beasley, James A. Stevens, Jr., of Hoboken, to Julia Irving, youngest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Beasley, of the former place.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, 19th instant, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. Mr. Whitehouse, Francis Tomes, Jr., to Eleanor, daughter of David Hadden, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: At New Haven, on the 16th inst., William Hillhouse, M.D. of New York, to Cornelia, L., eldest daughter of the late James A. Hillhouse.
MARRIED 1845: At Moorings, the residence of Commodore Perry, near Tarrytown, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Chas. H. Halsey, Lieut. C.R.V. Rodgers, U.S.N., to Julia daughter of the late John Slidell.
MARRIED 1845: In Baltimore, on Thursday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, Captain Joseph E. Johnson, United States Topographical Engineers, to Lydia, daughter of the Hon. Louis McLane.
MARRIED 1845: On Wednesday evening. July 30th, by Rev. Mr. Barrett, Dr. William Turner, to Louisa Willoughby Ogden, daughter of Samuel G. Ogden. Esq.
MARRIED 1845: At Elizabethtown, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. R.C. Moore, Charles Howard Edwards, of New York, to Ann daughter of the late George C. Barber.
MARRIED 1845: At Morristown, N.J., on Thursday evening, 14th instant by the Rev. Mr. Stanton, Dr. John T. Metcalf, to Harriet Augusta, daughter of James Colles, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: At Elizabethtown, on Tuesday, 10th inst., by the Rev. R.C. Moore, Charles Bispham, of Mount Holly, N.J., to Margaret, daughter of the Hon. Wm. Chetwood, of the former place.
MARRIED 1845: At Saltville, on Wednesday, the 19th instant, by the Rev. L.F. Cosby, Mr. Henry O. McKee, of this place, to Miss Sarah C., daughter of Col. Wm. King, of Saltville.
MARRIED 1845: At Paris, on Wednesday, the 27th August, at the Hotel of the American Embassy, by the Rev. Robert Lovett, the Count Amede D'Audebart De Fergusson, to Alice, fourth daughter of Col. Thorn, of New York.
MARRIED 1845: On Tuesday, 23d instant, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, Henry Van Wart, Jr., of Boston, to Abbey, daughter of the late John T. Irving, of this city.
MARRIED 1845: On Wednesday the 24th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, William C. Schermerhorn, to Ann E.H., daughter of F. Cottenet, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1845: At Brooklyn, on Wednesday, October 7th, by the Rev. Mr. Dwight, J. Carson Brevoort, to Elizabeth Dorothea, daughter of Judge Lefferts.
MARRIED 1845: On the 14th instant, by the Rev. Charles W. Hackley, J. Brice Smith, to Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Stephens.
MARRIED 1845: On Tuesday, the 7th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. J.M. Wainwright, D.D., the Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, to Julia, daughter of the late James Strong, all of this city.
MARRIED 1845: In Baltimore, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Backus, John Bradford, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Col. Gen. Armistead, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, 16th instant, by the Rev. M.S. Hutton, James M. Brown, Esq., to Julia E. daughter of Waldron B. Post, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1845: On Saturday evening, Oct. 25th, at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, by the Right Rev'd. Bishop Hughes, Mr. C.L. Delaforrest, Consul General of France, to Clara, second daughter of Mr. P. Flandin, of this city.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday evening, 6th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henry Barclay Robinson, to Catharine Elizabeth, only daughter of Joseph Hudson--all of this city.
MARRIED 1845: On Tuesday, 2d inst., by the Rev. Orville Dewey, Henry L. Van Wyck, to Martha E. daughter of George W. Blunt.
MARRIED 1845: On Tuesday evening, Dec. 2d, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, William N. Callender, to Genevieve, daughter of John Anthon, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: On Tuesday, the 9th instant, by the Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, Edward L. Lynch, to Elizabeth J., daughter of the late James Strong--all of this city.
MARRIED 1845: In Savannah, Geo., on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Peyton L. Wade, Gilbert A Wilkins of New York, to Mary C. Taylor, daughter of Benj. B.N. Robert, of Barnwell, S.C.
MARRIED 1845: On Thursday, 11th instant by the Rev. Dr. Fisher, Charles Eames, to Fanny, daughter of James Campbell, Esq.
MARRIED 1845: On Wednesday evening, Decr. 10th, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Alexander Hamilton, Junr., to Angelica, daughter of Maturin Livingston. Esq.
MARRIED 1845: On the 11th instant, by the Most Rev. Archbishop Eccleston, and afterwards by the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, Adrian Iselin, of New York, to Eleanora, daughter of General Columbus O'Donnell.
MARRIED 1845: On the 17th instant, by the Rev. John Dowdney, Rector of St. James' Church, Thomas P. Remington, of Philadelphia, to Sarah Amelia, daughter of the late Abm. K. Fish and grand-daughter of the late John Beekman.
MARRIED 1845: At the Embassy of the United States of America, Paris, 24th of Dec., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Luscombe, Theodore Maunoir, M.D., of Geneva, Switzerland, to Christine, daughter of Samuel F. Jarvis. L.L.D., of Connecticut.
MARRIED 1846: On Thursday, 1st instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, Thomas Hollingsworth Morris, to Mary, daughter of Hon. Reverdy Johnson, all of that city.
MARRIED 1846: At Boston, Thursday, by the Rev. Dr. Frothingham, William W. Wadsworth, Esq., of Geneseo, N.Y., to Miss Emmeline, daughter of Samuel Austin, Esq.
MARRIED 1846: On Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Bellows, Julia, daughter of Daniel Stanton, Esq., to Mansell B. Field--all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: At Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Page, John V. Beam, of Pompton, N.J., to Catharine A. Duer, daughter of the late Alex. Duer.
MARRIED 1846: On Tuesday, the 10th instant, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Power, and afterwards by the Rev. Dr. Higbee, Lieutenant Francis S. Haggerty, U.S.N., to Mary, daughter of the late Wm. F. Pell.
MARRIED 1846: At the residence of Major Kingsley Gibbs, at Fort George Island, East Florida, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Young General Duncan Clinch, to Mrs. Sophia Couper, daughter of George Gibbs, formerly of N.Y.
MARRIED 1846: On Tuesday morning, at the Cathedral in Baltimore, by the Most Rev. Archbishop Eccleston, Hon. Solomon Hillen, late member of Congress, to Emily, daughter of Columbus O'Donnell, Esq., all of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1846: At Philadelphia, on Thursday evening, by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Dorr, George E. Hoffman, of New York, to Phoebe W., daughter of John White, Esq., of Phil.
MARRIED 1846: At Salem, on Monday evening, by the Rev. Dr. Flint, Miss Georgiana C. Silsbee daughter of Hon. Nath'l Silsbee, to Francis H. Appleton, of Boston.
MARRIED 1846: In Paddington, 20th ult., Miss Anne Gliddon, daughter of the late Mr. John Gliddon, of Holly Terrace, Highgate, London, to Mr. George R. Gliddon, formerly of Egypt.
MARRIED 1846: On Thursday, in St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. John W. Brown, of Astoria, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late Frederick W. Rhinelander, to Thomas H. Newbold.
MARRIED 1846: At Philadelphia, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. Hugh T. Harrison, of Baltimore, Emily, daughter of the late Chas. Kuhn, of Philadelphia, to Samuel T. Harrison, of Louisiana.
MARRIED 1846: At Boston, on 6th inst., by Rev. Mr. Peabody, Elizabeth Boardinan Ingersoll Bowditch, youngest daughter of the late Nathaniel Bowditch, to John James Dixwell, both of Boston.
MARRIED 1846: In Albany, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, Mary, youngest daughter of Isaih Townsend, deceased, to Capt. Wm. H.T. Walker, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1846: At Trinity Church, in Geneva, on Thursday the 14th inst., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop De Lancey, Miss Hannah Sophia, daughter of the late Hon. Cyrus King, of Saco, Maine, to Russell H. Haywood Esq., of Buffalo.
MARRIED 1846: On Sunday evening, 17th instant, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Charles H. Halsey, Miss Eliza F. Halsey, of Norwich, Vermont, to Lieut. Geo. M. Colvocoresses, U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1846: On Tuesday, the 19th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Spring, Jane, daughter of John Adams, Esquire, to John G. Smedberg.
MARRIED 1846: At Ury, Saugerties, on Thursday, 28th instant, by the, Rev. Hiram Adams, Catharine Barclay, daughter of John Kearney, Esq., to Cornelius Battelle.
MARRIED 1846: At Troy, on Thursday, 4th inst., at the Church of the Holy Cross, by Rev. John J. Tucker, Walter Rutherfurd, Esq., of New York, to Isabella, daughter of the late David Brooks, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1846: At Castle Hill, West Chester, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Charles Aldis, of Morrisiana, Ellen daughter of Gouverneur Morris Wilkins, to John H. Sereven, of Grahamville, S. Carolina.
MARRIED 1846: At Buenos Ayres, on 17th March last, at the residence of the Hon. Wm. Brent, Jr., charge d'affaires of the U.S. by the Rev. A. Fahey, Mary C. Walsh, daughter of Robert Walsh, Esq., Consul General of the U.S. at Paris, to Thomas P. McBlair, of the U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1846: In Trinity Church, Boston, on the evening of the 1st June, by the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of New Jersey, and the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Massachusetts, Edward N. Perkins, of Pine Bank, Roxbury, to Mary, daughter of the late Marshall Spring, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1846: At the Manor House, Albany, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Cornelia P., daughter of Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer, to Nathaniel Thayer, of Boston.
MARRIED 1846: On Wednesday, June 10th, at Utica, by the Rev. George Leeds, Frances Benton McVickar, daughter of Edward McVickar, Esq., of Utica, to Augustus Rodney Macdonough, <?> St. Louis, son of the late Com. Macdonough.
MARRIED 1846: At Elizabethtown, N.J., on Wednesday morning, June 11th, by the Rev. Dr. Magie, Harriette B., daughter of James Crane, Esq., to William B. Beverley, U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1846: At New Haven, on Wednesday, June 11th, by the Rev. Dr. Croswell, Laura, daughter of the late Francis Bayard Winthrop, of that place, to William Templeton Johnson, of New York.
MARRIED 1846: At Jersey City, on Wednesday, the 20th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Barry, Julia, daughter of Andrew S. Garr, Esq., to Sylvester K. Nevins.
MARRIED 1846: In Philadelphia, on the 23d instant, Miss Sarah Lang. daughter of the late John Lang, of New York, to Dr. J.J. Spencer, of Moorestown, N.J.
MARRIED 1846: On the 27th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, Annie, youngest daughter of the late Samuel Ward, Esq., of this city, to Adolph Mailliard, of Bordentown.
MARRIED 1846: At Morristown, on Tuesday, by the Rev. Wm Staunton, Laura, daughter of James Wood, to John DeCamp, U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1846: In New York on the 25th, in Trinity Church, by Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Caarles A. Peabody, of N.H., to Julia daughter of the late James Duane Livingston, of N.Y.
MARRIED 1846: At Greenfield Hill, Cenn, on Wednesday, 29th July, by Rev. Mr. Cornwall, Maria Bronson, daughter of James B. Murray, Esq., to Robert Cambridge Livingston--all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: At the residence of Wm. Kinney, Esq., in this place on Tuesday morning the 4th inst., by the Rev. T.T. Castleman, Dr. Robert S. Baldwin, of Frederick county, to Miss Letitia J. Speck, niece of the late James Hagerty, Esq., Consul at Liverpool.
MARRIED 1846: On the 6th instant, at Parsippany, N.J., by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, Miss George A. Bibby, daughter of the late George Bibby, Esq., of this city, to A.O. Brewster, of Hanover, N.H.
MARRIED 1846: At Albany, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Alfred Campbell, Miss Ellen D., daughter of the Hon. James M'Kown of Albany, to Mr. John C. Campbell, of Cherry Valley.
MARRIED 1846: On the 10th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, the Rev. Henry Eglinton Montgomery, to Margaret Augusta Lynch, daughter of James Lynch, Esq.
MARRIED 1846: At New Bedford, on Thursday evening, 1st inst., by the Rev. Ephraim Peabody, of Boston, N.P. Willis, Esq., of New York, to Cornelia, daughter of Hon. Joseph Grinnell, M.C.
MARRIED 1846: On Wednesday, the 7th, at the residence of Mrs. P.S. Van Rensselaer, Albany, by the Rev. Dr. Potter, Ann V.R. Van Wyck, daughter of General Van Wyck, of Westchester, to Alexander Wells, of New York.
MARRIED 1846: On Wednesday, the 14th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Huddart Wm. R. Morgan, to Maria Louisa Selden--both of this city.
MARRIED 1846: On the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Knox, at the Lower Dutch Church, Miss Mary C. Russell, daughter of William H. Russell, to Theodosius A. Fowler--all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: On Wednesday, 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Taylor, John L. O'Sullivan, Esq., to Susan Kearney, daughter of Dr. Kearney Rodgers, all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: At Baltimore, on the 22d instant, by Rev. Dr. Wyatt, Louisa, daughter of the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, to William R. Travers.
MARRIED 1846: On the 26th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, Mary Powell, daughter of Daniel Parish, of this city, to John Jeken Kingsford, of England.
MARRIED 1846: On Tuesday, 27th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Whitehouse, Jeremiah Van Rensselare, Junr., to Julia Webster, daughter of Samuel Jaudon, Esq.
MARRIED 1846: On Thursday, morning, the 29th instant, by the Rev. Andrew B. Paterson, John S. Winthrop, Junr. of New York, to Susan E., daughter of the late Richard Armistead, and only grand-child of the late Nathan Smith, of Newborn. North Carolina.
MARRIED 1846: On Thursday, 5th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Frederick W. Simonds, of Reading, England, to Sophie Elizabeth, daughter of L.P. de Luze, Swiss Consul at New York.
MARRIED 1846: On Saturday, Nov. 7, by the Rev. Mr. Southard, J. Grant Jackson, to Fanny Burrall, eldest daughter of Henry Hone, Esq.
MARRIED 1846: On the 10th instant, in Grace Church, by the Rev. S.L. Southard, Julia Gabriella, daughter of Samuel G. Ogden, Esq., to J. Kennedy Smyth--all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: On the 12th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, Elizabeth Shipton, only daughter of the late George W. Giles, Esq., to Joseph D.B. Curtis--all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: At Trinity Church, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. Cornelius R. Duffie, John Van Benthuysen Bleecker, to Sarah Rosalie, daughter of the late Henry Lynch.
MARRIED 1846: At Orwell, on Thursday, Nov. 19th, by the Rev. J.R. Keech Charles J. Bullus, of New York, to Mary J., daughter of the date Charles Rumsey, of Baltimore city.
MARRIED 1846: In Albany at St. Peter's Church on the 24th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Potter, Miss Julia French, daughter of the late Robert Elliot of Albany, to Mr. Patrick Smyth of Oswego.
MARRIED 1846: On the 3d instant, by the Rev. Dr. Sherwood, of Hyde Park, Emily, youngest daughter of the late David Hosack, M.D., to J. Kearney Rodgers, M.D.--all of this city.
MARRIED 1846: On Wednesday evening, 9th instant, by the Rev. S.L. Southard, John Jacob Astor, Jr., to Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Thos. S. Gibbes, Esq.
MARRIED 1846: At Zanesville, Ohio, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Smallwood, Kate, third daughter of the late Capt. Edmund Kearney, R.R., formerly of Key Grove, New Jersey, to Lieut. Thomas Jordan, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1846: On the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Whitehouse Sarah Jane, daughter of he late David Wagstaff, Jr., to Effingham Townsend.
MARRIED 1846: On the 22d instant, by the Rev'd. Dr. Taylor, Mary Lorillard, daughter of John D. Wolfe Esq., to Wm. B. Hoffman.
MARRIED 1846: At Philadelphia, on the 23d instant, by the Rev. M.A. De Wolfe Howe, Lydia, daughter of the late Samuel N. Lewis, Esq., to Edward M. Hopkins.
MARRIED 1847: On the 14th instant, in Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Laura, second daughter of Henry Brevoort, Esq., to Charles Astor Bristed.
MARRIED 1847: At Troy, N.Y., on the 24th instant, Elizabeth M. Van Schoonhoven, of Troy, to Edward N. Crosby, of this city.
MARRIED 1847: At Wilmington, Delaware, Jan. 28th, by the Rev. Mr. McCullough, Caroline, daughter of Hon. Richard H. Bayard, to Baring Powell, of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1847: At Yonkers, on Wednesday, 3d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Storrs, T.J. De Lancey, to Frances A., daughter of E.N. Bibby, M.D.
MARRIED 1847: At Washington, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Dewey, Carolina Seaton, daughter of W.W. Seaton, Esq., Mayor of Washington, to Francis Schroeder, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: On Tuesday morning, by the Rev. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, Cornelia P., daughter of the late Stephen Van Rensselaer, of Albany, to Robert J. Turnbull, of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1847: On the 4th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Miss Mary Bard, daughter of Mr. Wm. Bard, to Mr. Arthur B. Morris--all of this city.
MARRIED 1847: On the 17th instant, by the Rev. T. Jarvis Carter, Margaret Evertson, daughter of the late John Sivan, to Howard Crosby.
MARRIED 1847: On the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Jane J. Renwick, to Stanhope Callender--both of this city.
MARRIED 1847: On the 18th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Sarah, daughter of William Whitlock, Esq., to John Punneit, M.D.
MARRIED 1847: On the 20th instant, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hughes, Adelia, daughter of M. Le Barbier, Esq., to Eduard Stucken--all of this city.
MARRIED 1847: At Elizabethtown, March 31st, by the Rev. J.O. Rodger, Aaron B. Palmer, of N.Y., to Mary Eleanor daughter of Mr. Jonas Smith, of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: In Kent County, Md, March 22d, by Rev. Dr. C.F. Jones, Hon. James Alfred Pearce, U.S. Senator from that State, to Matilda C., daughter of the late Richard Ringgold.
MARRIED 1847: On Wednesday evening, 25th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Knox, John Mason Knox, Esq., to Maria, daughter of the late Francis A. Livingston.
MARRIED 1847: At Philadelphia, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Albert Barnes, Firmin Cousinery, of New York, to Mary, daughter of Wm. Wuuts, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1847: On the 10th instant, at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Anne., youngest daughter of the late Captain Edmund Kearney, of Key Grove, N.J., to Ellsworth Chesebrough, of the firm of Chesebrough, Stearns & Co, of this city.
MARRIED 1847: On Tuesday, 13th instant, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, by the Right Rev. Bishop McCloskey, G.R. Barry, of the U.S. Navy, to Agnes, daughter of Thomas Glover.
MARRIED 1847: At St. John's Church on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Seabury, Julia M., daughter of Robert D. Weeks, to Henry G. De Forest, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: At Savannah, on the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. Dr. Preston, Sarah Cecil, youngest daughter of Col. James Hunter, of Savannah, to C. Durand, of the firm of Goodhue & Co., of New York.
MARRIED 1847: At Grace Church, on the morning of Tuesday, the 25th inst., by Rev. Dr. Taylor Henry, Anthony W. Barclay, to Cornelia Smith daughter of Walter L. Cochran, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: In Philadelphia on Wednesday evening, the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Samuel B. Jones, of Bridgeton, N.J., A.S. Mesier, of Wappinger's Falls Dutchess county, N.Y., to Rebecca Ralston, daughter of the late John Chester, D.D., of Albany.
MARRIED 1847: At Tarrytown Westchester Co. on Tuesday, 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, William R. Grinnell, of Ingleside, Cayuga Co., to Charlotte, daughter of Ebenezer Irving, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: At Walecot, Bath, England, 30th June, by Rev. George Hawkin, Rector of Hornington, Suffolk, W.G. Villiers Villiers, Esq., eldest son of the late G.W. Villiers Villiers, to Norah Frances Sheridan, youngest daughter of the late Tyrone Power, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: In Washington, 19th inst., by Rev. J.W. French, J.A. Vanzandt, Engineer Corps U.S. Navy, to Gilbertine Livingston, daughter of G.L. Thompson, all of Washington.
MARRIED 1847: At Perth Amboy, on the evening of the 25th inst., by Rev. Andrew Bell Paterson, J. Lawrence Boggs, of New Brunswick, to Cornelia Bell, daughter of the late Wm. B. Paterson.
MARRIED 1847: In Boston, on the 4th of August, inst., by the Rev. Dr. Young, Mr. Herman Melville, of New York, to Miss Elizabeth K. Shaw, daughter of Chief Justice Shaw, of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: In St. Paul's Church, at Cincinnati, on the 28th ult., by Rev. R. Lewis, Chaplain U.S.N., Commander J.R. Sands, U.S.N., of Brooklyn, N.Y., to Eleanor Ann, only daughter of the late George Crook, of Circleville, Ohio.
MARRIED 1847: At Hoboken, on Tuesday, August 31st, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Rev. Dudley A. Tyng. of Columbus, Ohio., to Catharine Maria, daughter of James A. Stevens. Esq.
MARRIED 1847: At Bedford, on Wednesday evening, the 1st inst., by the Rev. Alfred H. Partridge, Mr. John F. Butterworth, of New York, to Maria, daughter of the Hon. William Jay.
MARRIED 1847: At Philadelphia, on Thursday evening, September 2nd, by the Rev. James H. Fowles, Richard King of New York, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mordecal Lewis, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1847: At Morristown, on the 15th inst., by Rev. A.B. Paterson, of Princeton, Cortlandt Parker, of this city, to Elizabeth Wolcott, eldest daughter of Richard Wayne Stites, Esq., formerly of Savannah, Ga.
MARRIED 1847: In Phila., on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Henry W. Ducachet, D.D., Lieut. Wm. R. Palmer, U.S. Corps of Topographical Engineers, to Ellen, daughter of the late George Bright, Esq., of Phila.
MARRIED 1847: On the 28th instant, in Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. McVickar, William Henry McVickar, to Julia E. Mason, daughter of the late Thaddeus Phelps.
MARRIED 1847: At St. John's Chapel, by Rev. John Henry Hobart, on Tuesday evening, October 5th, William W. Hooper, of Brooklyn, L.I., to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Wm. Berrian, D.D., Rector of Trinity Church, in this city.
MARRIED 1847: At New Bronswick, on the 7th instant, Edgar Howland, of New York, to Annie Cogswell, of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: At Willow Bank, Flushing, L.I., on Thursday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. E.S. Cornwall, of Connecticut, Hon. Henry Bedinger, of Virginia, to Caroline B., eldest daughter of John W. Lawrence, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: On Thursday, 21st October, by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, Dr. James Monroe Minor, to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late H.B. Pierrepo<?>.
MARRIED 1847: On 21st instant, at Astoria, L.L. by the Rev. Dr. Knox, William Wood, Esq., (formerly of Liverpool.) to Margaret, daughter of J.V.H. Lawrence, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: On the 25th instant, at Belvidere, Allegany Co., by the Rev. Mr. Thibou, John Warren, of New York, to Angelica, daughter of Philip Church, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: At Millburne, Columbia County, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Dr. Tucker, William C. Johnson, of Utica, to Harriet M. Douw, daughter of the late John D.P. Douw, of Albany.
MARRIED 1847: At Hoboken, on the evening of the 2d instant, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, the Rev. N.S. Harris, of Philadelphia, and Juliana, daughter of James A. Stevens, Esq.
MARRIED 1847: Wednesday, November 3d by Rev. Dr. Skinner, Henry A. Mott, to Mary J. eldest daughter of Joseph B. Varnum, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1847: At Bristol, Pa., on the 4th instant, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, John Lloyd Aspinwall, of New York, to Jane M., daughter of George Breck, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: On Monday, November 8th, by the Rev. Doctor Taylor, Woodbury Langdon, to Helen, daughter of the late Isaac Colford Jones.
MARRIED 1847: On Wednesday evening, 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright Alfred Ogden, to Caroline, daughter of the late Thomas Ludlow Ogden.
MARRIED 1847: On the 10th instant, at St. Stephens' Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dr. Ducachet, J. Ricketts Lawrence, of New York, to Selina M., daughter of B.W. Richards, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1847: On Wednesday, 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Balch, Walter Langdon, Esq., to Catherine C. Livingston, daughter of Charles L. Livingston.
MARRIED 1847: On Wednesday 22d instant, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg. Lispenard Stewart, to Mary Rogers, daughter of William C Rhinelander.
MARRIED 1848: On Thursday morning the 13th inst., by the Rev. Henry Anthon, D.D., William Remsen, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late John Suydam, Esq., both of this city.
MARRIED 1848: At Brentwood, near Washington City, on Thursday, 13th inst., by the Rev. Smith Pine, Peter Augustus Jay of this city, to Josephine, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Pearson.
MARRIED 1848: On the 18th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Spring, Robert I. Dillon, to Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Parish.
MARRIED 1848: On Monday, 14th inst., at S. Patrick's Cathedral, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Hughes, Marie Elizabeth Victorine Pauline Berault, daughter of Chas. Berault, formerly a St. Domingo planter, to Domingo Leonce Ruiz, of the Island of Cuba.
MARRIED 1848: On Thursday, 17th February, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Alfred Pell, Esq., to Eliza G. Wood, youngest daughter of the late John Wood, Esq., of Elis. Fyteshire, Scotland.
MARRIED 1848: On Saturday, 11th inst., by Rev. Mr. Shineall, Alfred Thorn, to Miss Clotilde Bavilli.
MARRIED 1848: On the 30th inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Oliver H. Jones, to Lousia, daughter of the late James Duane Livingston, all of this city.
MARRIED 1848: In New Bedford, on the 30th March, by the Rev. Mr. Wildes, Lt. Charles Hunter, U.S.N., to Mary Stockton, daughter of Wm. R. Rotch, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: At New Orleans, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, Gen. Wm. H. Sumner, of Boston, to Miss Mary D. Kemble, of this city.
MARRIED 1848: On Thursday, 27th inst., by the Rev. J.R. Bayley, Robert Ogden Glover, to Annie W., daughter of E.N. Bibby, Esq., M.D.
MARRIED 1848: On the 25th inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, H.A. Wright, to Louisa, daughter of the late Gulian Ludlow.
MARRIED 1848: At Morristown, New Jersey, on the 26th inst., by Rev. Mr. Rankin, George de Villiers Seymour, to Fanny Gabrielle, second daughter of Henry A. Ford, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: In Philadelphia, 2d inst., Lieut. Julian Mallister, of the U.S.A., of Savannah, to Elizabeth Manigault, daughter of the late Capt. John Butler.
MARRIED 1848: On Monday evening, May the 8th, by the Right Rev. Bishop Hughes, Henry Lloyd, of Lloyd's Neck, Long Island, to Caroline, daughter of Jacob Brandegee, of this city.
MARRIED 1848: On the 10th inst., by Rev. Dr. Taylor, William Kemeys, to Catharine Schuyler, daughter of Walter L. Cochran, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1848: On Monday, the 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor. George Templeton Strong, to Ellen, daughter of Samuel B. Rugles. Esq.
MARRIED 1848: At Brooklyn, on Wednesday, 17th inst., by the Rev. Francis Vinton, Joseph Inglis Bickwell, to Maria Theresa, daughter of the late H.B. Pierrepont.
MARRIED 1848: On the 16th instant by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Grace Church, Francis R. Rives, Esq., eldest son of the Hon., William C. Rives, of Virginia, to Matilda A. Barclay, only daughter of George Barclay, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1848: On the 7th instant, at St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. Dr. Whitehouse, Edward B. Little, to Mary K., only daughter of Dr. Galen Carter. all of this city.
MARRIED 1848: On Wednesday, 21st instant, at Christ Church, Pelham, by the Rev. C.W. Bolton, John Bolton, to Catharine, daughter of Philip Schuyler, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: On the 27th inst., in St. Paul's Church, Albany, by the Rev. Dr. Kip, John Innes Kane, of Sing Sing, Westchester county, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Leonard Kip, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: At Bedford, N.Y., on the 1st inst., by the Rev. A.H. Partridge, Alexander M. Bruen, M.D., to Sarah Louisa, daughter of the Hon. William Jay.
MARRIED 1848: On the 16th instant, at Linwood, duch*ess Co., by the Rev. Wm. James, Robert Emmet, Jr., to Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of Augustus James, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: At Hackensack, N.J., on the 12th instant, Lucas Van Boskerck, Esq., of Hoboken, to Kate Anderson, daughter of the late John Anderson, of the former place.
MARRIED 1848: On Wednesday, 4th inst., at St. John's Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, Frank Ward, of San Francisco, California, to Henriette E., daughter of John C. Zimmerman, Esq., Consul of the Netherlands, in this city.
MARRIED 1848: At Dedham, Massachusetts, on Wednesday 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Samson, Gustavus H. Kissell of New York, to Miss Charlotte Ann, daughter of Doctor Stimson of Dedham.
MARRIED 1848: On Wednesday, the 4th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Erskine Mason, Frederick A. Conkling, to Eleanora, daughter of the late Thomas A. Ronalds, of this city.
MARRIED 1848: On Monday, 9th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. L.P.W. Balch. Francis A. Livingston, to Sarah, daughter of Richard D. Arden, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: In St. Peter's Church. Morristown, N.J., on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Chas. Rankin, A.Q. Keasbey, of Salem, to Elizabeth daughter of the Hon. J.W. Miller.
MARRIED 1848: On Tuesday, 17th October, at Woodland, by the Rev. Dr. Abercrombie, John Augustus Pell, to Miss Susan M. Field, daughter of the late Moses Field.
MARRIED 1848: On October 17th, by the Rev. W.W. Everts. William V.N. Livingston, to Eliza, daughter of Gen. Philip G. Van Wyck.
MARRIED 1848: On Thursday morning, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Theodore Dehon, to Maria Louisa, daughter of John Haggerty, Esq.
MARRIED 1848: In St. Peter's Church, Morristown, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Staunton Edward N. Dickerson, of Paterson, to Mary Caroline, daughter of the late John Nystrom, of Morristown.
MARRIED 1848: At Newark, on the 14th inst., by Rev. H.V. Jones, Stephen Vail, Esq., of Speedwell, to Mrs. John Lidgerwood, of Bethlehem.
MARRIED 1848: In Morristown, on the 21st inst., at St. Peters' Church, by the Rev. Mr. Rankin, Lieut, William Radford, U.S.N., to Mary, only daughter of Joseph Lovell.
MARRIED 1848: At Baton Rouge, La. on 5th inst., Col. Wm. Wallace Smith Bliss, of the U.S. Army, to Miss Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of Major Gen. Z. Taylor, President elect of the United States.
MARRIED 1848: At New Haven, Dec. 13, by the Rev., Samuel Cooke, James T., son of the late Martin Hoffman, Esq., of this city, to Fanny, daughter of the late Rev. Edward Rutledge of Charleston.
MARRIED 1848: At Grace Church, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Wm. H. Cruger, son of B.P. Cruger, Esq., to Mary R., daughter of Wm. Barnewall, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1848: This morning, 28th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Scott, Oliver Walsh, of this city, son of Robert Walsh, Esq., U.S. Consul at Paris, to Annis J., daughter of the late John Still, of Nassau, New Providence, West Indies.
MARRIED 1849: At Trinity Church, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Cornelius Duffie, Anthony Lispenard Bleecker, to Sarah Bache, daughter of Anthony J. Bleecker.
MARRIED 1849: At New Bedford, on Wednesday, the 10th inst., by Rev. John Weiss, John A. Weeks, of New York, to Alice H. daughter of J.C. Delano, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1849: At Geneva, on 11th inst., by Rev. Dr. Abel, Alexander L. Chew of New Orleans, to Sarah Augusta, daughter of Phineas <?> Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1849: On the 8th inst., by Rev. Dr. Taylor, Miss Christine Kean, to Capt. Wm. Preston Griffin, U.S. Navy, of Virginia.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, by the Rev. Dr. Spring, Henry Day, to Phebe, daughter of Danl. Lord.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, the 18th instant, by the Right Rev. Bishop Lee Peter Kemble, of this city, to Victorine, daughter of Alfred Dupont, at his residence near Wilmington, Delaware.
MARRIED 1849: On Tuesday evening, by the Rev. Wm. Richmond, Fulton Cutting, to Eliza Justina, daughter of Robert Bayard.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, the 21st instant, by the Rev. Wm. <?> William Ellison Miller, M.D., to Josephine, daughter of Robert, Hyslop, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday the 11th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Lewis C. Jones, to Catharine M. Berryman.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, April 11th, by the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D.D., Edward H. Swan, to Julia S., youngest daughter of the late Allison Post, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: At New Orleans, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Theodore Clapp' Lieut. Clinton W. Lear, 5th Infantry, U.S.A., to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Hon. John Witherspoon Smith, of that city.
MARRIED 1849: At Troy 17th inst., Benjamin Ogle Tayloe of Washington City, to Phebe, daughter of the late Esaias Warren, of Trey.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, April 18, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Samuel L. Southard, Robert Stewart Webb, to Mary Van Horne Clarkson, daughter of John C. Clarkson, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: At Fairfield, C., 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Cornwall James Davenport Fitch, M.D., of New York, to Martha Anne, daughter of John Glover, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1849: On Tuesday morning, 17th inst., by the Rev. Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, Melancton Woolsey Borland, eldest son of John Borland, Esq., of Boston, to Julia, daughter of Isaac Gibson of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On Monday, April 23, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. Samuel P. Parker, Mr. Alexander Watts of this City, to Miss Frances Sedgwick of Stockbridge, Mass.
MARRIED 1849: At Cincinnati, May 8th, by the Rev. G. Driseoll, Alex. J.P. Garesche. Esq., of St Louis, to Laura C. Carnes, eldest daughter of Thos. Van Zandt, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1849: In Boston, 15th instant, Mr. William C. Rives Jr., son of the Hon. William C. Rives, of Virginia, and Miss Grace Winthrop Sears.
MARRIED 1849: On the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Dewey, John C. Peters, M.D., to Georgiana, daughter of Andrew S. Snelling.
MARRIED 1849: On the 17th instant, by the Rev. J.M. McElroy D.D., John Bard, to Margaret T, daughter of John Johnston, all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: At Grace Church on 17th instant, by the Rev. T.H. Taylor, D.D., Edward, son of S. Cunard, Esq., to Mary Bache, daughter of Bache McEvers, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday morning, the 30th inst., by the Rev. Dr. J.W. Alexander, Horatio S. Brown, to Matilda, daughter of Hugh Auchincloss.
MARRIED 1849: On the 29th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Thos. H. Taylor, Mr. David Sears, Jr., of Boston, to Emily E., daughter of the late Goold Hoyt, of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On the 29th of May last by the Rev. Dr. Ford, Rector of St. Paul's, at Springhill, Georgia, the residence of her father, John M. Bixby, of the city of New York, to Mary White, daughter of Robert F. Poe, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: At Grace Church on Wednesday, May 30, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor. Charles de Rham, to Laura, daughter of J.W. Schmidt, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: At Cooperstown, N.Y. on the 4th inst., by the Rev. C.S. Stewart, of the U.S.N. the Rev. Charles King McHarg, to Harriet Bradford, eldest daughter of Elihu Phinney Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: At Middletown, Conn, on Tuesday, June 5th, by the Rev. Dr. S.F. Jarvis, Edw. S. Hall, of Millville, Mass., to Maria Antoinette, daughter of the Rev. Dr. S.F. Jarvis, of the former place.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday evening, June 7th, by the Rev. Saml. L. Southard Edward King, of Newport R.I., to Mary Augusta Le Roy, daughter of Daniel Le Roy, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, 14th instant, at St. George's Church, by her father, the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Miss Julia Griswold Tyng, to Mr. William Ward, of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, June 14th by the Rev. Mr. Harriman, John C. Neilson, to Helena, daughter of John Neilson, M.D.
MARRIED 1849: At Grace Church, on Thursday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Samuel S. Sands, to Miss Eliza D., daughter of B. Aymar.
MARRIED 1849: On the 19th inst., at Madison, Morris County, New Jersey, by the Rev. Mr. Rankin. Joseph A. Dean, of New York, to Louise, G. Lathrop, daughter of Francis S. Lathrop.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Dr. Hutton, James M. Nevius, to Sarah Catharine, daughter of the late Benjn. Smith, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, the 24th instant, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by the Rev. Lewis P.W. Balch, William A. Hadden, Esq., to Frances Sanderson, daughter of J.L. Nathan Smith, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: At Washington D.C., 20th instant, Henry Oelrichs, of Baltimore, to Julia M. McRa, daughter of the late Dr. F., May, of Washington.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, the 27th instant, by the Rev. Dr. De Witt, Edward C. Delavan, Esq., to Margaretta M.M., youngest daughter of the late David Bryson, Esq.--all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: In Georgetown, D.C., on the 28th ult., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Johns, Hon. Andrew Stevenson, of Virginia, to Mary Shaaff, third daughter of the late Dr. Shaaff, of Maryland.
MARRIED 1849: On Saturday evening, 14th inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Elizabeth Neville, daughter of the late Henry Brevoort, Esq., of this city, to Frederick W. Coolidge, of Boston.
MARRIED 1849: At Clermont, Columbia County, on Tuesday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. Henry de Koven, Levinus Clarkson, of New York, to Miss Mary Livingston, daughter of the late Hon. Edward P. Livingston.
MARRIED 1849: July 24 by Rev. Mr. Bedell, John R. Livingston, Jr., to Helen, daughter of the late Charles McEvers.
MARRIED 1849: On Tuesday, July 31st, at the church of the Divine Unity, by the Rev. Mr. Bellows, Armand De Macarty, of Cuba, to Matilda W. Post of this city.
MARRIED 1849: At Peterboro, Madison county, N. York, on Tuesday evening, the 14th of August, at the residence of Gerrit Smith, by the Rev. Samuel Hanson Coxe, Chapman Biddle, of Philadelphia, to Mary Livingston, daughter of Walter L. Cochran, of New York.
MARRIED 1849: At Saratoga Springs, on the 29th ult., in the Episcopal Church, by the Rev. Dr. Milledoler, Mr. William Henry Jones, to Miss Lydia Beekman Haight daughter of R.K. Haight--all of N. York.
MARRIED 1849: On Saturday, the 1st inst., at Ellerslie (Throgs Neck) the residence of Henry Overing, Esq., by the Rev. Charles D. Jackson, James Foster, jun., to Julia Clinton Tallmadge.
MARRIED 1849: At Morristown, N.J., Sept. 4. by the Rev. Saml. L. Southard, John P. Schermerhorn. M.D., to Louise P. daughter of the late J.D. Williamson, U.S.N., all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On the 10th inst., at St. Paul's Church, N.Y., by the Rev. Ralph Hoyt, Mr. Henry Medlicott, of this city, to Mary Ann, daughter of the late Charles J. Chamberlain, Esq., of Hoboken N.J.
MARRIED 1849: At Trinity Church, on Thursday, 13th inst., by the Right Rev. Jackson Kemper, D.D., the Rev. Samuel Hollingsworth, to Margaret Sarah, daughter of the late John Forbes.
MARRIED 1849: On the 16th inst., by the Right Rev. Bishop Hughes, Mr. Chas. Henri Victor Prevost, of La Rochelle, France, to Miss Marie Anastasie Henriette Louise Berault, of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On the 17th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. G.T. Bedell, Richard S. Ely, to Lucinda, daughter of Matthew Morgan, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, the 20th instant, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, Howard Potter, to Mary Louisa, daughter of James Brown, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, by the Rev. Dr. Batch, Jean de Nottebeck, to Cecilia, youngest daughter of the late Walter Langdon, of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, 4th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell. Henry de Beauvoir Routh, to Louisa Dorenthea, daughter of the late Thaddeus Phelps, all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: At Woodlands, Westchester Co., on Saturday, October 6th, by the Rev. R.S. Howland Hamilton Hoppin, of Providence, R.I., to Louisa, daughter of S.S. Howland.
MARRIED 1849: On Tuesday, the 9th inst., at Clifton, N.J., (the residence of James Brown, Esq.) by the Rev. George Leeds. John Henry Edmonds of Utica, to Miss Eugenia Dumaux, of New York.
MARRIED 1849: On the 9th ult., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. T. Jarvis Carter, J. Watson Webb, Esq., to Laura Virginia, daughter of Jacob Cram. Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On Wednesday, 10th instant, at St. Thomas' Church, by Revd. Dr. Whitehouse, Mr. Benjamin Tomes, to Maria Louisa, daughter of John C. Zimmermann, Senr., Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On the 11th instant, by the Revd. Dr. Taylor, B.F. French, of Louisiana, to Sarah A. Ogden, daughter of the late Daniel Oakey of this city.
MARRIED 1849: On Tuesday, 23d instant, at St. Ann's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, the Rev. Frederick S. Wiley, Rector of Grace Church. Honesdale, to Francis Matilda, daughter of the late H.B. Pierrepont.
MARRIED 1849: On the 23d Oct., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Mr. Chassuydam, to Anne, daughter of Abraham Schermerhorn, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Tuesday, 30th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Samuel Seabury. D.D., James Hurry, to Emily Bucknor, daughter of Wm. G. Bucknor.
MARRIED 1849: At St. Thomas' Church, on the 30th of October, by the Rev. Pierre M. Irving, Albert Gallatin, to Harriet Duer, daughter of the late Morris Robinson, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On the 7th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D., August Belmont, to Caroline Slidell, daughter of Commodore M.C. Perry, U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1849: On 7th inst., at the residence of J.A. Constant, Esq., Hastings, Westchester county, by Rev. Wm. G. Heyer, James C. Douglass, U.S. Navy, to Ellen R. daughter of Wm. Sinclair, Esq., U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1849: In Boston, on 6th inst., by Rev. Dr. Peabody, Hon. Robert Winthrop, to Mrs. Laura Derby Welles.
MARRIED 1849: In Philadelphia, on Monday, the 26th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Ducachet, Elisha Riggs, Jr. of Washington City, D.C., to Miss Mary Boswell, of Lexington, Ky.
MARRIED 1849: On the 15th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Mr. Bedell, Archibald Campbell, Esq., of Glasgow, to Grace Victoria, youngest daughter of John Gibson, Esq.
MARRIED 1849: On Thursday, 15th instant, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Charles F. Zimmermann Esq., to Susan Bard, eldest daughter of Dr. F.U. Johnston, all of this city.
MARRIED 1849: In N.Y., on the 28th ult., at the city residence of Major General Scott, Brevet Major Henry L. Scott, of the 4th Infantry, and A.D.C., to Cornelia, daughter of Major General Scott.
MARRIED 1849: At Morristown, N.J., on the 11th inst., by the Rev. C.W. Rankin, Henry Van Arsdale, M.D., of New York, to Miss Hester A., only daughter of the late Charles J. Wetmore, formerly of Morristown.
MARRIED 1849: At Calvary Church, New York, on Thursday morning, 6th Dec. by the Rev. Dr. W.E. Wyatt of Baltimore, Catharine Julia, second daughter of Major General Wm. Gibbs MacNeill, to Adolf Rodewald of this city.
MARRIED 1849: At Calvary Church, Monday, Dec 31st., by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Essex, son of Robert Watts, Esq., to Mary Scott, daughter of the late Rev. Ravaud Reavny.
MARRIED 1850: At Old Point Comfort, Va., on the 10th inst., by the Rt. Rev. John Johns, Bishop of Virginia Major William A. Nichols, and Regt. Artillery, U.S. Army, to Clara L., daughter of Lieut. Col. R.E. De Russy, Corps of Engineer, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1850: In N.Y., on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Smith, T.H. Main, to Ann Eliza Worth, daughter of Gen. Worth, late deceased, of Delaware.
MARRIED 1850: In this Town, on Tuesday evening the 15th inst., by the Rev. W.W. Blauvelt, Mr. Isaac A. Blauvelt, to Miss Laura Moffitt, daughter of Francis Child. Esq.
MARRIED 1850: Last evening, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, William Henry Anthon, to Sarah Attwood, youngest daughter of the late Joseph M. Meert.
MARRIED 1850: On Saturday, 25th inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor. M.L.A. Ahrens, to Cornelia, daughter of Edward Prime.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday morning, 21st inst., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Samuel H. Whitlock, to Jeannette E., daughter of Bache McEvers, all of this city.
MARRIED 1850: In this city, on Saturday evening last, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, at the residence of J. Prescott Hall. Esq., Josephine D'Wolf Homler, to Henry Bedlow, of New York.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday, 21st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Snodgrass. William Allen Butler, to Mary Russell, daughter of Charles H. Marshall, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1850: At Washington City, on Tuesday evening, 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Pyne, Lieut. John Navarre Macomb, Corps of Topographical Engineers, U.S. Army, to Miss Nannie Rodgers, youngest daughter of the late Commodore John Rodgers, of the U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1850: On Wednesday, 3d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Mr. Adolph Beaux, of the house of J.P. Beaux & Co., Naples, to Miss Cecilia Kent Leavitt, daughter of Mr. John W. Leavitt, New York.
MARRIED 1850: On Wednesday, the 3d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Phillips, Alexander B. Mott, to Arabella. daughter of the late Thaddeus Phelps.
MARRIED 1850: On the 3d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Bellows, Rudolph Bunner, of Oswego, N.Y., to Ruth K., daughter of Henry H. Tuckerman, Esq.
MARRIED 1850: On the 3d inst., at Fitz Ray Place, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Capt. Schuyler Hamilton, aid-de-camp of Gen. Scott, to Cornelia E., daughter of Robert Ray, Esq.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday morning, 4th April, at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henry Morgan, to Mary Cornelia, daughter of the late Archibald M. Pell.
MARRIED 1850: On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. De Witt, Henry Othout, to Josephine Julia, daughter of the late Antoine Lentilhon.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday evening, the 16th inst., by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, John Carey., Jr., to Alida, daughter of William B. Astor, Esq.
MARRIED 1850: On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Dewey, Charles E. Strong, to Eleanor Burrill, daughter of the late William S. Fearing.
MARRIED 1850: On the 25th inst., at St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. N.S. Harris, Rev. Lewis P.W. Balch, D.D., Rector of St. Bartholomew's Church, New York, to Emily daughter of Timothy Wiggins, Esq., London.
MARRIED 1850: At Boston, on the 25th inst., at the Stone Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Peabody, Louis Agassiz, Esq., Professor in the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard College, to Elizabeth C. Cary, daughter of the Hon. T.G. Cary, of Boston.
MARRIED 1850: On the 22d instant, at the residence of Robert Tyler, Esq. Bristol, Pennsylvania, by the Rev. E.R.T. Cook. George C. Thorburn, of Astoria, L.I., to Virginia, youngest daughter of the late Thomas A. Cooper, Esq.
MARRIED 1850: On Wednesday, the 15th inst., in St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, John T. Johnston, to Frances, daughter of James Colles, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1850: On the 22d inst., at St. Paul's Church, Poughkeepsie, by the Rev. Mr. Traver, the Hon. Charles H. Ruggles, to Mary C. Livingston.
MARRIED 1850: On Monday evening, 3d inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Egbert L. Viele, U.S. Army, to Teresa, daughter of Francis Griffin, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1850: In Christ Church, Middletown, Conn., on Wednesday, June 5th, by the Rev. Joseph H. Nichols, Isaac Ball, of Charleston, S.C., to Caroline Augusta, daughter of the late Rev. Edward Rutledge.
MARRIED 1850: June 5th, at Troy, by the Rev. Mr. Van Kleeck, Edward Ingersoll, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Anna C., daughter of the late Stephen Warren, Esq., of Troy.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday, June 6th, by the Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, Benjamin S. Welles, of Boston, to Katharine, daughter of the late Abraham Schermerhorn.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday, the 25th inst., at Trinity Church, by the Rev. J.H. Hobart, Samuel Verplanck, Esq., to Mary G., the youngest daughter of the late Rt. Rev. Bishop Hobart.
MARRIED 1850: In Norwich, Conn., on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Bond, Henry Whitney, of New Haven, to Miss Lucy Maria Fitch, of Norwich.
MARRIED 1850: On the 26th instant, at the Church of the Mediator, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Mr. Josiah Peirce, to Mrs. Prances A. Nystrom.
MARRIED 1850: In Sacramento city, on Thursday, 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Morehead, Eugene Gillespie, Esq., to Miss Frances Winn, daughter of Gen. Winn of that city.
MARRIED 1850: August 6th, by the Rev. George H. Houghton, John C. Devreeux, to Susan, daughter of the late Archibald McVickar.
MARRIED 1850: In Cambridge Mass., August 21st, by the Rev. Dr. Frotiniam, Lieut. Henry A. Wise, of the U.S. Navy, to Miss Charlotte Brooks, daughter of the Hon. Edward Everett.
MARRIED 1850: At Morrisiania on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Abercombie, Martin Zabriskie, of this city, to Anna Elliott Morris, of Morrisiana, daughter of the late William Elliott Morris, of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday, 19th inst., by the Rev. T.G. Bedell, Joseph Grafton, Jr., of Boston, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Henry Remsen, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday, 1st inst., at the South Dutch Church, by the Rev. J.M. Macauley, R. Ogden Doremus, M.D., to Estelle E. Skidmore, daughter of the late Capt. Hubbard<?>
MARRIED 1850: At Trinity Church, this city, on Wednesday morning, Oct. 9, by the Rev. John Blake, chaplain U.S.N., Captain W.A.T. Maddox, of the U.S. Marine Corps, to Miss Sarah E.W. Moughon, daughter of the late William Moughon, of Columbus, Ga.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday, 15th inst., by the Rev. Bird Wilson, D.D., William F. Babco*ck, to Kate Duer, daughter of the late Henry Babco*ck.
MARRIED 1850: On the 15th inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, James M. Pendleton, to Gertrude, daughter of Augustus James, of Dutchess Co.
MARRIED 1850: On Wednesday, 16th inst., at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Henry E. Montgomery, Augustus Montgomery, of New Orleans, to Margaret, daughter of Joseph Keenochan.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday, 17th, at St. John's Chapel, by the Rev. Robert Shaw, Adolphus N. Gouverneur, of this city, to Elizabeth G. Gill, daughter of the late James Edge, of Holm, England.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday morning, 22d instant, by the Right Rev. John Hughes, Archbishop of New York, Sylvia M., daughter of Mortimer Livingston, to Lieutenant William S. Drayton, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday, 29th instant, by the Rev. Robert S. Howland, Charles H. Russell, to Caroline, daughter of Samuel Howland, all of this city.
MARRIED 1850: At Calvary Church, on the 31st October, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL.D., Thomas H.H. Messinger, to Margaret Ann Grimbly.
MARRIED 1850: At Boston, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Peabody, Charles Clarkson Goodhue, of New York, to Sarah Chandler, daughter of James Parker, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1850: At Washington City, 12th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Johns, Clarence Pell, of New York, to Annie, daughter of the Hon. J.F.H. Claiborne, of Mississippi.
MARRIED 1850: At Fanwood, on Thursday morning, 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Abercrombie, Douglas Robinson, of Scotland, to Fanny, eldest daughter of the Hon. James Monroe.
MARRIED 1850: At Grace Church, in this city, on the evening of the 26th inst., by the Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, Rector of the church, Mr. William Ellery Sedgwick, son of the late Robert Sedgwick, to Miss Constance Irving Brevoort, daughter of the late Henry Brevoort, all of this city.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday, 28th ult., by the Rev. J. Rossevelt Bailey, Frederick Charles Gebhard, to Kate, daughter of Thomas E. Davis, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1850: On Saturday, Nov. 30th st Middletown, Connecticut, by the Rev. Frederick Goodwin, Charles Briggs, of New Orleans, to Amelia Bremner, daughter of B.P. Cruger, of New York.
MARRIED 1850: In Norfolk, Lieut. Col. R.E. De Russey, U.S. Army, to Miss Helen A. Maxwell, of that city.
MARRIED 1850: On Tuesday evening the 3d instant, by the Rev. G. Rosevelt Bayley, Com'd. Charles Meletta, to Cecilia Emma, daughter of A. Le Barbier, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1850: On Thursday, Dec. 5th, by the Rev. Dr. Hutton, James Augustus Hamilton, to Mary Wilson Suffern, daughter of Thomas Suffern.
MARRIED 1850: In Scotland, Dec. 14, Hon. Charles Augustus Murray, second son of the late Earl of Dunmore, and nephew of the Duke of Hamilton, to Miss Elizabeth Wadsworth, daughter of the late Mr. Wadsworth of Geneseo, N.Y.
MARRIED 1850: On the 23d ultimo, by the Rev. R. Bailey, Mr. Edward, Cachard, of Liverpool, to Caroline, daughter of F. Chazournes, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1851: On Wednesday, 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henry G. Chadwick, to Adeline J., daughter of John H. Coster, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday evening, the 6th inst., by the Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, Robert Selden Rose, to Frances Theresa, eldest daughter of O.J. Cammann.
MARRIED 1851: On Wednesday, 26th inst., at St. George's Church, by Rev. Dr. Tyng, George Tredwell, to Fanny, daughter of Prosper M. Wetmore.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday, February 27th, by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, Henry Farnum, of Philadelphia, to Mary Ellis, daughter of Isaac Bell, of this city.
MARRIED 1851: On the 3d inst., by the Rev. R. Bailey, Louis De Ronge, to Josephine, daughter of Felix Chazournes, all of this city.
MARRIED 1851: At Cambridge, Mass., 2d inst., Mr. S.W. Dabney, of Fayal, Azores, to Miss Harriet W. (daughter of the late Professor) Webster, of C.
MARRIED 1851: At Grace Church, on Thursday morning, April 3d, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, William Pinkney Stewart, to Helen Van Cortlandt, daughter of Edward A. Le Roy, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: At Harrodsburg Springs, Kentucky, on 17th instant, by the Rev. Thos. Cleland, D.D., Reuben H. Walworth, of Saratoga Springs, to Mrs. Sarah B. Smith, of Jacksonville, Illinois, widow of the late Col. Hardin, who was killed at the battle of Buena Vista.
MARRIED 1851: On Monday, 21st instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John W. Moore, Francis Van Rensselaer, to Annie Constable, daughter of Dr. S.W. Moore, all of this city.
MARRIED 1851: On Tuesday, morning, April 29th, by the Rev. Doctor Wainwright, George Henry Warren, to Mary Caroline, daughter of the Hon. J. Phillips Phenix.
MARRIED 1851: At Philadelphia, 24th inst., by the Rev. D. Ludlow, Wilmot Johnson, of Baltimore, to Margaret Schuyler, eldest daughter of Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer, of Albany.
MARRIED 1851: At Calvary church, on Wednesday, the 30th April, by the Rev. Samuel P. Parker, Sidney Ashmore, of England, to Marie Ellsworth, daughter of the late Thads. Phelps.
MARRIED 1851: On Wednesday, 7th inst., at the North Dutch Church, by the Rev. Dr. Schenck, of New Jersey, Mr. Henry W. Hicks, to Miss Annette Wilhelmina, daughter of the late Wilco Peter Wilkens, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: At New Orleans, 8th inst., A. Foster Elliot, to Marie Antoinette Odile Vignier, daughter of Pierre De Buys, Esq., all of that city.
MARRIED 1851: At Avon Springs 7th inst., by Rev. Lawson Carter, Rev. T. Jarvis Carter, Rector of Grace Church, Cleveland, Ohio, and Emma C.C., daughter of C.J. Woolson, all of Cleveland.
MARRIED 1851: At Philadelphia, on Thursday, 29th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Ducachet, Edward R. Bell, of New York, to Caroline, daughter of Henry Farnum, of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1851: At Woodford Hall, A.A. county, Md., 2d inst., by the Rev. Hugh T. Harrison, Charles A. Minton, of New York, to Emily G., youngest daughter of the late Gen. Wm. H. Marriott, formerly of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1851: At Dover, Dutchess Co., 6th inst., Jasper Livingston, of the Manor of Livingston, State of New York, to Mathilda, youngest daughter of Sir John Moore, of Sketty Park, Glamorganshire, Bart., and grand daughter of the late Lord Torrington.
MARRIED 1851: In Newport, R.I., at the Catholic Chapel, Chevalier Banuelos, Spanish Secretary of Legation, to this country, to Miss Mary A. Thorndike, of Boston.
MARRIED 1851: On Sunday, the 15th instant, by the Rev. James Bailey Samuel M. Fox, to Mary, daughter of the late Henry W. Livingston.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday, 19th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, of St. Bartholomew's Church, Ridley Watts, to Sarah Minturn, daughter of Henry Grinnell.
MARRIED 1851: At Clifton, Bristol, by the Rev. Mr. Nash, on the 19th of June last, Mr. B.P. Cruger, to Mrs. Sarah Maria Romayne.
MARRIED 1851: At Philadelphia, 23d inst., by the Rev. Dr. M.A. De Wolfe Howe, Eugene A. Livingston, of New York, to Elizabeth R., daughter of Coleman Fisher.
MARRIED 1851: On Monday, the 30th June, by the Right Rev. Archbishop Hughes, Miss Henriette Marie Brandegee, to Wynant Van Zandt, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: At Philadelphia, 9th instant, Robert Le Roy, Esq., of New York, to Miss Amelia Lewis, daughter of Wm. D. Lewis, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: On Wednesday, the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Tucker, J. Kearny Warren, to Susan, daughter of Dr. Edward G. Ludlow.
MARRIED 1851: On Wednesday, the 22d inst., at Dr. Potts' Church, by the Rev. George L. Prentiss, Benjamin C. Lee, of the firm of James Lee & Co., to Georgiana, daughter of Cornelius Smith, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1851: On the 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Hutton, Alexander Van Rensselaer, to Mary, daughter of S.S. Howland, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday, 23d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Potts, James O. Sheldon, to Louisa, daughter of James McCall Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1851: On Tuesday, 28th inst., by the Right Rev. Arch. Bishop Hughes, Johnston Livingston and Silvia M., daughter of the late H.W. Livingston, Esq.
MARRIED 1851: At the British Consulate, on the 1st of November, Henry Cary, of New York, to Elizabeth Vincent Lowis, daughter of Major Lowis, of the Hon. East India Company', Service, resident of Barnstaple, North Devon, England.
MARRIED 1851: On Tuesday, Nov. 4, by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, of St. Bartholomew's Church, William S. Barclay Parsons, to Eliza G., daughter of Schuyler Livingston.
MARRIED 1851: On Wednesday, the 5th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Skinner, Frederic W. Rhinelander, to Frances Davenport, daughter of Dr. Skinner.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday morning, Nov. 6, by Rev. J. Elliot Thompson, in St. Paul's Church, Paterson, N.J., George G. Curtis and Louisa A. Nystrom.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday, Nov. 6, at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Parks, Charles F. Osborne, Jr., to Mary, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1851: At Middletown, Conn., Thursday, Oct. 30, by the Rev. Joseph H. Nichols, Anne Macdonough, daughter of the late Rev. Edward Rutledge, to John A. Livingston, of Charleston, S.C.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday, 23d inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Mr. Bedell, Wm. Barnewall, to Anne, daughter of the late James Stewart, Esq., British Consul, of New London.
MARRIED 1851: On Thursday, the 13th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Henry Hopkins, to Ellen, daughter of Francis S. Lathrop.
MARRIED 1851: On Saturday evening, 15th instant, by Rev. Mr. Bellows, John Boker, Jr., to Orleana Redwood Ellery, daughter of Elbert J. Anderson, all of this city.
MARRIED 1851: On Saturday, the 29th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, W.S. Mayo, M.D., to Helen C., daughter of the late Nicholas William Stuyvesant, all of this city.
MARRIED 1851: At St. John's Chapel, Dec. 4, by the Rev. J.M. Wainwright, D.D., Theodorus Bailey Bronson, to Maria Trumbull Wainwright, daughter of Dr. Wainwright.
MARRIED 1851: At St. John's Church, Washington, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Pyne, Goold Hoyt, Esq., of New York, to Miss Camilla Scott, daughter of Gen. Scott, of U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1851: On the 16th inst., by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, Jas. Renwick Jr., to Anna Lloyd, daughter of Wm. H. Aspinwall, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: At Jamaica, L.I., on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Beverley R. Betts, Henry Barclay Robinson, Esquire, of Fredericton, in the province of New Brunswick, to Caroline, only daughter of William Betts, Esquire.
MARRIED 1852: At Albany, on Thursday evening, 15th Jan., by Rev. Dr. John N. Campbell, Franklin Townsend, to Anna Josephine, daughter of Rufus H. King, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: Thursday, Jan. 29th, in Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Mr. Joseph D. Beers, to Miss Janet B. Phelps.
MARRIED 1852: On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. S.H. Taylor, Gustave de Macarty, to Emilie, daughter of the late John S. Schermerhorn.
MARRIED 1852: The Marriage of Jenny Lind. Boston, Thursday, Feb. 5, 1852.The marriage of Jenny Lind is thus announced: Boston, Feb. 5.--Married, in this city, at the residence of Mr. S.G. Ward, by Rev. Charles Mason, assisted by Rev. Dr. Wainwright, of New York, the Swedish Consul, Hon. Edward Everett, Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Ward, Mr. N.J. Bowditch, her legal adviser, and other friends being present--Otto Goldschmidt, of Hamburgh, to Mdlle. Jenny Lind, of Stockholm, Sweden.
MARRIED 1852: On Tuesday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, the Rev. Henry De Koven, to Charlotte, only daughter of Jacob R. Le Roy.
MARRIED 1852: On the 16th inst., in St. George's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, John H. Glover and Helen Otis, daughter of Jacob Le Roy.
MARRIED 1852: In Boston, 16th instant, by Rev. Mr. Lothrop, Mr. James Lawrence, to Elizabeth, daughter of William H. Prescott, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: On the 25th inst., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks Mr. John L. Rogers and Miss Virginia B. Wood, daughter of Mr. Silas Wood, all of this city.
MARRIED 1852: On Saturday, Feb. 7th, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, at the Church of the Holy Communion, William Forbes, of Alabama, to Annie C., daughter of Edward McVickar, of this city.
MARRIED 1852: On the 19th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Grace Church, Dr. W. Detmold, to Miss Mary T. Parker, daughter of Geo. P. Parker, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1852: On Monday, at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Charles G. Clark, to Elizabeth C. daughter of the late Isaac U. Coles.
MARRIED 1852: At Morristown, on the 14th inst., by Rev. Dr. Murray, of Elizabethtown, William A. Coursen, Esq., to Miss Jane Chester, daughter of Rev. Alfred Chester, of the former place.
MARRIED 1852: On Wednesday, the 14th inst., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Matthew Clarkson to Susan Matilda, daughter of the late Peter Augustus Jay.
MARRIED 1852: On Wednesday, the 14th, at the Church of the Holy Apostie, by the Rev. Christopher Wyatt, George Carr Grundy, of Baltimore, to Sarah A.H., daughter of the late William McKee.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, 15th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Samuels, Sands, to Mary Emily Ellis, daughter of Benjamin Aymar, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: On Wednesday evening, 21st inst., Frances M., daughter of the late Dr. J. Smyth Rogers, to William W. Parkin, all of this city.
MARRIED 1852: At St. Luke's Church, on Tuesday morning, April 20, by the Rev. Isaac H. Tuttle, Jonas Stremmell, to Catharine M., daughter of the late John Forbes.
MARRIED 1852: On Wednesday, April 28th, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by the Rev. Smith Pyne, D.D., John Pyne, to Anne, daughter of Stephen Cambreleng, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, 29th April, by the Rev. A. Lafond, and afterwards by Rev. A. Stubbs, Jules Blanc, of Faverges, Sardinia, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late Frederick Gebhard, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1852: On Wednesday, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John W. Moore, Francis J. Barretto, of Westchester Co., to Nora S., daughter of Gerard W. Morris, of this city.
MARRIED 1852: On the 5th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Henry J. Morton, Robert Ellison, Esq., of New Windsor, to Catharine Emily, daughter of Mr. John L. Morton, of this city.
MARRIED 1852: In Trinity Church, Geneva, May 6, by Rt. Rev. Dr. DeLancey, Thomas Fortescue Rochester, M.D., of New York, to Margaret Munro Delancey, only daughter of the Bishop of Western New York.
MARRIED 1852: On the 13th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Houghton, John C. Bibby, to Margaret, daughter of John Drummond, all of this city.
MARRIED 1852: At Calvary Church, the 29th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Wm. W. Jones, M.D., to Helen, daughter of the late Andrew Bache.
MARRIED 1852: On Tuesday, the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Houghton, Peter W. Livingston, to Anna H. De Peyster, all of this city.
MARRIED 1852: On the 2d inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Doctor Creighton, Mr. Henry Rogers, son of the late Doctor J. Smythe Rogers, to Miss Mary F., daughter of A.R. Livingston, of Tarrytown.
MARRIED 1852: On Tuesday evening, June 1st, at St. Peter's Church, Morristown, by Rev. Charles W. Rankin, Rev. John J. Brandegee, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Litchfield, Conn., to Miss Martina L. Condict, daughter of Hon. Lewis Condict, of this Town.
MARRIED 1852: June 2d, by the Rev. Mr. Wygatt, Alfred Francis de Luze, to Mary Catharine, daughter of the late Edmund Kortright, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: At St. Mark's Church, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Charles Jeffery Smith, to Letitia J., daughter of the late John Suydam.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, the 17th inst., at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, Augustus Levinus Clarkson, to Emily C., daughter of Edward McVickar.
MARRIED 1852: At Washington, 22d June, by the Rev. Smyth Pine, D.D., Henry Brevoort Renwick, of New York, to Margaret, daughter of the late Jonathan Jauncy, Esq., of Alexandria, Va.
MARRIED 1852: At the Manor of Livingston, on Saturday, July 3, by the Rev. Mr. Harrison, of Virginia, Lieutenant Harrison, United States Army, to Mary Allen, eldest daughter of Anson Livingston, of this city.
MARRIED 1852: In Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode Island, on Tuesday, July 6, by the Rev. D.R. Brower, Rev. William Henry Harison, of Augusta, Georgia, to Miss Mary Gibbons Jones, daughter of the late Noble Wimberly Jones, Esq., of Savannah.
MARRIED 1852: On Tuesday evening, Aug. 3, by Rev. R. Riley Rector of St. Thomas's Church, New Windsor, Christopher B. Miller, Esq., of New Windsor, to Julia C., eldest daughter of Philip Verplanck, Esq., formerly of Verplanck's Point.
MARRIED 1852: At the Spanish Legation, on the 10th of August, by the Right Rev. Mr. McGill, Bishop of Richmond, Jose Maria Magallon Y. Campuzano, of Madrid, present by his proxy, the Spanish Minister, to Agrippina, third daughter of Alexander Norman Macleod, Esq., late of Harris, Scotland.
MARRIED 1852: On the 16th instant, at Grace Church, Newark, N.J., by the Rev. John Lee Watson, D.D., Winslow M. Watson, of Washington, D.C., to Louisa Esther, youngest daughter of the late James Gibbons, of Albany.
MARRIED 1852: In this city, on Tuesday, Sept. 14th. A.K. Josephs, of New Orleans, to Mary Devereux, daughter of R.L. Colt, Esq., of Paterson, N.J.
MARRIED 1852: At Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, Levi Hubbell, of Milwaukie, to Minnie Beall, eldest daughter of Ex-Lieut. Gov. Beall, of Taycheedah.
MARRIED 1852: At Newport, R.I., Tuesday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Fitton, Pastor of the Church of the Lady of our Isle, and the Rev. Mr. Brewer Rector of Trinity Church, His Excellency the Count de Sartiges, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from France, to the United States, and Miss Anna D., second daughter of the late Charles Thorndike, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, 7th inst., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Jacob R. Nevius, to Sarah B. Kleudgen, daughter of the late Andrew Bache.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, October 7, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks at Calvary Church, Mr. Charles Wetmore, to Miss Mary Ludlow, both of this city.
MARRIED 1852: At New York, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Ravaud Kearney Podgers, Edw. N. Strong, to Susan W., daughter of John Warren.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, 14th instant, by the Right Reverend Bishop J.M. Wainwright, James Steuart Thorndike, to Henrietta, daughter of John C. Delprat, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: On 14th inst., at St. James' Church, by the Rev. Peter Chauncey, J. Beekman Fish, to Helen M., daughter of the late Joseph Foulke.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, 14th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. R. Sherwood D.D., Stephen Mackay, M.D. of this city, to Susan Matilda, daughter of the late John W. Kearny, deceased, of Saugerties N.Y.
MARRIED 1852: On the 16th inst., by the Right Rev. Archbishop Hughes Charles M. Keller, Esq., to Miss Heloise Chazournes, daughter of Felix Chazournes, Esq., both of this city.
MARRIED 1852: At Southfield, Orange county, 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Eddy, Mr. Samuel L.M. Barlow, of this city, and Miss Alice C. Townsend, daughter of Peter Townsend, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: At Taunton, Mass., 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Snow, Maturin Livingston, of this city, to Ruth, daughter of Mr. Edmund Baylies, of the former place.
MARRIED 1852: Monday evening, December 20th, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Mr. Bedell, John Lamson, Jr., of Boston, to Francis Amelia, daughter of Lorenzo Draper, Esq., United States Consul at Havre.
MARRIED 1852: On Thursday, Dec. 2, at Christ Church in this City, by Rev. A.B. Paterson, of Salem, New Jersey, Stephen Van Rensselaer Paterson, of Perth Amboy, N.J., to Emily S., daughter of Charles King, President of Columbia College.
MARRIED 1852: At Troy, N.Y. on Tuesday, Dec. 14, by the Rev. R.B. Van Kleeck, D.D., George Parish Ogden, to Henrietta Cannon, youngest daughter of the late Moses Craft, all of that place.
MARRIED 1852: At Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Alfred L. Seton, to Helena E. daughter of J.W. Schmidt, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: At Potsdam, on Thursday, by the Rev. Mr. Stauuton, T. Streatfeild Clarkson, to Ann Mary, daughter of T.S. Clarkson.
MARRIED 1852: Last evening, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, James Couper Lord, to Margaretta Hunter, daughter of James Brown, Esq.
MARRIED 1852: At Washington, on the 27th instant, by the Rev. Smith Pyne, D.D., at Mrs. Wainwright's residence, and afterwards at Her Britannic Majesty's Legation, William Webb Folute Synge, Esq., Attache, to the Legation, to Henrietta Mary, youngest daughter of the late Col. Wainwright, U.S. Marine Corps.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday, the 15th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Grace Church, Joseph K. Riggs and Rosalie, daughter of Thomas Van Zandt, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On Friday morning, by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Charles H. Marshall, to Miss Catharine Walsh, daughter of the late James Walsh, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1853: At Baltimore, 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Atkinson. Lieut. D.R. Jones, U.S. Army, to Rebecca, daughter of Col. J.P. Taylor, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1853: At Utica, June 21, by Rev. H.S. Dixon, Horace C. Livingston, of New York, to Caroline G., daughter of the late John D. Keese.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday evening, April 5th, at St. Mark's Church by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, George W. Pell, to Mary, daughter of the late George W. Brun.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, April 6, by the Rev. Robert Shaw, Dr. Frederick D. Lente, to Miss Mary Kemble, daughter of William Kemble, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday morning, April 5, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Balch, Frederick Wiggin, Esq., of London, to Elizabeth Sumner, daughter of James W. Gerard, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday morning, 12th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, William Ogden Giles, to Mary B., only daughter of Lewis Curtis, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1853: At Highland Terrace, on Thursday, April 14, by Rev. D. Babco*ck, D.D., Chas. Babco*ck and Elizabeth A., daughter of Richard Upjohn, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: On Thursday, April 14, at St. Stephens' Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dr. Ducachet. William Harding Warner, of Swindon, Wiltshire, England, to Annie Taylor Johnston, youngest daughter of the late Hon. Robert Johnston, of Annandale, Jamaica.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, the 20th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Knox, James Kent, to Sarah Irving, daughter of Edwin Clark, all of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On Thursday, April 21st by the Rev. Dr. Potts, T.L. Kane, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Bessie Dennistoun, second daughter of William Wood, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooke, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., to Mary Dickson, daughter of John Q Aymar, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: In Brooklyn, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Vinton, M.C. Perry, Jr., to Harriet E., daughter of the late Dr. S. Allen Taylor, of the above place.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday the 27th inst., by the Rev. George Potts, D.D., James Roosevelt, to Rebecca B. daughter of the late Gardiner G. Howland.
MARRIED 1853: On Thursday, April 28, at St. John's Church, Elizabethtown N.J. by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Doane, Cornelius L. King, son of Charles King, of New York, to Julia E. Lawrence, daughter of the late J. Thorp Lawrence, Esq., of the Island of Jamaica.
MARRIED 1853: On the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Osgood, Wright E. Post, to Clementine, daughter of the late Wm. Church, of Providence, R.I.
MARRIED 1853: On Thursday, the 5th instant by Reverend G. Thurston Bedell. Frantz Bulow Muller, of Liverpool, England, to Cornelia R. daughter of Prosper M. Wetmore.
MARRIED 1853: On the 5th inst., by the Rev. John M. Forbes D.D., Justus Gruner, to Helen, daughter of Mr. N.D.C. Moller.
MARRIED 1853: At Charleston, S.C., on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, John Hunter, Jr., of New York, to Annie M., daughter of Henry A. Middleton, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, 18th inst., by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, Peter Remsen Strong, to Mary Emeline Stevens, daughter of John A. Stevens, all of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On the 19th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, William A. James, to Julia, daughter of Bawlius Lownedes.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday evening, June 1, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Mr. Southard, Wm Rhinelander, to Matilda Caroline, daughter of the Hon. Thomas J. Oakley.
MARRIED 1853: At Dayton, Ohio, on the 1st of June by the Rev. A.A. Livermore, of Cincinnati, Edward A. Weeks of New York, to Miss Lucy P. Carnes, daughter of Francis Carnes, Esq., of Dayton.
MARRIED 1853: In this city, on Thursday, June 16th, by the Right Reverend Bishop Wainwright, Rev. Robert S. Howland, to Mary W. Woolsey, daughter of the late Charles Woolsey, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: On the 21st inst., at Oak Cliff, N.J., the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. Higbee, George Clarke, Esq., of Hyde, Otsego county, N.Y., to Miss Anna Maria Gregory, daughter of Hon. D.S. Gregory.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday evening, June 28th, by the Rev. Dr. Dewey, Lieut. Marie Theophile D'Oremieulx, U.S.A., to Laura Wolcott, daughter of the late Col. George Gibbs, of Sunswick, L.I.
MARRIED 1853: At Staten Island, 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Parkman, Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, to Josephine, daughter of the late O. Mauran.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, September 21, at Hoboken N.J., by the Rev. Henry J. Morton, William W. Shippen, Esq., to Georgina E., daughter of George W. Morton, Esq., Clerk.
MARRIED 1853: In N.Y., on the 29th ult., by Archbishop Hughes, Charle Carroll McIavish, of Carroll Hall, Md., to Marceall youngest daughter of Gen. Scott, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1853: At Grace Church, on Thursday, the 29th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylo, Pierre C. Kane, to Edith, daughter of the late Henry Brevoort.
MARRIED 1853: On the 13th inst., at St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dr. Stevens, James B. Johnston, of the firm of Boorman Johnston & Co., New York, to Mary H., daughter of M. Humphreys, of the former city.
MARRIED 1853: At Wynnetun, Staten Island, on the 20th inst., by Rev. James Brownlee, G. Wotherspoon, Jr. Esq., of New Brighton, to Mary J., daughter of Edward Bement, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: On the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Dr. Bushnell, Julia, daughter of Richard S. Kissam, M.D., of this city, and Charles Macalester, Junr., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1853: On Saturday, October 29, by Archbishop Hughes, Charles O'Conor, Esq., to Cornelia McCrackan, daughter of the late Francis A. Livingston.
MARRIED 1853: On the 1st inst., by the Rector, at Calvary Church, Edward C. Bogert, to Olivia, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Francis L. Hawkes, all of this city.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, Oct. 12, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. J.W. McIlvaine, Theodore R. McIlvaine and Elizabeth T., youngest daughter of Robert Townsend, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: On Saturday morning, 5th inst., at the Church of the Holy Apostles, by the Rev. Robert S. Howland, Henry Chauncey, Jr., to Emily Aspinwall, daughter of the late S.S. Howland.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, Nov. 16, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, George William Ogston, of Baltimore, to Harriet Wood, daughter of P.L. Mills.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday, Nov. 22, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D. Henry A.V. Post, to Maria Farquhar Taylor.
MARRIED 1853: On the 22d day of November, inst., in Christ's Church. New Orleans, by the Rev. Dr. Whitehall, Wm. Butler Duncan, of New York, to Miss Jane Percy Sargent, daughter of G.W. Sargent, Esq., of Natchez, Miss.
MARRIED 1853: On Wednesday, Nov. 23, by Right Rev. Bishop Wainwright Aristida Miltenberger, of New Orleans, La, and Josephine Miller, daughter of Robert Hysop. Esq.
MARRIED 1853: At Castle Menzles, Perthshire, Scotland, on the 3d of August by the Vary Rev. E.R. Ramsay, Dean of the Diocese of Edinburgh, Robert Hay Esq. second son of Sir Adam Hay, of Hayston, Baronet in the county of Peebles, and Sally, eldest daughter of Alexander Duncan, Esq., of Rhode Island.
MARRIED 1853: In this Town, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, John Hartwell, Esq., of Camden, to Miss Keren P., daughter of Francis Child, Esq.
MARRIED 1853: At St. Peter's Church, in this Town, on Thursday morning last, the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Tyng, Vancleve Dalrimple, Esq., to Miss Mariana, daughter of Dr. Isaac W. Canfield, all of this Town.
MARRIED 1853: In New York, on Thursday last, the 8th inst., by the Rev. Prof. Bush, Rev. Alfred E. Ford, of this Town, to Mrs. Cornelia R. Sumner, of Boston.
MARRIED 1853: On the 17th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, S.B. Davies, of Baltimore, to Bettie, daughter of the Hon. James Monroe.
MARRIED 1853: On Tuesday, the 18th inst., at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop Spencer, (late of Madras) Robert Bunch Esq., Her Britanic Majesty's Consul for the States of North and South Carolina, eldest son of Robert H. Bunch, Esq., of the Island of New Providence, to Charlotte Amelia, daughter of the late Samuel Craig. Esq., of the city of New York.
MARRIED 1853: On Thursday, Dec. 8, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Francis L. Hawks Alfred L. Curtis, to Maria E., daughter of the late Thomas Elison, and adopted daughter of the late Edmund Simpson.
MARRIED 1853: At Rumsey, N.H. 6th inst., Mr. James Dix of West Newton Mass. Assistant Editor of the Boston Journal, to Miss Eliza Bech<?> F., daughter of Hon Josiah Quincy, of R.
MARRIED 1853: Near Edinburgh, on 15th of December last, by the very Rev. Dean Demsay James Burrill Curtis, formerly of New York, to Mary Anne, daughter of James Tytler, Esq., of Woodhouselee, Scotland.
MARRIED 1853: On Thursday morning, Dec. 15th, at 26 Lafayette place by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Jacob Le Roy of New York, to Charlette Otis daughter of the late S. Downes Esq., of Calair Maine.
MARRIED 1854: On Tuesday, Jan. 10, by Rev. Dr. Vermilye, William P. Wainwright, of Rhinebeck, Ducthess County, to Cornelia Ridgely, daughter of John C. Tillatson, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1854: At Grace Church, on Tuesday January 24th, by the Rev. Bishop Wainwright, Edward Louis Livingston, and Mary Josephine, daughter of Joseph Kernochan.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday morning, Feb. 8, at Christ Church, Rye, Westchester County, by the Rev. Dr. Bull, Charles Pemberton Wurts, to Laura, youngest daughter of Dr. John C. Jay.
MARRIED 1854: On Thursday, the 9th inst., at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Gideon Pott, to Catharine Augusta Newbold, daughter of Jacob Le Roy, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: At Fitchville, near Norwich, Conn., on Thursday, the 9th instand, by the Rev. Mr. Aitchison, Richard Henry Winslow, of Westport, Conn., to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Fitch, and niece of Asa Fitch, of Fitchville.
MARRIED 1854: At Paris, France, Feb. 10, Henry Baring, Esq., M.P., to Mademoiselle Maria De Martinoff.
MARRIED 1854: On Tuesday, Feb. 14, by the Rev. Mr. Gibbons, Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, of New York City, to Catharine R. Duncan, of Montgomery, Alabama, daughter of the late John Duncan, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: At Paterson, New Jersey, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Hornblower, Julia C. Pierson, of Paterson, to William J. Emmet, of New York.
MARRIED 1854: On Thursday, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Rev. Dr. Houghton, M. Augustus Field and Fannie Pearsall, daughter of Samuel Bradhurst.
MARRIED 1854: This morning, at St Clements' Church, by the Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. Robert W. Edgar, to Miss Jane Emmet Le Roy.<?>
MARRIED 1854: <?>W--Lanman--At Albany, N.Y., March 16, John De Peys<?>, to Mariann Chandler, daughter of Charles J. Lanman, Norwich County, Conn.
MARRIED 1854: Kuhn--Adams--In Boston, Mass., April 13, Charles Kuhn, Jr., Louisa, Catharine, daughter of the Hon. Chas. F. Adams, of<?>
MARRIED 1854: In this City, on Saturday, April 15, by Rev. Saml. Osgood, Bernard Berene and Elizabeth, daughter of Ruderick Bedgwick, Esq., both of this City.
MARRIED 1854: In this City, on Tuesday, April 18, in St. George's Church by Rev. Dr. Tyng, Benjamin A. Onderdonk and Caroline Augusta, daughter of N.W. Stuyvesant, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: In Boston, on Tuesday, April 18, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Southgate, Albert G. Van Zandt, to Miss Ellen Louisa Parker, daughter of Peter Parker, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: In this City, on Thursday, April 20, by Rev. Dr. J.W. Alexander, Jane R., daughter of the late C.G. Smedberg, to John Wilkes, Jr., U.S.N.
MARRIED 1854: On Saturday, April 22, by Rev. A.B. Hart, Alfred S. Livingston, to Eliza Bayard, daughter of the late Joseph Blackwell.
MARRIED 1854: In this City, at Grace Church, on Wednesday, April 26, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, John A Monroe, of San Francisco, Cal., to Laura, daughter of Professor James Renwick, of this City.
MARRIED 1854: In this City, on Thursday, April 27, by Rev. A. Bloomer Hart, Mr. Francisco Parraga, of Bogota, New-Granada, to Miss Cornelia H. Livingston, daughter of V.V. Livingston, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1854: On Thursday evening, the 27th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Ferdinand Schuchardt, to Julia F., daughter of the late E.W. Berryman, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: At Washington City, April 27, by the Rev. Smith Pyne, Geo. P. Frick, Esq., of Baltimore, to Miss Kate Turnbull, eldest daughter of Col. Wm. Turnbull, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1854: On the 1st inst., at St. Bartholomew's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Balch, Augustus Wiggin, son of Timothy Wiggin, Esq., of London, to Ann E., daughter of Benjamin Loder, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1854: On the 4th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Right Rev. Bishop Wainwright, Charles H. Ogden, to Emilie, daughter of the late A<?> Ogden.
MARRIED 1854: On the 10th inst., at Woodlawn, Westchester, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, Eugene Post Hawthorn, to Frances, daughter of the late Augustus Ludlow, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: At Hartford, Conn. on Thursday, 11th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Clark, Charles Kneeland, Jr. of Bayside, L.I., to Louise daughter of John A. Tainter, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1854: In this City, at the Astor House, on Tuesday, May 15, by His Grace, Archbishop Hughes, John E. Develin and Lucy, eldest daughter of Charles A. Stetson, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1854: In this City, at the Church of the Annunciation, on Tuesday, May 16, by Rev. William L. Johnson, D.D., Rev. James S. Purdy, Rector of Trinity Church Southport, Conn., and Susan Bard, only daughter of Rev. Samuel R. Johnson, D.D., of this City.
MARRIED 1854: At Calvary Church, on Wednesday, the 24th inst., by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Richard A. Oakley, to Emily daughter of the officiating Clergyman.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday, May 31, in Paris, at the Legation of the United States, by the Rev. Mr. Chaunier, of the English Episcopal Church, Lewis Cass, Jr., ChargÈ d'Affaires of the United States, to the Papal States, to Mary, eldest daughter of N. Ludlum, of this city.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday, the 7th inst., at Christ's Church, New Brighton, by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, Frederick R. Routh, to Anna Duer, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday, the 7th inst., at Ravenswood, L.I., by the Rev. Thomas Wilts, William Foushee Ritchie, of Virginia, to Anna Cora Mowatt, of New York.
MARRIED 1854: At Embrook, Emma Dashwood, to Archibald Gracie, of New York.
MARRIED 1854: On Thursday, July 20, by the Rev. Dr. Silas E. Shepard, Josue Heilmann, to Caroline H., eldest daughter of the late John Inman, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: On board U.S. Frigate Cumberland, lying in the harbor of Spezzia Sardinia, on the 12th August, Lieut. Johnston Blakely Creighton, U.S.N., to Edwina Hurlbut Stringham, daughter of Commodore S.H. Stringham, commanding U.S. Squadron, Mediterranean.
MARRIED 1854: In Astoria, on Thursday, Aug. 2d, by Rev. Mr. Chipman, Robert Wells, of San Francisco, to Jane Fanny, daughter of the late Hon. James Lent.
MARRIED 1854: At Princeton, N.J., on Tuesday, Aug. 2d by Rev. Wia.<?> A. Dod, Edwin A. Stevens, of Hoboken, N.J., to Martha B., eldest daughter of the late Professor Dod, of the College of New Jersey.
MARRIED 1854: Henry Montgomery, L.L.D., Charles Loring Brace, Esq., of New York, to Letitia, second daughter of Robert Neill, Esq., of Belfast.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday, Sept. 6, by Rev. Dr. C.A. Goodrich, Theodore D. Woolsey, D.D., President of Yale College, to Sarah S. Pritchard, daughter of the late Gilman Prichard, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1854: In Brooklyn, on the 13th inst., by Friends Ceremony, Ludlow Thomas, to Mary S., daughter of Samuel Thompson, of that city.
MARRIED 1854: On the 18th inst., at St. Peter's Church, Morristown, by the Rev. J.J. Brandegee, Anthony Q Keasbey, of Newark, to Edwina Louisa, daughter of Hon. J.W. Miller, of the former place.
MARRIED 1854: On the 4th instant, by the Rev. Dr. T.H. Taylor, Robert G. Remsen, Esquire, to Margaret, daughter of John C. Delprat, Esquire, all of this city.
MARRIED 1854: In Paris, on the 16th of August last, at the American Embassy, by the Rev. B.M. Ford, L.S. Burridgem, D., to Emma Frances Mecke, daughter of Samuel G. Ogden, Esq., all of New York.
MARRIED 1854: On Tuesday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, the Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D., to Mary Ann Schuyler, daughter of the late Chief Justice Jones.
MARRIED 1854: On the 5th inst., at Grace Church, by the Reverend Doctor Taylor, Schuyler Livingston, to Sarah Grace Carrol, all of this city.
MARRIED 1854: In Brooklyn, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Dwight, Dr. Arthur H. Jackson, of Middletown, Conn., to Mary Nicoll, daughter of James Thorne.
MARRIED 1854: At Trinity Church, on Tuesday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. Wm. Berrian, D.D., Rector of the Parish, the Rev. Edward M. Pecke, Rector of St. Phillips, on the Highlands, to Susan M., daughter of Elias G. Drake, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: At Fort Washington, on Wednesday, Oct. 18, by the Rev. A.B. Hart, Joseph Warren Goddard, to Celestine Gardiner, all of this city.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday, Nov. 8, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Grace Church, George Moke, of England, to Margaret Van Horne, daughter of A. Norrie.
MARRIED 1854: On the 16th inst., at Christ Church, Pelham, Westchester Co., N.Y., by the Rev. Alexander Shiraz, Charles H. De Luze, to Letitia, daughter of Philip Schuyler, Esq., Pelham.
MARRIED 1854: At Charleston, S.C., on Tuesday, the 5th inst., Edward W.L. Cottenet, of New York, to Marie H., daughter of Charles Lowndes, Esq., of Charleston.
MARRIED 1854: On Wednesday, 6th inst., by Rev. Dr. S.H. Cone, Mintherne Tompkins, Jr., to Mary Cornelia, daughter of Wm. H. Hays, Esq.
MARRIED 1854: On Tuesday evening, the 19th inst., by the Rev. John W. Moore, Mr. Jonathan Edwards, to Miss Mary P. daughter of Gerard W. Morris, all of this city.
MARRIED 1854: On the 19th inst., by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, Robert E. Livingston, of Clermont, to Susan M. Clarkson, daughter of James F. De Peyster.
MARRIED 1854: On Thursday, December 21st, by the Rev. Dr. Skinner, John J. Townsend, to Catherine R. Bronson, daughter of the late Arthur Bronson.
MARRIED 1854: The Charleston (S.C.) papers of Thursday, announce the marriage of Donald G. Mitchell, of Connecticut, ("Ike Marvel,") the author of the Reveries of a Bachelor, to Miss Mary F., daughter of Wm. B. Pringle, of Charleston. Mr. Mitchell was a few days since appointed Consul to Venice by President Pierce.
MARRIED 1855: At Fellows Falls, Vt., on Wednesday, Jan. 3, at Immanuel Church, by Rev. Dr. Clap. Lewis C. Popham, of New York, to Annie J., daughter of Alexander Fleming, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1855: In this City, on Thursday, Jan. 11, by Rev. C.C. Hoffman, Lindley M. Hoffman, Jr., to Margaret Ring, daughter of Saml. F. Mott. Esq., of Mamaroneck, Westchester Co.
MARRIED 1855: At St. Paul's Church, Troy, on Wednesday, the 17th inst., by the Rev. Thos. W. Coit, D.D., Mr. George Bird, of this city, to Miss Mary Warren, daughter of the late Le Grand Cannon, Esq., of Troy.
MARRIED 1855: In this city, on Wednesday, Jan. 17, by the Rev. Wm. C. Smith, Mr. Charles E. Hyatt, to Miss Drusilla J. Westerfield, both of New York city.
MARRIED 1855: At Augusta, Geo., by the Rev. Mr. Harrison, William Few Chrystie, of the city of New York, to Miss Emily, daughter of the late W. Thomas, Esq., of Augusta.
MARRIED 1855: At Grace Church, January 18, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Edward Von Der Heydt, of Berlin, to Alice R., daughter of John W. Schmidt, Consul General of Prussia.
MARRIED 1855: In this City, on Wednesday, Jan. 31, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, John Pyne March, to Mary Livingston, daughter of Rawlins Lowndes, Esq., of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday morning, Feb. 1, at Grace Church, by the Rev. Edwin Harwood, Smith T. Van Buren, of Kinderhook, to Henrietta Eckford, daughter of the late Gabriel F. Irving, of this city.
MARRIED 1855: At Washington, D.C., on Monday, March 5, by Rev. Smith Pyne, D.D. Samuel L. Gouverneur, Jr., of Alleghany County, Md., to Marian, daughter of the late James Campbell, Esq., for many years Surregate of the City of New York.
MARRIED 1855: Hoffman--Bronson--At Sunny Point, Pilatka, Fla on Tuesday, March 20, Edward S. Hoffman, M.D., of New York City, to Gertrude, eldest daughter of the Hon. J.H. Bronton, of Fla.
MARRIED 1855: <?>
MARRIED 1855: On Tuesday evening, the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henry Wager Halleck, of San Francisco, to Elizabeth, daughter of John C. Hamilton. Esq.
MARRIED 1855: At New Orleans, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Seaco*ck, Gordon Norrie, of this city, to Emily Frances, daughter of Ambrose Lanfear, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1855: At St. Thomas' Church, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. James H. Tyng, Henry B. Robinson, to Maria A., eldest daughter of Thomas C. Winthrop, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday 15th inst., at St. George's Church by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Percy R. Pyne, to Miss Albertna Shelton, eldest daughter of Moses Taylor Esq.
MARRIED 1855: On the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Abram S. Hewitt, to Sarah Amelia, daughter of Peter Cooper. Esq.
MARRIED 1855: On Wednesday, 18th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Neville, Joseph Sands, to Charlotte, B., daughter of Joseph Foulke, all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, the 19th, by the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, Frederick W. Barclay, to Louisa C. Alburtis.
MARRIED 1855: At Grace Church, Newark, N.J., on Monday, April 30, by Rt. Rev. G.W. Doane, Wheeler H. Peckham of Albany, to Annie Aertsen, daughter of the late Dr. E.Q. Keasbey, of Salem, N.J.
MARRIED 1855: At Boston, May 3, by Rev. E.S. Gannett, D.D., Wm. C. Otis, Esq., of New York, to Miss Margaret, daughter of the late Henry Sigourney, of Boston.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, 17th instant, by the Right Rev. Archbishop Hughes, I. Ringgold Wilmer, of Philadelphia, to Nathalie, daughter of F. Chazournes, of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday 31st of May, by the most Rev. Archbishop Hughes, Edmond Begouen of Mobile, to Marie, youngest daughter of F. Chazournes Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1855: At Lenox, June 20, 1855, Frederick William Rackeman, of New York, to Elizabeth Dwight Sedgwick, of Lenox, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth B. Sedgwick. The religious services were performed by the Rev. Henry W. Bellows, and the legal ceremony by Charles Sedgwick.
MARRIED 1855: At Rochester, an the 15th inst., by the Rev. Dr. McIlvaine, John Rutherford, of New Jersey, to Charlotte, daughter of James K. Livingston.
MARRIED 1855: At Newport, on Tuesday, August 14, by the Rev. Mr. Fittam, R.C. and afterwards at Trinity Church, by the Rev. H. De Koven, assisted by the Rev. M. Mercer, Rector of the Parish, Henry Loboyns, Charge d'Affaires de Belgique, and Harriette Livingston, daughter of the late Capt. Lowndes Brown, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, August 16, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, at Calvary church, Patrice de Janon, of West Point, to Mrs. Mary D. Porterfield, daughter of the late Dr. Figues, of Nashville, Tenn.
MARRIED 1855: On Hoffmann--Grymes--At Staten Island, on Thursday, Sept. 27, by the Rev. John Lewis, Louis Adolph Von Hoffmann of Leipzig, to Athenais, youngest daughter of the late John R. Grymes of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1855: On the 1st Oct., at Stockbridge, Mass., Charles Butler, Counsellor-at-Law, to Susan Ridley Sedgwick, daughter of the late Robert Sedgwick, all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: At Canandaigua, 2d inst., John Eliot Thayer, of Boston, to Cornelia Adeline, only daughter of the Hon. Francis Granger.
MARRIED 1855: In Trinity Church, October 3rd, by the Rev. Smith Pyne, of Washington, D.C., Captain Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., to Mary H. Bolton, daughter of the late Henry Lynch.
MARRIED 1855: On Tuesday evening, Oct. 9, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Right Reverend Horatio Potter, the Rev. George H. Houghton, to Caroline Graves, daughter of John Anthon, Esq.
MARRIED 1855: At Grace Church, on Thursday October 11th, by the Rev. Edwin Harwood, Arthur Bronson and Katharine, daughter of the late George C. De Kay of New York.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, 18th inst., at Middleton, Conn., by the Rev. Dr. Goodwin, Clara, daughter of Capt. Wm. G. Hackstaff, to Lieut. Charles S. M'Donough, U.S.N., all of that city.
MARRIED 1855: In Buffalo on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Edward Ingersoll. Henry L. Clinton, Esq., of this city, to Miss Lillie Spencer Clinton, daughter of Judge (Geo. W.) Clinton, of the former place.
MARRIED 1855: At Christ Church, New Brighton, by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, on Thursday, 18th inst., Duncan A. McTayish, to Margaret, daughter of Mr. Geo. Wotherspoon.
MARRIED 1855: On Tuesday, 23d inst., at Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, George T. Elliot, Jr., M.D., to Sallie, only daughter of William T.H. Duncan, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: By the Rev. R.G. Dickson, at Grace Church, on the 24th inst., Mr. Wm. H. Hyde, to Miss Margaret Fleming, youngest daughter of John B. Fleming, all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, William Oothout, to Jane E., daughter of the late George Morgan, Esq.
MARRIED 1855: October 24, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, David Banks, Jr., to Sarah E.T. Crocker, eldest daughter of David Crocker, late of the city of New York, deceased.
MARRIED 1855: At the American Embassy, Paris, Nov. 8, by the Rev. A. Cocquerel, Henry Parish, Jr., to Elizabeth Hubbard, daughter of B.G. Wainwright, Esq.
MARRIED 1855: On Tuesday, November 13, at the University Place Church, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, James O. Sheldon, to Jane, daughter of James McCall, Esq.
MARRIED 1855: On the 14th inst., at the Episcopal residence, N.Y., by Archbishop Hughes, Thomas Francis Meagher, eldest son of Thomas Meagher, Esq., M.P., Waterford, Ireland, to Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Townsend, of Southfield, Orange Co., New York.
MARRIED 1855: In Newark, on Thursday evening, November 15, by the Bishop of New Jersey, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Henderson, M. Gevers, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, to the court of St. Petersburg, to Miss Catherine Maria Wright, only daughter of the Hon. William Wright, United States Senator.
MARRIED 1855: In Philadelphia, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wilmer, Rector of St. Marks' Church, C. Frederick Wetmore and Maria M. Costar, daughter of the late Daniel Hoisman, of Greenwood, New Jersey.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, Nov. 15th, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, James Lorimer Graham, Jr., to Josie A., daughter of Thomas Garner, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: At Savannah, on 21st inst., by the Right Rev. Bishop Elliott, D.D., A. Adalbert E.W. Barclay, Esq., youngest son of Her Majesty's Consul at New York, to Miss Margaret Marshall, of Savannah, Geo.
MARRIED 1855: On Wednesday, 25th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Hutton, Lieut. Alexander S. Webb, U.S.A., to Anne E. eldest daughter of Henry R. Remsen.
MARRIED 1855: At Elizabethtown, N.J., on 27th, inst., by Edward D. Smith, D.D., Francis L. Harris, M.D., to Sallie Livingston, daughter of the late Elias Kane, all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Tuesday, the 27th of Nov., at the Church of the Incarnation, by the Rev. Dr. Haight, John Crathorne Montgomery, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Caroline, only daughter of the late Nehemiah Rogers, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday evening, Dec. 6, at the residence of W.G. Lane, Esq., by the Rev. James P. Boyce, Mr. Frederick Newbold Lawrence, to Elizabeth Miller, youngest daughter of the late Hon. Ker Boyce, of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1855: On the 9th inst., at the Metropolitan Hotel, by the Rev. Henry M. Beare, Edward Arthur Lawrence, of Bay Side, L.I., to Hannah, daughter of Hon. A.H. Mickle, of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Wednesday evening, 12th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Osgood, Frank Hampton, of South Carolina, to Sarah Strong, daughter of George Baxter.
MARRIED 1855: In this City, on Wednesday, Dec. 12, by Rev. Alexander Jones, D.D., Emil Heinemann, to Emily M., daughter of Charles H. Dabney.
MARRIED 1855: In this city, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Octavius White, of Charleston, South Carolina, to Elizabeth Winthrop, daughter of the late Rev. John White Chanler, of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, Dec. 13, by the Rev. Wm. P. Lunt, William Irving Paulding, to Mary Green, daughter of J. Green Pearson, of New York.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, Dec. 20, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Dr. Cummings, Hervey Sparks, to Stephanie A., youngest daughter of the late Jacob Brandegee, all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: On the 20th inst., at Christ Church, Lower Red Hook, by the Rev. Henry de Koven, William E. Alco*ck, of Baltimore, to Mary Van Bokkelen, daughter of the late T. Byron Grundy, Esq., of the same city.
MARRIED 1855: At Calvary Church, Saturday, Dec. 22, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawkes, Thos. Otis Le Roy, to Caroline, daughter of R.S. Clark, Esq.
MARRIED 1855: Gibbs--Blair--At Richmond, Va., on Thursday, Dec. 27, by the Rev. Charles U. Read, Capt. Alfred Gibbs, U.S. Army, to Miss Peggy F., youngest daughter of the late John G. Blair, Esq.
MARRIED 1855: On Thursday, Dec. 27, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Edward N. Tailer, Jr., to Agnes, daughter of Thomas Suffern, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1855: In this city, on Thursday, December 27th, by the Rev. Mr. Prentiss, William P.W. Dana, of Boston, to Anna Bronson Murray, daughter of James B. Murray, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1855: In Boston, October 9, by Right Rev. Bishop Eastburn, George N. Miller, of New York, to Miss Caroline T., daughter of C. Chase, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1855: In Paris, Dec. 20, Miss Josephine Louisa Lee, daughter of Widow Lee, of New York, to Baron Auguste de Waechter, chamberlain to the King of Wurtemburg, Minister from Wurtemburg to France, and brother of Baron Louis de Waechter, also chamberlain to the King of Wurtemburg.
MARRIED 1856: In this City, on Wednesday, Jan. 9, by Rev. J.M. Macauley, Camille Marie, to Rachel Young Steward, daughter of the late John Steward, all of this City.
MARRIED 1856: Hewson--McIlvaine--On Wednesday, Jan. 9, in St John's Church, Cincinnati, by the Rev. W.R. Nicholson, John H. Hewson, to Miss Emily R., daughter of the Right Rev. Bishop McIlvaine of Ohio.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, Jan. 22d, at Christ Church, by Rev. J. Carpenter Smith, Rector of St. George's Church, L.I., Dr. Charles M. Allin, of Flushing, to Miss A.E.P. Bogert, only daughter of the late Alexander G. Bogert, of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At St. Peter's Church, Morristown, N.J., 24th inst., by the Right Rev. Bishop Doane, the Hon. E.B. Dayton Ogden, and Louisa A., daughter of Henry A. Ford, Esq., of that place.
MARRIED 1856: <?>
MARRIED 1856: At Elizabeth, N.J., 29th ult., by Rev. J.J. Bowden, Capt. J.R. Ricketts, U.S.A., to Fanny, daughter of the late J. Sharp Lawrence, Esq., of the Island of Jamaica.
MARRIED 1856: At St. Thomas Church, on Tuesday, Jan. 29th, by the Rev. Dr. Neville, Mr. Benjamin Curtis, to Miss Laura, daughter of David Hadden, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: On the 29th instant, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Mr. Henry L. Mills and Miss Mary S., daughter of John Glover, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At Philadelphia, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, Mr. Samuel Glover, of this city, and Miss Emily Hamilton, daughter of the late William Brown, of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1856: At Trinity Church, Boston, by the Rev. John Cotton Smith, Assistant Minister, the Right Rev. Manton Eastburn, D.D. Bishop of the diocese of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of Massachusetts, to Mary J., daughter of George E. Head, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1856: On the 3d inst., in St. James's Church, Zanesville, O., by the Right Rev. Chas. P. McIlvaine, John Delafield Du Bois, to Alice C. Goddard, daughter of the Hon. Chas. B. Goddard, of that city.
MARRIED 1856: March 3d, at the Reverend Doctor Alexander's Church, by the Reverend Doctor Eliphalet Nott. Edward T. Porter, to Julia M., daughter of Richard M. Blatchford.
MARRIED 1856: At Washington City, April 29, by Rev. Dr. Pyne, George B. Warren, Jr. of Troy, N.Y., to E. Phebe W. daughter of B. Ogle Tayloe.
MARRIED 1856: At St. John's Church, Yonkers, on the 29th of April, by the Rev. Abm. Beach Carter, Thomas W. Ludlow, Jr., to Frances Fraser, daughter of James E. Bettner, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: At Baltimore, on Wednesday morning, by Rev. Charles W. Rankin, Hon. George Vail, M.C., of New Jersey, to Miss Mary Lewis Lightfoot, of Port Royal, Va.
MARRIED 1856: On April 3d, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, George S. Rainsford, to Miss Rosa Elizabeth, second daughter of the late Thomas Dean, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: In this city, on the 3d April, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. E. Neville, D.D., Lieut. William Lewis Maury, U.S.N., to Annee, second daughter of the late Wm. Maury, Esq., of Liverpool.
MARRIED 1856: On the 3d, in St. George's Church, Stuyvesant square, by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Francis Brown, to Charlotte Downes, daughter of Jacob LeRoy, all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Edward A. LeRoy, Jr., to Clementina B., daughter of the late Archibald M. Pell.
MARRIED 1856: On Thursday, April 10, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. R.M. Abercrombie, of Hartford, A. Henry Thurston, M.D., to Lizzie S., eldest daughter of the late Nathaniel Bowditch Blunt, all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At Bristol, N.J., on Wednesday, April 16, by Right Rev. Bishop Clark, Lloyd Aspinwall, Esq., of this City, to Harriette, daughter of Wm. Bradford D'Wolf, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1856: Bourgeois--Lachaise--At Lyons, France, on Wednesday, April 30, by the Rev. Mr. Illaire, Mr. Auguste Bourgeois of Zurich, Switzerland, to Miss Victorine Lachaise, eldest daughter of J.A. Lachaise, esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1856: At Boston, on Wednesday, April 23, by Right Rev. Bishop Eastburn, Washington Murray, of this City, to Lizzie, daughter of the late Samuel Dana, of Boston.
MARRIED 1856: Van Otterloo--Zimmerman--In Utrecht, Netherlands, on Saturday, April 19, Theodore De Nel Van Otterloo of the Island of Java, to Emma Adrienne, daughter of the late J.C. Zimmerman, Consul General of the Netherlands for the United States in this city.
MARRIED 1856: In Paris, on the 3d of May, at the Church of the Notre Dame de Lorrette, by the Vicar, Mr. Couquet, and at Mr. Mason's, the American Ambassador, by the Rev. Mr. Chamier Ferdinando Count Frenfanelli, of Italy, to Anne McAdam, daughter of the late Hamilton Wilkes of New York.
MARRIED 1856: Strother--Whitney--On Sunday evening, May 4, by the Rev. Frederick Ogilby of Trinity Church, R.S. Strother, M.D., of Kentucky, to Rhoda Whitney, eldest daughter of Mrs. Gen. Gaines of this city.
MARRIED 1856: In this City, on Tuesday, May 6, in Trinity Chapel, by Rev. John Henry Hobart, Alexander L. Thorne, to Fannie E. daughter of Wood Gibson.
MARRIED 1856: On Wednesday, June 4, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, John A. Kernochan and Charlotte Walton, daughter of the late Jonathan Ogden, of New York.
MARRIED 1856: On Thursday, June 5, at Sunny Point, Palatka, Florida, by the Rev. A.A. Miller, W.O. Hoffman, of New York, to Emma, youngest daughter of the late Hon. J.H. Bronson, of Florida.
MARRIED 1856: Col. Sam. Colt.--to Miss Elizabeth Jarvis of Middletown, and the ceremony was performed in the Episcopal Church by the Right Rev. Bishop Brownell. Miss J. is the daughter of the Rev. Wm. Jarvis of Middletown.
MARRIED 1856: At Newport, R.I., June 14, by the Rev. A.G. Mercer, Randolph Latimer, Esq., of Baltimore, Md. and Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Rear Admiral Ralph Randolph Wormeley, of the British Navy.
MARRIED 1856: At Boston, on Thursday, June 19, George S. Bryant, to Miss Mary Freeman Kendall.
MARRIED 1856: At Morristown, N.J., on Thursday, June 26, at the Church of the Redeemer, by Rev. J.H. Tyng, John H. Wallace and Esther Frances, daughter of Thomas W. Garniss.
MARRIED 1856: At Mary's Park, Westchester Co. on Monday, June 30, by Rev. J.P. Hammond, Frederick A. Southmayd, to Meta Gouverneur, youngest daughter of the late Isaac G. Ogden, all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: On Wednesday, July 2, by the Vicar General of the R.C. Diocese of New York, and by the Rev. Thomas House Taylor D.D., the Baron de Courval, of France, to Mary, daughter of the late Richard Ray, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, 24th ultimo, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Andrew B. Paterson, of Salem, New Jersey, Walton W. Evans, of New Brunswick, New Jersey, to Anna, eldest daughter of the late J.C. Zimmerman, Consul General of the Netherlands for the United States, in this city.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, the 22d July, at Calvary Church, in the City of New York, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Daniel Blake, of South Carolina, to Helen, daughter of the late Samuel Craig, of New York.
MARRIED 1856: At Cherry Hill, Albany, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Kennedy the Rev. Samuel W. Bonny, of Canton, China, to Catherina V. Van Rensselaer, daughter of the late Solomon Van Rensselaer, deceased.
MARRIED 1856: On the 29th instant, at St. Philip's in the Highlands, by Rev. Dr. Brown, of Newburgh, Rev. J.H. Hobart Brown, Rector of the Church of the Good Angels, Brooklyn, to Anna C., daughter of Richard Upjohn, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: Morse--Messinger--At St George's Church, on Tuesday, Aug. 12, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Richard C. Morse, esq., to Harriet Hinckley, daughter of the late Daniel Messinger of Boston.
MARRIED 1856: On the 16th inst., at Fair Lawn, near Belleville, N.J., by the Right Rev. Bishop McCoskry, J.M. Carnochan, H.D., to Estelle, daughter of Major Wm. W. Morris, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1856: At Greenwood, N.J., 22d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Sherman, Richard S. Howell, to Eliza B., daughter of the late Mr. Daniel Holsman.
MARRIED 1856: At Hill Side, Essex County, N.J., on Wednesday, Sept 24th, by the Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, D.D., J. Walter Wood, Esq., of New York, to Sarina, eldest daughter of Wm. Redmond, Esq., of Hill Side.
MARRIED 1856: Sept. 25th, at St. Paul's Church, Po'keepsie, by the Rev. Mr. Traver, Thomas Tindall Winthrop, Esq., of Boston, to Augusta, daughter of Charles A. Clinton, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: At West Farms, Westchester County, on Saturday, the 27th inst., by the Rev. W. Rodman, Charles P. Daly, to Maria, eldest daughter of Philip M. Lydig, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: At Greenbush, Sept. 11, the Rev. C.W. Bolton, to Miss C. Van Rensselear.
MARRIED 1856: In Calvary Church, Oct. 1, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Eugene Thorn and Mary, youngest daughter of Robert Hyslop, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: In this city at Calvary Church, on Wednesday, 1st inst., by the Rev'd Dr. Francis L. Hawks, Edward Hodges, to Miss Mary Dewitt Edgerton, daughter of Abel. T. Edgerton Esq., all of New York.
MARRIED 1856: At Mannessing Island, Rye, N.Y., at the residence of her father, on Wednesday, Oct. 1, by the Reverend Edward C. Bull, John De Ruyter, of New York, to Henrietta M., only daughter of Chas. T. Cromwell, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1856: At Morristown, N.J., on Wednesday, Oct. 1, by Rev. James H. Tyng, Richard M. Upjohn, to Emma D., eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1856: Moore--Jones--On Thursday, Oct. 2, at the Church of the Epiphany, by the Rev. Lot Jones, George E. Moore, to Louise M. Jones, daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1856: Anthon--Hone.--On Tuesday morning, Oct. 7, by Rev. G.H. Houghton, Frederic Anthon, to Henrietta, daughter of the late Henry Hone.
MARRIED 1856: On Thursday, Oct. 9, by Rev. Dr. Burchard, George Pryer, to Albertine, daughter of P.V. Beebe, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: Berry--Van Rensselaer.--At the Manor House, Albany, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, by Rev. Mr. Vermilye, N. Berry, Esq., of Paris and Miss Catharine Van Rensselaer, daughter of Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1856: Anthon--Post.--In this City, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. Dr. Anthon, Rev. Edward Anthon, Assistant Minister of St. Mark's Church, to Helen Louisa, daughter of W.B. Post, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1856: At Jamaica Plain, Mass. Oct. 15, by Rev. Mr. Babco*ck, Saml. Haskell, Esq., of New York, to Mary F. daughter of Jonathan Amory.
MARRIED 1856: Strong--Livingston.--In this City, on Wednesday, Oct. 15, at the Cathedral, by the very Rev. Dr. Starr, Vicar-General, Joseph M. Strong, Esq., to Miss Elizabeth L. Livingston, daughter of Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1856: On Wednesday evening, Oct. 15, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. John H. Hobart, John M. Phyfe, to Martha, daughter of Wood Gibson, all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: On Thursday, Oct. 16, by Rev. Isaac H. Tuttle, Rector of St. Luke's Church. Wyndham N. Lloyd, to Catherine H., daughter of the late John Morgan, all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At Christ Church, Pelham, Thursday, the 16th October, by the Rev. Winter Bolton, Francis T. Garrettson, of New York, to Helen Jay, daughter of Frederick Prime, Esq., of New Rochelle.
MARRIED 1856: On Saturday, Oct. 25, by Rev. Dr. Potts, J. Cameron Stone to Mary, daughter of J.F.D. Lanier, all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, Oct. 28, by the Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, E. Boudinot Colt, of Paterson, N.J., to Jeannie, daughter of J.H. Borrowe, of this city.
MARRIED 1856: On the 29th inst., at Mortonville, by the Rev. Henry J. Morton, Doctor John W. Green, of New York, to Caroline E., daughter of Charles F. Morton, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: On Thursday, the 30th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Higbee, Rector of Trinity Chapel, Samuel B. Smith and Maria D., daughter of John J. Cisco.
MARRIED 1856: At Needwood, Frederick county Md. Oct. 27, at the residence of her father. (Saml. L. Gouverneur,) by Rev. Mr. Marbury, J., Monroe Bibby of New York, to Elizabeth, K. Heiskell.
MARRIED 1856: Parsons--McIlvaine--On Wednesday, November 5th, by the Rt. Rev. Charles P. McIlvaine, D.D. Bishop of Ohio, John E. Parsons and Mary Dumesnel, daughter of B.R. McIlvaine, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: Steward--Bogert--On the 6th inst., at Calvary Church by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, D. Jackson Steward, to Mary Anna, daughter of Henry K. Bogert.
MARRIED 1856: Richards--King--At Highwood, New Jersey, on Wednesday, 12th November, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Edgar H. Richards, of New York, to Mary, daughter of the late James G. King.
MARRIED 1856: Lathrop--Gibbons--At Madison, N.J., on Wednesday, Nov. 12, by the Rev. Samuel Randall, Frank Lathrop, to Isabel, youngest daughter of the late Wm. Gibbons.
MARRIED 1856: At Newport, R.I., on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Mercer, Thomas R. Hunter, to Frances Taylor, daughter of the late Samuel Watmore, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1856: Rogers--Smedberg.--At Norwich, Conn., on Wednesday, Nov. 19, by Rev. Mr. Bond, Elizabeth B. Rogers, of Norwich, to James R. Smedberg, of New York.
MARRIED 1856: On Wednesday, Nov. 19, at the Cathedral, by his Grace the Archbishop, Henri Le Barbier, to Emily, daughter of P.A. Hargous, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At Elizabeth, N.J., on Wednesday, Nov. 19, by Rev. E.A. Hoffman, Archibald Gracie, Jr., of Elizabeth, to Josephine, daughter of the late Edward C. Mayo, of Richmond, Va.
MARRIED 1856: At Baltimore, on Tuesday, Nov. 25, at Saint Paul's Church, by the Rev. R.S. Howland, G.G. Howland, of this city, to Mary G., daughter of Grafton L. Dulany, Esq., of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, Nov. 11, by Rev. Benj. Griffin, Charles A. Yates, to Emma Amelia, daughter of Samuel Halsted, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: At Staten Island, on Wednesday, Nov. 26, by Rev. John Parkman, George William Curtis, of New York, to Anna, daughter of Francis Geo. Shaw.
MARRIED 1856: On Thursday, Nov. 27, by the Rev. Thomas House Taylor, D.D., Edmund Lincoln Baylie, of Taunton, Mass., to Nathalie Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Ray, of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At Grace Church, on Thursday, Nov. 27, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, John Romeyn Brodhead, to Eugenia, eldest daughter of S. DeWitt Bloodgood, all of New York.
MARRIED 1856: At Jamaica Plain, Nov. 28, by Rev. E.B. Willson, of West Roxbury, Theodore Lyman, of Brookline, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of George R. Russell.
MARRIED 1856: At Annapolis, Md. Nov. 25, by the Rev. Dr. Nelson, Lieut. J. Taylorwood, United States Navy, to Lola, youngest daughter of the late George Mackeebin, Esq., of that place.
MARRIED 1856: At Middletown, Conn. Nov. 25, by the Rev. Dr. Goodwin, Julius Wadsworth, of New York, to Cornelia, daughter of the late Henry L. de Koven, Esq.
MARRIED 1856: Tucker--Auchmuty--At Trinity Chapel, on Thursday, December 4th, by the Rev. John I. Tucker, Rector of the Church of the Holy Cross, Troy, Richard Sands Tucker, of Brooklyn, to Margaret Alien, daughter of the late Richard T. Auchmuty, of New York.
MARRIED 1856: Ogden--Johnson--On Tuesday, Dec. 9, by the Rev. Thos. H. Taylor, D.D., Thomas L. Ogden, of Milwaukee, Wis., to Jane Wilmot, daughter of Isaac A. Johnson, of this city.
MARRIED 1856: At Trinity Chapel, on Thursday, Dec. 25, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, Albert Gallatin Stevens, to Amelia Louise, daughter of the late John H. Cornell.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, Dec. 23, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. Scott, Mr. Wm. H. Douglass, of New York, to Miss Adeliza, eldest daughter of Wm. Williams, Esq., of Newark, N.J.
MARRIED 1856: On Tuesday, Dec. 23, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, James P. Kernochan, to Catharine, daughter of Peter Lorillard, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1856: At Albany, 8th inst., by the Rev. G.H. Nichols, the Hon. Wm. W. Campbell, to Catharine A., daughter of Jacob Livingston, Esq., all of Cherry Valley.