Dumbledore's Utter Failure - Chapter 1 - elvirakitties - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Harry wasn't sure where Dumbledore was but he was thankful for a peaceful night's rest in the Infirmary since Ron and Hermione had been given Dreamless Sleep Potions. Madam Pomfrey was going to release them in the morning. Harry's thoughts were more focused on the fact he was going to have to return to his relatives. He had already been rejected by Dumbledore regarding staying at Hogwarts or anywhere else. He was still a bit unclear about why he couldn't get help and why Dumbledore had so much say in his life. He was still trying to get over the comment about arriving neither as healthy nor happy as he hoped but hey, chin up Bucko (ok, ok, Harry thought, my version of it), you are alive. Harry wasn't sure for how long he remained with the Dursleys. Harry fell asleep thinking about possible solutions. Dumbledore and his stupid tests were the last thought Harry had.

The next morning:

The trio was heading back to their common room. Harry was exhausted and sore, he just didn't want to spend any more time in the Infirmary nor listen to his two friends' joyful banter. Ron was babbling excitedly as was Hermoine as they walked. They had spent the night in the Infirmary thanks to Dumbledore and his little test. Harry wondered just how stupid the man thought he was. He just wanted some peace so was looking forward to his bed so he could close the curtains and find some peace.

Harry was still a bit freaked about burning a man to death while his two friends were happy about it. Dumbledore had praised him last night and ignored the fact he had just killed someone. He felt sick and had since last night. Madam Pomfrey had given him a stomach soother but this wasn't going away. He could still smell the burning flesh in his clothes, in his nose, on his skin, and he didn't think he would ever forget about it. He would have banished what he was wearing but he didn't have a lot of clothes just to throw the ones he did out.

"Harry, aren't you excited, we did it."

Ron was almost jumping into the air with excitement. He had been talking about their great adventure and what it would mean for them. Harry thought he was a fame whor*. "No, I am not." They didn't do anything that Dumbledore hadn't arranged for them to do. The course was too easy for any trained wizard. It was designed to showcase their skills or make them believe they were special. Harry had seen it done enough times with the lump of a cousin. His aunt and uncle were always making challenges up and praising Dudley when he finally got it right. Honestly, Harry wondered if it was Dudley who should have a scar on his head showing where someone removed the brat's brain.

"Harry, we saved the Stone. We're heroes."

Harry wondered if Ron was going to be bragging for the next year. Harry decided it wasn't worth talking to them and just ignored them as they excitedly chatted about everything before they entered their common room. Harry froze as a group of Aurors were in the common room. He was going to be arrested for killing the Professor. He felt a bit faint as he saw beyond the Aurors were Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and some older woman. Why hadn't Dumbledore warned him?

"That is Hermione Granger." Dean pointed at Hermione. The students were watching with eager attention. Harry didn't know what happened or when but it did explain why Dumbledore hadn't been up in the Infirmary this morning. Were Hermione and Ron going to be arrested with him? Wait...only Hermione was mentioned.

Harry looked at the group of Aurors. He wondered if they would remove his magic, would they just send him to a reform school like the Dursleys told the neighbors. It would get him away from the muggles, so perhaps it would be for the best. He was underage, so perhaps it might not be the worst thing to happen to him. He wasn't sure how the magical world handled kid offenders.

The group consisted of four Aurors in brown trenchcoats. The tallest had a beard that he had tucked into his coat, pointed features that gave him bird-like features with his dirty blond hair pulled back making his neck look even longer. The shortest one was a bit on the heavy side as if he hadn't met a donut he didn't like. He was bald with beady blue eyes. The other two were twins. They had black hair that almost looked like a deep shade of blue. Their eyes were a bit bloodshot, their faces were round, and they looked like they lifted weights. Harry was sure he was going to be charged with murder.

"What is wrong?" Hermione looked around the common room. "Headmaster? Professor? Is this about the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Harry thought for the smartest girl, she opened her mouth and inserted her two feet a lot. He wondered how she and Ron survived at times. He had realized months ago why the pair of them never had any friends before attending Hogwarts. Harry hadn't either but he could place the blame where it belonged, on his fat cousin.

"How do you know about it?" Professor McGonagall glared at Dumbledore as she realized what the trio that earned them a night with Poppy in the Infirmary before she had been called to escort Neville to St. Mungos. She had told them that everything was protected and to go back to their dorms. She didn't give them a chance to inform her that they were aware of what the item was. She sensed Dumbledore's hand in this.

"Hermione Granger, you are under arrest for assault and battery against the Noble House of Longbottom Heir Neville Longbottom." One of the Aurors stepped forward. He had a pair of cuffs out. "You will be escorted to the Ministry, where your parents will be called."

"Now, I am sure it's not necessary as I have been explaining, it's a slight misunderstanding, children being children. I do not believe she intended to cause any damage." Dumbledore and his slight misunderstanding. Yeah, slight misunderstanding on how his relatives treated him, Dumbledore was sure they loved him, Harry thought. Harry wondered how many times Dumbledore used that line to cover up stuff.

"She did and it doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. Heir Longbottom is at St. Mungos because of her using a wand against another student." The shortest Auror tilted his head at Granger for the cuffs to be placed on her.

Dumbledore was sitting down on the red couch next to Professor McGonagall. There was an elderly woman with a vulture on her hat sitting opposite him on a gold couch. Harry thought she had to be Neville's grandmother. She fit the description Neville had provided, right down the hat. "While we are not sure of the full condition regarding Neville, it wasn't done with malice. It was done to help save the school from losing a very valuable item." Dumbledore tried another route around, hoping Lady Longbottom would recognize the truth of the matter.

"No, there isn't. She stunned my grandson, when he fell, he cracked his head open. She left him there and if it wasn't for a house-elf, he could have bled to death." Lady Longbottom stood up. Her eyes ranked over Hermione. Harry was grateful he didn't have to deal with the woman. He now understood why Neville was a bit timid, this woman was scary.

"Yes, Hermione is scary but she did to stop Professor Snape from stealing-" Ron didn't have a sensor on his mouth and wanted the glory for their deeds. Harry was never going to get Ron to see the truth about their adventure, well, Hermione wouldn't either but for a different reason. Hermione had the uttermost faith in Dumbledore.

"It wasn't Professor Snape." Harry sighed. He had been telling them it wasn't Snape and without Dumbledore's confirmation they didn't believe him. Dumbledore never bothered to confirm anything last night. Dumbledore had just wanted some details and he left before Harry could get answers. Well, technically, Dumbledore left without answering questions by stonewalling Harry with a quick comment about chatting about it later.

"Yes, it wasn't Professor Snape." Dumbledore stood up. "It was the deceased Professor Quirrell who was possessed by Voldemort."

Harry wanted to groan. The rate Dumbledore was going, he would be in Azkaban next to Hermione while Dumbledore was locked in the Janus Thackery Unit at St. Mungos. If Dumbledore kept going he could forget about being treated as a minor and just thrown into Azkaban. "How did this Professor die? Where is the corpse? Why did three students feel they had to handle the situation instead of getting assistance from the staff?"

"We did but Professor McGonagall didn't believe us so we forced Harry to come with us to protect the stone." Ron wanted to be famous. "We had to drag Harry to the third floor after Hermione stunned Neville. Neville didn't want us to leave and Hermione just pulled out her wand and cast the spell."

Harry wanted to smack the idiot on the back of the head. He just threw Hermione under the bus in the eyes of the law but he did get Harry out of some trouble. Perhaps he should let Ron run his mouth more. "How did you force Heir Potter?"

"What? Heir? What are you talking about?" Harry ignored the shocks from around the room. "Professor Dumbledore, what are they talking about? You never mentioned anything about being an heir."

"Albus, you told us he was informed about his status and had training? What is going on with Heir Potter?" Lady Longbottom looked at Harry. "Where is your heir ring? Why are you dressed in such awful clothes? Your parents left you plenty of money and a trust vault for you to have some spending money."

"What? I have more than my vault? Wait, trust? What is going on?" Harry was going to kill Dumbledore slowly.

"We aren't here for this situation but we will be mentioning it to Child Protective Services as well as Madam Bones." One of the Aurors, the twin on the left side, moved forward and pulled out some cuffs. "Hermione Granger, hands in front of you. I am going to cuff you and we will be going to the Ministry."

"What? Headmaster, please tell them, I didn't do anything wrong." Hermione looked around the room.

"So you didn't pull out your wand, stun Heir Longbottom, and leave him on the floor bleeding?" The twin who was on the right asked.

"Yes, but-"

"Hermione, do not say another word." Dumbledore stood up. "I will go with you and we will get this sorted out."

Harry just watched as the Aurors and Dumbledore escorted Hermione out of Gryffindor. Lady Longbottom went to follow but stopped near Harry. "Heir Potter, I would suggest you go to Gringotts and discover what is going on with your accounts." She walked out.

"Weasley, do cease your babbling. The Headmaster is handling the situation." Harry was staring at the door when Professor McGonagall touched his shoulder. "Potter, come with me." Harry followed her ignoring Ron's useless questions.

Harry wasn't sure when Snape joined them but he was with them in Professor McGonagall's office as the woman explained everything. "It gets worse, Severus. Albus never informed Harry about his status, his vaults, being an heir, and Harry never had any magical training."

Harry looked at the pair. "I am confused. What training? How am I an heir? I was informed by my relatives my parents were poor, drunkards who died in a car accident and Hagrid was the one to tell me I was a wizard and gave me a key to a vault that he took back. Hagrid never mentioned anything about being an heir or having more than one vault. He only told me he had to return my key to the Headmaster."

Severus Snape turned an interesting shade of red. Harry wondered if he had seen that shade in his Uncle before. It was quiet for several seconds before Snape asked "who was he living with?"

"My aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon." Harry wasn't sure what he was missing but he had a feeling it had a lot to do with why Snape hated him.

"I warned him about them." Minerva shook her head. "Severus, I can't leave but he needs to go to Gringotts before Albus gets back."

"I agree." Severus stood up. "Come along, Potter, it seems you are about to learn some truths I have a feeling none of us will be happy about being hidden."

Harry stood up. He looked lost and confused. "Wait, I am not going to be arrested for killing Quirrell?"

"No Potter, you aren't. Professor McGonagall has the paperwork that the Headmaster prepared for this incident and I believe it has been handled regarding your adventure, for now."

Harry frowned. "I don't understand it. I burned the man to death with my hands. Shouldn't something be done about this?"

Severus watched the boy. Perhaps the boy wasn't a mini James Potter as he was aware that James would have just taken Dumbledore's word for everything and certainly not be concerned about being arrested. Snape looked at him as Minerva sighed. "Harry, he was being possessed by He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. The unicorn blood he used to survive damned him in the eyes of magic. Professor Quirrell was dead as soon as he was possessed by such evilness."

Harry looked a bit doubtful. "No one is going to even take my statement?"

Severus was about to snap at the brat for his endless questions but stopped himself. They were sensible questions and he would have been asking them himself. He was still trying to keep his anger under control realizing how much Dumbledore had lied to him and the rest of the magical world regarding Potter and his home life. He had a feeling Gringotts was another area that Dumbledore had lied about and kept hidden for a reason. "No, if they want one, they will most likely ask to view your memories."

Harry's eyes went a bit big. "They can view my memories?"

"Yes, I will explain the process as we head to the bank."

At the Bank:

Severus and Harry waited to see a teller. As they were waiting a goblin approached them. "Hi, Griphook." Harry smiled at the goblin. Severus could hear the quills of the tellers' drop. The tellers were staring at Harry.

"Heir Potter, a pleasure to see you again. Are you here to handle your accounts?" Griphook ignored the shocked looks from the teller area. Wizards never bothered to learn their names or address them with a smile and a cheery attitude. Most wizards only bothered to learn their account manager's name and that was it. The goblins were generally treated with disdain by wizards.

"Yes, Professor Snape brought me since I just learned I have more than the one vault. Dumbledore still has my key."

"Come with me. You will need to be given an Inheritance Test before we can move forward." Griphook indicated an office they would be heading to.

Harry didn't see the confused look on Severus' face. He never expected a pleasant goblin and certainly didn't expect Harry Potter to know the name of one. "Potter, how do you know Griphook's name?"

"He was the one who took me to my vault the first time."

"Indeed. I tried to get in touch with Heir Potter during the year but nothing was attended to." Griphook had a feeling he knew why.

"I never got anything." Harry was a bit puzzled. "Wait, Ron mentioned fan mail. I never got any letters except from Dumbledore and one from my relatives with a shilling in it for Yule during the year."

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. He had a bad feeling about this. Griphook didn't seem surprised which made Severus' bad feeling grow.

Dumbledore's Utter Failure - Chapter 1 - elvirakitties - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.