Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING OBSEEVER, DUNKIRK, N. FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1947 Dunkirk, South Seek to Clinch Titles Tonight Championships in three Chautauqua county scholastic lea- iiuei. the Lake Shore, Eastern and Western, may well he decided to-' night the ncxt-lo-lnst sets of are played. In the Lake Shore loop.

Dun- liirk can sew things up by winning at Jamestown. In the Western, undefeated Sherman is expected to put on the clincher a1 Chautauqua and in the Eastern, South Dayton can be assured of nothing wonie than a tic if they can pass critical lest here i Dunkirk Industrial. And the South Dayton club's title will then probably rest in defeating cellar- bound Cherry Creek at home next week. But two of these critical Cannes, i at and I Dtyton at i be no stunning upsets i ttie leaders should get knocked off. The host clubs, although down the ladders in the standings, ure plenty tough, particularly on their home courts when the chips arc down.

Silver Creek is the club with consequent home floor advantage. They could pull a last desperate bid to knock off Falconer. They could pull even with the Falcons by doing so, but to bent them out for the county A crown would have to beat Dunkirk whiic Falconer was losing at "iVesUield next week. Westfield, tied with Jamestown in the Lake Shore's runner-up spot, will be 'hcnvily favored ut Frcdonia, where the winless Hillbillies' luck seems to have run out, The Orange, like the Brooklyn Dodgers, to have adopted the cry of "Wait'll next year." FADING BEAU JACK, FORTUNE, CARRON TAKE 2-MAN BOBS CROWN Placid Fred For- Plncicl. ami Schuyler Carron, Aiibabk- Forks, today htld the Thomas international trophy in the two-man bobsled championships.

The two flashed to victory, with Carron at the brakes, on the Mt. Van Hoevenberg bob run yesterday to dethrone Tuffy Latsur, Scranac Lake, defending charn- p.on. Latour is the of the national senior AAU title and U. Olympic tryouts this year. Latour came in second.

Fortune, 25-year-old bob pilot, clocked one minute 15 seconds in his final three slides down the mile course to compile a total of five minutes and .34 seconds for the four trips. Latour finished -with a total of five minutes 3.77 seconds. Bud Washbond finished third with five minutes, 4.97 seconds and the veteran Curtis Stevens ranked fourth with five minutes 8.79 seconds. Members of the 1948 bobsiocl team will be aiinoiincjucl by the U. S.

Olympic bubKled corrtmlttoc Mnrcli 2 with Lntntir nnd Fortune expected to be named as two- man drivers for the next winter games in St. Morilz. The North American four-man championship for the Lowell Thomas international trophy will be raced off Saturday and Sunday mornings. SUPREME COURT GETS POSER Boston (UP)--Tine Massachusetts Supreme Court is trying to decide when a boy is not a boy. Lower courst asked whether a sboy who is 16 when arrested and 17 when he reaches court should be tried as a juvenile or in adult sessions.

Texas adopted the runoff primary system in 1913. "Could you ttraighten it out by face o'clock? I don't want my husband to know I took the car out today!" dont re air But, if you ve a service problem, we can sure straighten it out for you Kendall petroleum products are one of the world finest and will keep your car operating economically longer! DIETZEN'S KENDALL SERVICE 436 Central Ave. Phone 2665 Free Parking SERVICE DESIGNED for YOU! Leaving Dunkirk for Buffalo via Route 5-- i TM 8:4 and cve i i il 30:40 p. except 11 n. in.

n.ul 4:40 p. in. Leaving Dunkirk for Buffalo via Route 20-7 a. m. 11:40 a.

Leaving Dunkirk for a 9:30 a. m. arid every hour until 'J-aO p. also 12:30 m. Leaving Buffalo for a.

m. and every hour until 12 :20 a. m. Buffalo Erie Coach Corporation Dunkirk, Phone 2045 Fredonin. Phone 405 BY CUDDY New York (UP)--Beau Jack, lop Kate attraction in Madison Square Garden history, was slated for the most importani test of his career tonight in a.lO-round bout with speedy young Tony Janiro.

The bout was expected to repeal whether the once-great Negro fighter from Augusta, is "washed up" at 25, or he may campaign ns successfully in the welterweight division as he did in the lightweight class in which he formerly was champion. Although favored'al 2-1 because of his aggressiveness and head- punching fury, Beau nevertheless regarded by many experts as a big question murk, as he faced 20-year-old Janiro from Youngstown, O. He was a question mark for several reasons. Since he came out of the army' .18 months ago, with the additional poundage that, lirteU him frnm the .135 to the 147-poiijicl class, he did not light ns wcJI ns previously. In two bouts with Johnny Greco, for example, he no longer looked like the "brown windmill" that had through the lightweight division.

Greco held him to a draw in their first engagement. Beau's tuck Bad Last Oct. 22, Beau, fought a practically unknown Negro named Buster Tyler at Elizabeth, N. and Beau lost the decision. That was his last ring appearance.

More hard luck came to Beau on Nov. 13. While training for Willie Joyce at Chicago, he fractured his left kneecap. This injury and its resultant operation kept him inactive until he -training five weeks ago. He looked good in the gymnasium; but it's uncertain whether his kneecap can weather 10 rounds at the blistering pace Janiro will set.

i Beau was favored at 2-1 because of his past proficiency as a head-buster, and because young Janiro showed a tendency to flounder under head punishment in three bouts with Greco, two of which Greco won. Janiro expected to have a slight weight advantage, scaling about 146'to Beau's 144 pounds. Whether Beau wins and moves on toward a welter title shot with champion Hay (Sugar) Hobinson, or whether he loses and drifts back mediocrity, he will long be remembered as the ex-shoeshine boy. who drew $1,393,704 in 18 Garden main events--a gate figure never approached by any other Garden fighter, including Joe Louis. That figure should be swelled to nearly $1,500,000 tonight.

The winner will be matched with young Charley Fusari of Irvingtpn, N. who upset veteran Tippy Larkin at the Garden last Friday. The bout will be staged March 21 or April 4. Out of that encounter may come the challenger for Robinson. For his size, strength, and fat supply, a bear-is the lightest eater of all creation.

Don'f They Look Natural? lift "in" rViht ut ik 4 ick Bil Voiselle, Gene Thompson and Dick Lajeski, left to right, last-place New York Giants' pitchers, look natural flat on backs under blankets melting off excess poundage in steam room at Buckhorn Spa, on desert hard by Mesa Ariz. TEACHERS FIVE AT JOSEPH'S (CLOTHES OVERCOATS SUITS TOPCOATS Fine Clothes for Men and Boys! SHIRTS NECKWEAR. SPORTSWEAR SHOES HATS GLOVES HOSIERY ROBES LUGGAGE BELTS and BRACES Quality Open Open All Day Wednesday! Wain and 3rd Sts.i DUNKIRK, N. Y. PHIL'S SERVICE 132 Lake Shore Drive, Eaat Phone 2426 TYDOLGAS VEEDOL OILS ACCESSORIES and SERVICE! Fredonia's Teachers take to the road tonight in quest of an elusive fitth victory which has stayed out of reach all through the month of February.

Opponents tonight will be the Brockport Teachers, who will be favored heavily on their home court in view of the fact they clipped the Fredonians for a 5033 decision on the Terrace street court early in January. The Fredonians will be away from home for their next three games: Brockport tonight. University of Buffalo next Wednesday and Ediriboro on March 1. They'll wind, up their home season against Rochester Institute March 8 and clash with St. Bonaventure's Br.owri Indians in a Newton hospital benefit at Jamestown March 13 to complete a 16- game slate.

In 11 games so far, they have won four while losing seven. COLLEGE BASKETBALL RESULTS St. John's 80, Hawaii 37 Western Kentucky 63, Centre 23 Rensselaer Poly 63, Hamilton 60 Maryland 55, Virginia Polytechnic 42 Arizona 60, Hardin Simmons 48 Muskingum 60, Denison 54 Kansas State 48, Kansas 45 Wagner 73, 55 Indiana Evansville 46 Springhill 65, Millsaps 39 Niagara 60, City Coll. of N. Y.

54 Nebraska Wesleyan 48, Omnha 40 Southwestern 38, Pittsburgh. Teach. 37 Allegheny 69, Grove City 48 Fairmont Tchrs. 70, Morris Harvey 53 Augustana 48, Ctrawbrose 34 East. Kentucky 68, Transylvania 38 Upsala 56, Providence 54 Depauw.49, Butler 39 Toledo 77, Valparaiso 65 N.

Tex. St. 73, E. Tex. St.

69 Hegins, Pa. (UP)--Twin sisters an'd their husbands celebrated jolden wedding anniversaries on same day here. The couples were the former Ada Saltzer and eorge Minnich and Vada Sallzer and Elmer Shoop The sisters are 19 years old. THERE'S TIME LEFT This winter to have your car frozen so that you can pay out for an expensive repair bill but not If you are smart and have the winterizing checked regularly CHARLIE'S Texaco Service CHARLES KNOLL, Phone 3205 Central at City Line. Dunkirk MOTOR OVERHAULING Is never quite a complete job unless yon 1 have the valves refaced and reset otir new automatic valve refacer enables us to do the job better And more economically.

Wallace Brothers Super Service Station 242 Lake Shore E. Ph. 2375 Dunkirk, N. Y. We Call For and Deliver Your Car A in the Citv! TRAINING CAMP BRIEFS Phoenix, Ariz.

(UP)--Although the ball wasn't visibly dented and its cover still was intact, Clint Hartung, the fabulous New York Giant rookie impressed his team mates favorably today after his first time at bat in spring training. Hartung, who is being billed an a second Babe Ruth until National league pitchers prove otherwise, was given special permission to take a batting drill and after a few swings connected with drives that would have been good for extra bases in any park. San Juan, P. R. (UP)--Stanley (Bucky) Harris, manager of the New York Yankees, praised his coach, Charley Dressen, acquired from the Brooklyn Dodgers during the olf-season, "the I ever saw." "I marvel at his shrewdness, desire lor perfection and his capacity lor work," Harris said.

Havana (UP)--Brooklyn Dodger players congratulatod' Lou Ruchser, a rookie first base candidate today on his narrow escape from death from a torrid line drive which struck him on the upper cheek bone. Ruchser, who was felled by the blow from the bat of Mcrvin Hackley yesterday, did not lose consciousness and X-rays revealed no fracture. Miami (UP)--The Boston Red Sox lined up an aerial spring training junket today in which, they will play exhibition games at New Orleans, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas, Little Rock, Memphis, and Birmingham, making the trip in a chartered Pan-American Airways clipper. BASEBALL BISONS HAVE TWENTY PLAYERS SIGNED Buffalo, (UP) General Manager Roger Peckinpaugh of the International league Buffalo Bi- sons today announced the signing of four more players the 1947 season. Marty Tabacheck, stocky catcher, of last season's squad, along with infielder Elie Flint and pitchers Charley Miller and Earl Evans were the men signed.

Peckinpaugh also said that unsigned documents were returned ay Coaker Triplett, Johany Antonelli and Ed Yount. Triplett and AntonelJi were obtained from the Philadelphia Phillies shortly before the start of the 1948 campaign while Yount was obtained 1 in a mid-season trade with the' Toronto Maple Leafs. Twenty have now been signed by Buffalo for the 1947 season. Detroit Bids For NHL Playoff Spot Detroit's drive to land a spot in the National league Stanley cup playoffs was in full swing today at the expense of the fourth place Boston Bruins who are in danger of losing their chance at postseason glory. The Red playing brilliantly before a home crowd at Detroit night, moved into sole occupancy of fifth place with a 3 to 0 victory over Boston.

It was the second tinie in as many nights that the Bruins had been shut out, the Rangers having pulled the same triek by a 6 to 0 margin at New York on Wednesday. The victory left Detroit only six points behind Boston. It was achieved mainly through alt around excellent defensive work. Detroit's 18-year-old goalie, Harry Lumley, racked up his second shutout of the year. despite a painful injury suffered in the first period when he was hit in the face by a- stick.

The game was held up five minutes while he was given treatment. Bill Quackenbush started Detroit out in front with a first period goal and Tud Lindsay tallied in the second. An unassisted goal by Roy Councilor in the third perioil wound up the scoring. HITS TOPT ROYALS LOSE AGAIN The single point that gave Oshkosh, a 61 to 60 victory over Anderson, last night put them at the top of the, Western division of the National Basketball league today, 'the Indianapolis Kautskys, who bowed to the Chicago Gears, 64 to 48. Indianapolis has won 22 games, one more than Oshkosh, but lias lost 14, also one more, and trails by seven percentage points.

The Western division alignment was further scrambled by the Shebogan, Redskins who moved up into third place by nipping the Eastern-leading Rochester quintet, 52 to 49. Anderson dropped from third to In other games which did not affect the standings, Fort Wayne. downed Detroit, 52 to 37, and Tri-Cities upset Toledo, 64 to 52. JUNIOR LEAGUE SATURDAY SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Junior Recreation league basketball teams will have another full schedule of six games Saturday, Recreation Director Karl Hoeppner said today. The schedule follows: 12:30 P.

M. Court 1--Pirates vs. Braves Court 2--Giants vs. Cards Girls' vs. Yanks 1:15 P.

M. Court 1--Dodgers vs. Cubs Court 2--Phils vs. Reds Girls' Gym--Tigers vs. Red Sox SCHOOL CLASS MAKES MOVIES San Diego (UP)--Seventy-one senior students of Hoover High school arc winding up "shooting schedules" on two motion pic- tures in an unusual school course.

Student-created from original script to final projection, the pictures comprise the class studies. World news complete! Head the OBSERVER. WANTED! MODEL CARS 1 We pay the highest cash price at LAKE SHORE Service Station Phone 4974 186 Lake Shore East DUNKIRK YANK PUCKSTERS HIT WINNING FORM TOO LATE Prague, (UP)--In winning form again, the United States amateur hockey team appeared today to have struck its stride too late in the world's" championship tournament with Sweden and Czechoslovakia now co-favored to win the title. The Yanks, put on their best showing so far yesterday when they trounced last-place Roman- ia, 15 to 3. Swirling through well- i coordinated the Americans showed no mercy in piling up the count.

Two players--Tom Dugan and Hector Rousseau--scored three goals each, and three others --Ed Cahoon, Perley Grant, and Ross Mclntyre--had two goals each. Jim Bouton, Bob Verrier, and Gus Gallipeau notched single tallies for the United States, while Drob Yncze led Romania with two goals. The victory gave the Americans total of six points, three less than Sweden and two less than Czechoslovakia. LIQUID ELECTRICITY? Benjamin Franklin bclieVed electricity was a fluid, that positively charged matter contained an excess of the fluid, while negatively charged matter was lacking in it. Notre Dame-Canisius Tilt In Buffalo Heads Week-end Card BY CARLOS F.

SOTO Buffalo, Cornell univcr stty and Canisiua college readied their forces today for the stiff- cst encounters scheduled by upstate New York's major basketball powers this weekend in the fading collegiate court season. The Big Red quintet from aca, playing its fourth straight Ivy league opponent, will attempt to repeat its early season victory over Harvard in a game at Cambridge, tomorrow night. Cornell, practically out of the race for the title despite its 5-3 won-lost record in the competition, still has a good chance for runncrup honors. Cunislus college, making its third 'last home in Memorial Auditorium, lakes on Notre Dame in seeking to return the win column after the midweek trimming administered by liIU. The Fighting Irish quintet which has lost only to Wisconsin.

Purdue and Kentucky in 18 games, will prove hard customer for Cnnlshis to crack, however. Niagara C'CNV Niagara university, which is idle this weekend, turned in an impressive BO-54 triumph over City College of New York in Madison Square Garden, last night, bettering the three-point margin of victory turned in lay Canisius over the same club here last week Niagara's, big gun, hook-shot artist Paul Ycsawich. hit for 18 points as the Purple Eagles amassed a comfortable lead and then staved off CCNY's test-half drive. In another contest last night Kensselaer Poly handed Hamilton college its fourth straight loss In edging out the Continentals, 6360. Syracuse and Colgate, other members of the district's "Big Three," faced comparatively easy tasks.

The Orangemen, victims of a hair-line upset loss to St. Joseph's, return to action tonight against Rutgers university. And Coach Lew Andreas warriors appeared almost a sure bet to paste viclory number 17 in the record books. Orange. Raiders Favored Colgate figures to romp over Alfred university tonight before tak- I ing on Rutgers in its two-game 1 week-end schedule.

With both games to be played at home, the Hod Raiders figure to rebound victoriously after absorbing consecutive losses. Union college also tackles two opponents this week-end, facing Hobart and Rochester on successive nights. Rensselacr Poly, having one of poorer seasons, faces the nue problem of attempting to stop Holy Cross in a game scheduled at Troy. In other contests, the University 'of Buffalo plays host to Case. Corlland entertains Al- 1'icd tangles with Hamilton at Clinton, N.

and Siena tackles St. Michaels. lit tills scheduled for tomgnt. Ithaca college will be' out to improve its fine record in an encounter with Becker college, while Buffalo'State plays Oswego State. BABE ZAHARIAS 1 TEAM LEADS WAY Hollywood, (UP)--Mrs.

Babe Didvicksoii Zaharias. national women's amateur champion from Denver. ruled a heavy favorite today in the women's international four-ball golf tournament after scoring an easy first round victory with sub-par golf. Mrs. Zaharias teamed with Peggy Kirk of Findlay, to rout Mrs.

George Miller of Miami, and Rymla Slrcvel of Mt. Clemens, 6 and 5. Other favored teams to win first round matches were defending champions Louise Suggs of Lithia Springs, and Jean Hopkins of Lakewood, and the team of Mrs. George Wilcox of Miami, and Evelyn Odom of Wheatley Hills, N. Y.

INDIA TURNS TO SCIENCE India has gone all out for research in its postwar planning and four industrial laboratories will be installed this year, in addition to the Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute established in December, 1845 The five will cost $4,360,000. Thev include a Fuel Research Institute at Digwadih, National Metallurgical Laboratory at Jamshedpur, National Physical Laboratory at Delhi and National Chemical Laboratory Railroad Time-Tables ST.WDAHI1 TIMPJ Kfrectlre Dee. 11, except Sunday oiilyi'all other trains dally. NEW YOHK CENTRAL, a. a.

7:53 a. m. 10:48 a. 4:0: p. 8:15 p.

p. u. 10:00 n. m. a.

2:05 p. p. 9:11 p. m. NICKEL, PLATE p.

regular top dully. t. m. Provisional stOT) to Icnvo punccnfrerH from BuCtalo and oast and to pick up imssonprcrs for Cleveland and WMt. RoKUlnr stop on Sundays and holl- davg cancelled.

A I A I I Ml p. reculur aton tiaily. a. regular top dailjr. MACKINAWS A really fine value--this practical and comfortable garment available in a wide assortment of Interesting colors and patterns.

CAPESKEV JACKETS A supple, good-looking leather styled to any eye! And what a low price--be sure to see them soon. SHEEPLINED COATS Very popular--it's warm and sheeplining, smart fur collar and well made "top" make it a favorite! And at this rock bottom price they'll soon be gone! $10.96 13 WOOL and LEATHER JACKETS Leather and wool smoothly combined to bring you wonderfully tailored jacket--full length zipper and roomy slit 'pockets. NORFOLK COATS Wear this smartly tailored, versatile garment under cont now--and ag a Jacket Inter! The very newest and finest style! 16 UP GBEATE9T MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR FOR 40 YEARS! 322-326 Main Street Dunkirk, N. Y..

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.