The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

1 BUFFALO EVENING NEWS--Monday, August 28, 1944 MAIL EDITION Sacrifice for Country Corp. Brucklien Corp. Manning Pfc. DeBon Pvt. Mazurowski List of Injured (Continued from Page 1.) The injured, all from Jamestown unless otherwise designated, follow: At WCA Hospital Tony Marino, 131 Foote possible fractured left wrist.

Sherwood Brage, 450 Allen fractured left arm and right wrist, amputated right foot. George Guarnieri, 15, of 553 Allen possible fractured skull, fracture of left femur, condition serious. Mrs. Anne Pavlock. 4 Rowley lip lacerations, brush burns, injured left leg.

Mrs. Paula Tsitso. 33. of 707 Jefferson head and nose lacerations: her 4-yearold son. possible internal injuries.

George and Elizabeth Crandall, both 42. bruises. John Eicker. 31, Baltimore, lacerated scalp, knee bruises. Anthony Basile, 65, 48 Water lip and nose laceration, discharged from hospital.

Charles Vanderworst. 52. 417 Lafayette conductor of one of the wrecked cars, cuts on forehead. Mrs. Christina 36, 234 Sprague chin and scalp lacerations.

Miss Minnie Heard, 48, Maple Springs, leg injuries. Mrs. Lillian Winchester. Bemus Point. brush burns on legs, discharged.

John and Wanda Rodoski, 531 Allen cuts and bruises. Albert Rodoski, Gerald Rodoski, Sanora Rodoski, discharged. Mrs. Lucille Lund, 44, Dewittville, leg bruises. discharged.

Jean Lund. 11. knee bruises. discharged. Miss Lucille Haskins, 36.

Maple Springs, elbow and lip bruises, discharged. Mrs. Minnie Wyker. 70. Liverpool, N.

Martin lip lacerations, Hellstrom, 10 discharged. Hughes discharged. At Jamestown General Hospital Catherine Trein, Detroit, lacerations of face. Thomas Swanson, 15, 111 Palmer deep lacerations on left leg. Sherwood Johnson, 14, 33 Westcott both legs fractured.

Tuminia 370 Foote lacerated scalp. Sam Latona. 15. 103 Willard possible internal injuries. Elias Deppas, 7 Grandin facial injuries.

Donald Golden. 16. Fredonia, lacerations of leg and forehead. Oscar H. Heggt, 54, 207 Spring fractured right leg.

Abner Dorman, Celeron, conductor, severe iniuries of nose and face. Dorothy McKay, 35, Pt. Chautauqua, severe injuries to back, shoulders and nose. Ruth Barnes. 40.

102 Walnut severe injuries of back, arms and leg. Philip Fonti, cut on hand. Ray Ingels, 70, 45 Union cut on forehead. Josephine Maione, 17, Hopkins minor cuts. Burt J.

Booth, 70. Westfield, slight cuts on forehead and leg. Richard A. Swanson, 9 Utica minor hurts and cuts. Carol Alexander, 15, 5 Culver lip and knee injuries.

Jerry Welch. 8, possible concussion. Treated in hospital for minor injuries and discharged Jennie Fongi, 13. Falconer. Angeline Pischera, 19, 37 Scott St.

Mary Fongi. 17, Falconer. Salvatore Tiaro, 9, 14 Hazzard St. Sarah Piazza, 16, 218 West Falconer. Bena Maione, 11, 14 North Hopkins Ave.

Clementine Garfi. 20, 566 Allen St. Rosina Loverme, 19, 133 Woodlawn Ave. Edna C. Carlson.

20. 9 Howard Rita M. Carlson. 21, 9 Howard St. 7 Named to County Jobs As 4 Others Resign Seven appointments and four resignations were announced today by County Personnel Officer Alfred M.

Kramer as follows: APPOINTMENTS-Mrs. Mrs. Mona Plarner. 414 Berkshire. county nurse, $1500 base salary plus $370 war-emergency payments: Regine L.

Lesinska. 1168 Walden, dental hygienist. $1200 plus $360; George Janetakos. 399 North Oak, jail guard, $1810 plus $390. William Kressin.

129 Rounds, painter at Wende. $2100 plus $410; Gayland Fitzgerald, 595 La Salle, watchman. $1500 plus $370. and Joseph A. Mascia, 188 Goethe, ward laborer, and Mary Roll, Wende Alden.

waitress. $1225 and one meal per day plus $352.50 for each. RESIGNATIONS John Shea. 75 Stevenjail laborer; Michael Augello, 218 Seventh, janitor, Buildings Department; Charles H. Dutcher, 38 Peoria, Welfare Department laborer, and Ben Bartoszewski, 829 Fillmore, Home Infirmary ward laborer.

Puts School First ALBANY, Aug. 26 John C. Watson of the New York State Council of Retail Merchants urged pupils today not to quit their studies to take full-time jobs in He said that although most of the state's 200,000 retailers needed help badly, they felt that "the place for high school pupils is in the school." NEARBY STATIONS WHAM, ROCHESTER-1180 kc. P. M.

6:00 News 6:15 Sports 6:30 Eventide 6:45 L. Thomas-N 7:00 Music Shop- 7:15 News- NBC 7:30 Jury Trials 8:00 Cavalcade-N 8:30 Barlow Or. -N 9:00 Telephone-N 9:30 Serenade- NBC 10:00 10:30 Dr. I. Q.

-N 11:00 News 11:15 News- NBC 11:30 Music to 12:30 Early Tuesday 6:30 Farm Bulletin 6:45 Mount'n Boys 7:00 News 7:15 B' fast Club 7:20 Hits Salute 7:45 Si Sparkle 8:00 Bloch's Or. 8:30 Tempos 8:45 News 9:00 B' fast Band 9:15 Women Only 9:30 B' fast Club-B 9:45 Studio prog. CBL. P. M.

6:00 Relax Enjoy 6:15 News 6:30 Night Train 6:45 News 7:00 Musicale 7:30 Vocalist-NBC 7:45 News 8:00 Victory 8:30 Harvest 8:45 Rhythem 9:00 Musical prog. 10:00 News 10:15 Roundup 10:30 Turner's Or. 11:00 BBC Newsreel 11:15 Cur. Events 11:30 Playhouse 12:00 News Early Tuesday 7:00 News 7:15 Tic Toc Tunes 7:30 News 7:45 Mel. Moments 8:00 News 8:15 Devotions 8:30 March Past 9:00 News 9:05 Mirth- -NBC 9:30 Classics-NBC 9:45 Work Music 10:00 Band Plays On 18 WNY Casualties Include Seven Killed and One Missing A Western New York soldier wounded in Burma, where his buddy of pre-war days was killed a few weeks ago, is one of 22 Western New York men announced by the Navy Department or reported unofficially by their families today as casualties.

The Navy Department announced 375 casualties of the Navy. Marine Corps and Coast Guard. One Western New York man is included among the wounded in the list. Unofficially reported by their families are 7 other Western New York men in action, 12 wounded, 1 missing, and 1 held prisoner. Pvt.

Joseph M. George Pvt. George A former aircraft worker, Pvt. Joseph M. George.

32, whose wife lives at 14th was killed July 31 in France. Graduated from School 38, he was employed by the Bell 11 Aircraft Corporation before he was inducted Nov. 17 1943. Besides his wife, he is surby his mother, Mrs. Rose George of the 14th St.

address: two brothers, Peter and Daniel George, and four sisters, Pvt. George Mrs. Margaret Marascet, Mrs. Beatrice Vilerdo, Mrs. Angeline Mecca and Mrs.

Lucy Mure. A requiem mass will be celebrated at 9 o'clock Aug. 31 in Our Lady of Loretto Church, 170 15th St. Pvt. Norman E.

Mosher An infantry man from Kendall, Pvt. Norman E. Mosher, of Mrs. Lewellyn Mosher. was wounded July 28 in the Myitkyina area a of North Burma, where his friend, Pfc.

Arthur C. Miles, son of and Mrs. Arthur Miles of Kendall, was killed June 15, as reported in The Buffalo Evening News July 29. The men had been friends in Kendall, and were sent overseas at the same time. Pvt.

Mosher has been in the service about 18 months. A brother, Tech. Sgt. Melvin Mosher, is with signal unit of the Air Forces at Camp Pinedale, Cal. Pfc.

Robert DeBon Overseas a year, Pfc. Robert D. DeBon, whose wife and daughter, Roberta, live at 127 Best was killed Aug. 4 in France. He attended Fosdick-Masten Park High School and was employed by the City Ice Fuel Company before he was inducted.

Besides his wife and daughter, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John DeBon, and a brother, Harlowe DeBon. Pvt. Bernard M.

Mazurowski Overseas about 2 months, Pvt. Bernard M. Mazurowski, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mazurowski of 270 Loepere was wounded July 12 in France.

He attended School 62 and was employed by The News as a truck driver before he enlisted in November 1940. Corp. Jack Edwin Manning machine-guns." Lieut. Richard C. Sieck Wounded by machine-gun fire on Saipan June 15, Corp.

Jack Edwin Manning of 41 Westfield Depew. is convalescing in the Naval Hospital at Mare Island Navy Yard, Cal. "Saipan had its he recalls. "Artillery and mortar fire from guns hidden in the hills, in caves, ravines, shrubs and underbrush really cut loose as we hit the beaches. The Japs had plenty of equipment with mountain guns and Well mortars.

railroad guns, tanks and An infantry officer whose parents formerly lived in Buffalo. Lieut. Richard C. Sieck, 24, was killed July 13 in France. Graduated from the University of North Carolina, he was inducted in 1942.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sieck of Manhasset, L. a brother, Lieut. John at Camp MacDonough, Plattsburgh, and a sister.

Miss Sieck Manhasset. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frederick of 347 Sherman and of the late Rev. John Sieck, former pastor of St.

Andrews Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pfc. Floyd Stahl Missing since July 6 in France, as reported in The News Aug. 5, Pfc. Floyd Stahl, 35, whose wife lives at Myers Crossing, near Bangor, is known to have been killed on that date.

He was graduated from School 14 and won the YMCA cross-country race in 1929. He was employed as a sign painter in Flicksville, before he was inducted Sept. 11, 1943. Besides his wife, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. James Swannie, and a sister, Miss Gladys Stahl, both of 178 Virginia st.

Corp. Joseph J. Brucklien Wounded in an explosion while serving with the Army Engineers in the Hawaiian Islands, Corp. Joseph J. Brucklien, son of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Angelo Brucklien, has been discharged from hospital assigned to a Sanitary Corps unit. He attended Canisius College before he entered the service. Pvt. Edward J.

Bach Missing since July 27, as reported in The News Aug. 17, Pvt. Edward J. Bach 21, son Mr. and Mrs.

Edward J. Bach of 182 Riverside of is known to have been killed in an infantry engagement in France on that date. attended Riverside High School and was employed by the Bell Aircraft Corporation before he was inducted in December 1942. Besides his parents, he is survived by five sisters, Shirley, Caroline, Marion, Verna and Lorraine Bach. Lieut.

Herman Cutler Former advertising manager of The Dunkirk Evening Observer, Lieut. Herman Cutler, son of Mrs. Minnie Cutler of 212 Baynes was wounded Aug. 8 in France. He was inducted in August 1942 and was commissioned in April 1943 on graduation from the Ft.

Benning (Ga.) Officer Candidate School. Staff Sgt. Mark W. Singer Ball-turret gunner on a Flying Fortress, Staff Sgt. Mark W.

Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Singer of R. D. 1, Lockport, was wounded Aug.

8 in France. Graduated from Barker Central High School, he was employed by Harrison Radiator Division of General Motors before he was inducted in December 1942. Pvt. Harry L. Cross Wounded in France, Pvt.

Harry L. Cross of Batavia is reported by the War Department as recovering in a hospital. Pic. Norman A. Rill Serving with the invasion forces, Pfc.

Norman A. Rill of Batavia was wounded in France and is convalescing in a hospital, the War Department reported. Pfc. Clarence J. Guskey Veteran of the Marshall Islands campaign, Pfc.

Clarence J. Guskey, USMCR, 17, son of Mrs. Stanley Senyk of 819 Bell Olean, was wounded June 15 on Saipan and is in the Naval Hospital at Seattle. He enlisted in June 1943, when he was 16. Staff Sgt.

Gordon E. McMillan Radio operator and gunner on a Liberator bomber, Staff Sgt. Gordon E. McMillan, son of Mrs. Berthan McMillan of Platten Waterport, has been missing since his plane failed to return from a mission in the Pacific area.

had completed more than 43 missions and wears the Air Medal with three Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters. Staff Sgt. Victor Hughes One of the first enlisted men trained at Camp Croft, S. Staff Sgt. Victor Hughes, 25, whose wife lives in Glendale.

S. was killed July 13 in France. He had nearly completed four years' service. Besides his wife, he is survived by an infant daughter. Vickie; his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Hughes of A Avoca; four brothers, Pvt. Murwin Hughes, in England, Harold H'ughes of Painted Post, Orlo Hughes of Avoca, and Howard Hughes of Hornell, and four sisters, Mrs. Hazel Centner of Gasport, Mrs. Della Centner of Eggertsville, Mrs.

Doris Pratt of Johnson City, and Miss Eva Hughes of Avoca. Sgt. Irwin G. Saville An amphibious corps veteran of the Marshall Islands and Saipan campaigns, Sgt. Irwin G.

Saville, USMCR, 21, son of and Mrs. Saville Webster Orchard Park. was killed July 21 on Guam. He was attending Cornell University when he was inducted in May 1943. Besides his parents, he is survived by three brothers, Robert, James and Eugene Saville, and three sisters, Laura, Vera and Irene Saville.

Sgt. Verner F. Kinney Wounded March 21 in Italy, Sgt. Mrs. Mary L.

Kinney of 1204 Seneca Verner (Vic) Fin Kinney, 28, son of has been given the Purple Heart and has rejoined his unit. He attended South Park High School, where he played baseball and basketball, and was employed by the Ford Motor Company before in October 1940. He servenlisted an anti-aircraft battery in North Africa, Sicily and on the Anzio beachhead. Machinist's Mate J. L.

Grunzweig Given the Purple Heart for a leg injury suffered June 23 in the Pacific, Machinist's Mate (1st Class) Jacob L. Grunzweig. 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F.

Grunzweig of 209 East has rejoined his ship. He was employed by the Curtiss Airplane Division before he was inducted in August 1943. Pvt. John A. Cameron Missing in France since June 12, as reported in The News July 27, Pvt.

John A. Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron of 29 Richmond Eggertsville, is a prisoner in Germany. Pfc.

Raymond J. Hearn One of two brothers in the armed forces, Pfc. Raymond J. 24, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles J. Hearn of 302 East Utica was wounded Aug. in France. Graduated from Fosdick-Masten Park High School, he was employed by E. J.

Inc. before he was inducted in January 1941. A brother, Seaman (2d Class) Charles S. Hearn, 18, is in England. Another casualty and next of kin as shown in today's official list is: Wounded in Naval Action ANTHONY G.

PICCIRILLO, USMCR; mother. Mrs. Jennie Piccirillo of 626 20th Niagara Falls. One of 5 Sons in Service Wounded Eugene James Frank Thomas Robert One of five service sons of Mr. and Mrs.

Dennis Ruane of 162 Elmwood Pfc. Frank X. Ruane, USMCR, 22, was wounded on Saipan and transferred to a hospital in Hawaii. He was educated in Dunmore, and employed by the McCallum-Hatch Bronze Co. Inc.

before his induction in May 1943. Ford Strike Perils Willow Run Output DETROIT, Aug. 26 (U.P.).-Production of Liberator bombers and Pratt Whitney aircraft engines by the Ford Motor Company is in "immediate danger" of complete shutdown because of a strike at the Ford Highland Park plant, Army spokesmen and the company said today. The Highland Park plant, shut down Friday when 3000 members of the United Automobile Workers (CIO) left their jobs, produces gears for plane motors and subassemblies for bombers. "The Pratt Whitney Engine Division at our Rouge plant, and the Willow Run bomber plant operations are in immediate danger of complete shutdown because they are dependent upon Highland Park production for parts," the company said.

It declined to elaborate on the length of time operations might continue. Shout Down Leaders "Operations at Willow Run and Rouge plants are very closely integrated with Highland Park production," an Army spokesman said. The Willow Run plant employes approximately 30,000 workers on a bomber-an-hour production schedule. Approximately 1300 are employed in the Pratt Whitney assembly project at the Rouge plant. At a mass meeting Friday night the Highland Park strikers shouted down international union leaders who urged them to cease violating labor's no-strike war pledge.

They drowned out Richard Leonard, union international regional director, when he asked for a return to work. Respond With Boos "Please, men women," Mr. Leonard said, "return to your jobs for the sake of the union, the United States Government and yourselves. Preserve the pledge for the sake of your country no and the union." The strikers responded with boos and shouted a clamorous "yes" when Herbert Hindmarsh, the union local president, asked for a vote on continuance of the strike. Statements from company and Local No.

400 over strike indicated confusion over issues. A company statement said "nobody has been able to tell the company why the men are striking." A Local No. spokesman said the walkout stemmed partly from a walkout Thursday by maintenance-tool grinders and the company refusal to recommend 5 cents an hour merit increases for enginejob workers. CIO Tries to Keep Owner From Speaking in Own Plant CLEVELAND, Aug. 26 scheduled address of Frederick C.

Crawford to a mass meeting of his employes at Thompson Aircraft Products Company next Monday faced opposition today by CIO's United Auto Workers. The speech is planned on the eve of a plant bargaining agency election. Elections have been set for Wednesday in both Thompson Products Inc. and the subsidiary Aircraft Parts Company. The CIO-UAW is unopposed on the ballot at the latter plant and opposed by the AFL Machinists at the main factory.

Company unions in both places had been ordered dissolved recently by the National Labor Relations Board. Mr. Crawford, a former president of the National Association of Manufacturers, earlier had told the 9000 main-plant employes that "the election was a choice of building for a secure future or having a brawl every week." Meanwhile, Hardy Merrill, international representative of the CIO union, declared he would delay his plan to seek NLRB aid in restraining Mr. Crawford from making the scheduled appearance. Instead, he said he would confer with Paul E.

Miley, regional director of the union, "to plan how he can prevent management's attempts to influence union votes." Lunch Program Retained ALBANY. Aug. 26 school lunch program will be resumed in New York State next month, the State Education Department announced today. King, Queen of Freckles Your Dial Network NBC "Preferred by Most Listeners Most of the Time" TONIGHT TOMORROW Hear "Yankee Don't Be Late From Olympus" For Early Date The life story of Oliver Just tune in WBEN when Wendell Holmes will be you get up and then you presented on Cavalcade, 8 can't miss Esther Huff, Clint Buehlman and Bob Smith at Hengerer's. .9:15 There's Fun for Everyone Bob Sherry and Julie Conway will give you a merry time during Finders 10:30 Thrills in Casablanca Movie prize winner now playing Star Theater is packed with suspense and thrills 11:30 Helen Traubel sings "Elsa's Dream" from Music for Lohengrin 9 Americans Story of a Buffalo hero Growing every 12:45 Old Is an Art Channing that subject during speaks the That Young Pollock on Vacation Widder Brown Kurt is told he's not in Outdoor Motif love with Ellen ..4:45 Has Been Chosen Percy Faith's Contented WBEN NEWS SERVICE Hour will predominate 6-7-8-9 10:15 A.

with music pertaining to -11 P. nature .10 Wednesdays. Fridays BIDU SAYAO SINGS ON WBEN TONIGHT AT 8:30 Television Still Open To Improvement Television, which has been a big question mark for the general public. apparently will continue just that, judging from reports on the television seminar of 14 weekly lectures just concluded Radio Executives Club of New York. It was interesting to note that the seminar's final round-up scheduled for last Thursday night was canceled at the last minute.

A demonstration planned to show television at its best could not be given because the apparatus was not ready! Despite the failure of the final meeting. the consensus was that the seminar had given considerable enlightenment on the general television situation. survey made by one of the trades publications indicated sentiment favoring publie introduction of radio pictures as soon as practicable after the war, although dissenters expressed the belief that further technical and other advancements should come first. The accomplishments of the seminar are to published in booklet form and believe the we" executives as well as the public will get a clearer idea of the whole situation when they can sit down and read and digest the proceedings. Meanwhile.

don't let your spirits because you weren't able to buy a television receiver at corner drug store. You'll be glad you waited. Benny on Air Tuesday Jack Benny, who will start his 13th year in radio Sunday, 1, will be heard in a special broadcast from the South Pacific tomorrow night over WBEN at 11:45 o'clock. On the program with Benny will be Carole Landis, Larry Adler and Martha Tilton. Because WBEN A has other commitments at the time the program is on the NBC network, it is being transcribed so that Buffalonians will have a chance to hear it.

Let's Go Dialing Firestone: Bidu Sayao, Brazilian opera star, WBEN, 8:30. Sherlock Holmes: "Case of Leopard Men." WEBR. 8:30. Telephone Hour: Helen Traubel, opera star, WBEN, 9. Counterspy: "Case of the House Divided," WKBW.

9. Serenade: Channing Pollock, "Art of Growing Old," WBEN, 9:30. Herbert Marshall: Th Man Called WKBW, 9:30. Spotlight Band: Bob Strong and his orchestra, WGR, 9:30. Contented Hour: Josephine Antoine, "Estrellita," WBEN.

10. Screen Guild: Ray Milland in "The Uninvited." WKBW, 10. On Dollar- Stretching It was suggested on Ransome, Sherman's Nitwit Court that "Eleanor's picture be put on dollar bills, thereby making a dollar go a lot farther," reports Mrs. Jack E. Fox, 285 School Kenmore.

How the idea would work, we don't know. but at least Mrs. Fox gets a dollar for experimental pur- poses. Double Vision The other afternoon one of WBNY'S announcers continually referred to the four Duncan Sisters appearing in a local night club and W. J.

McDonald in Meyer Memorial Hospital wonders whether the announcer was suffering from double vision. Mr. McDonald had seen in News mentioned Thads only two Duncans. Today's Tid Bit "I was always told." writes George Schlee, 78 Masten "that an empty barrel makes the most noise, but the other day, while listening to a radio drama in which an employe went in to see the boss about a raise. the boss upset the old adage (and also usual procedure) by saying to his employe, 'Well, Jones, you know the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the most Monday's Programs (Listings are in Eastern War Time--Programs are subject to change.) WREN 930 ke WEBR 1340 ke WKBW 1520 kc WGR 550 ke WBNY 1400 kc 6 30 151 00 Old News Sports Corral Korn News News: Kobblers Sports Band Quincy Murray's of Howe-CI Week The News Sports Lone News Wings Song of 45.

Lowell Music Fashions News Ranger -B Dinner Music Shop- Fulton Lewis- -C Horace Heidt's Music 15 World News-N Front Page-M Dateline- Orchestra-B Dinner House Party Sports Glass Thanks to News Music Kaltenborn- Salute; Song Yanks-C Sing About Dinner Music 8 00 15 Bidu Cavalcade America- Sayao, of Nick Cecil Sherlock Parter Mi Vox Gay Pop-C Nineties-C; Lum Blind News-B Abner-B Tune News Eventide Travels soprano- NBC Holmes-M News-C: 8:55 Date-B Echoes Sail 001 Helen Traubel, Gab. Heatter-M Mayor of Counterspy. News 15 soprano-NBC Screen Test-M the Town-C drama -B Ballroom 301 Rose Bampton. The Human A Man Sp'light Bands: Music for others-NBC Adventure-M Called X-C Story-B: 9:55 Moderns Contented H. Gladstone- Players.

Ray R. C. Swing- News 10 15 301 Dr. Hour- I. Q.

NBC Buffalo Bisons Johnny Milland -C Morgan Ted Those Good Malone- in Moods 451 quiz show- baseball Show-C Old Days-B Music 001 News game News QED, news Prelude to 11 301 151 J. Speed Wesp: Ball News. Busse's Sports CBS Club: programs News-C Late Silver Sports Lining News Dreams News to The Quiet Hour until 2:05 Blue to 2 A.M.| Lullaby TUESDAY MORNING PROGRAMS WHEN is on the air at 6 A. M. with News.

Chnt Buehiman: WGR News. Musical Clock. 00 News News; The Farm Home News Wake Up 7 15 30 Clint Buehlman Headlines: Sleepchasers The Food News Features Musical Musical Clock News Early 45 Sleepchasers Music Parade Clock Bird News News; The World News-C News Early Bird 8 15 30 Clint Buehlman Headlines: Sleepchasers The News Music Parade Musical Clock News Early 45 Sleepchasers Music Parade News Bird News News: Melody News-C Breakfast Club. News 15 Early Mustangs Sing Along Don McNeill. Music 30 Date H'dlines: Mel'y Club-C Orchestra.

You 45 Songs-NBC Troubadour This Life-C vocalists- Like Lora Lawton- News Valiant Lady-C My True News R. St. John-N You Listening? Light World- -M Story-B Melody Finders- News: Listen Chang. World -C Kay Armen -B for Keepers-NBC Amanda Bach. Child-C Listen' Post Milady 113 Vic Road Playhouse-N of Sade- Songs Music Arth'r Fashions 2d Horizon -C -C Gil Breakfast Sardi's-B Martin- at Musical Variety 45 Dave Harum-N Your Idea -M News Modern Kitchen Studio prog.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAMS News Boake Kate Smith -C Glamour News 12 30 Dr. Aunt Hodge- Jenny News Noonday Revue Big Helen Sister-C Trent-C News Manor -B Music Luncheon 45 For Americans Noonday Revue Our Gal-C Vict'y Farmers program 001 Sally Ray Dady-M Life, Baukhage -B News 15 Work Jack Berch-M Ma Perkins-C Melody Your 30 Daytime Lopez Orch. -M News-C variety Favorites 45 Revue Woman Jury-M Goldbergs-C program Piano Gems 00 Light-N Ced. Foster- -C News News 15 Children- NBC Time to Chat Joyce Jordan-C Mystery Chef-B Album 30 NBC H'dlines: Time Dr. Malone-C Ladies, Be of 45 Hymns- NBC to Chat Perry Mason-C Seated -B Song 001 Woman -N News 'n' Mary Marlin-C M.

Downey -B News 15 Ma Perkins- Music Betty Bob Star Time-B Musical 30. Pep, Young H'olines: News Women's Page Melody Review Happiness-N 'n' Music You variety program 001 B'stage W. Compton- Service News Musical 15 Stella Dallas- Homemakers' Time Melody Inc. Review 30: Loren. Jones- Treas.

Chest news News- News 15 Wid. Brown-N News 'n' Matinee: Scott Melody Inc. Musical 001 Girl Marries- News: Studio Fun With Terry- Review Love-Learn -N Chick Carter-M Dunn -C Dick Tracy -B program 30 Uncle Sam's Tom Mix-M News Armstrong-B News 45 Bulletin Board Superman- -C Sea Hound -B Wings Song National Broadcasting Co. -NBC or Blue Network -B; Columbia-C; Mutual-M. Officer Cites Need For Aerial Gunners QUEEN NEW YORK, Aug.

out as the most-spotted examples of this Summer's sun-kissed youngsters, 8-year-old Gloria Hotchkiss and Anthony were crowned king and queen of the freckle-faces at the Children's Center here recently. youngsters Aid, Society, all Summer to raise that crop and it would take twice that time to count them. LABOR POLL ORDERED AT BUFFALO ARMS BUFFALO EVENING NEWS Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON, Aug. election will be held in the plant of the Buffalo Arms Corporation.

Cheektowaga, within the next 30 days to determine whether the employes shall be represented by the UAW-CIO or by the United Victory Workers Association. The NLRB said today the UAW application for an election was granted despite the fact that the first petition was nullified by the discovery that "the falsity of cards cast doubt upon many others." A recanvass later indicated that 917 out of about 2000 employes had signed new authorization cards of a different color for the UAW. The Victory Association contended that the petition for an or falls almost autoupon the number and authenticity of the cards submitted," but the board ruled: "We find that the UAW-CIO has adequately demonstrated for the purpose of this proceeding that it represents a sufficient number of employes in the unit found to be appropriate to warrant the holding of an election." The need for additional Buffalo youth to wear the blue and silver wings of aerial gunners was cited today by First Lieut. David H. Brophy, recorder of the Army Air Forces Examining Board, as he 17-year-olds to apply for membership in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve.

"If accepted, they will be placed on inactive duty and can wear the wings while waiting to be called for after their 18th birthday," Further informatraining, tion may be obtained by visiting the Examining Board in the Old Customs House. Women between the ages of 20 are being sought for confidential work with the Signal Corps, Lieut. James W. Coote of Arlington Hall Station, disclosed today. Lieut.

Coote will interview at WAC Recruiting the Post Ofapplicants, fice Building until Sept. 1. Entering the services are: ARMY NURSE CORPS- -Carmen. Fischer. ARMY INDUCTEES- Arthur D.

Pohle. Robert A. Gorman. Carl A. Sinclair, Kichard L.

Galyen, Paul E. Jacobs, George D. Hippchen, Philip A. Tomkinson Jr. Robert G.

Hassett. Daniel C. Young. Robert A. Grieser.

James A. Myers, Frederick J. Dillemuth, Robert J. Carthy, Alan W. Robert O' Brien.

George J. Fetes. Herbert E. Miler, John G. McNerney.

John J. Nelson W. Arnold, George F. Bastian, John D. Marvin Earl F.

Golibersuch. Arthur J. Bush, Joseph A. Vozar. Edward R.

Sheridan. John McGreevy. George N. Frongillo, Michael P. Doeins.

Metz. Patrick J. Ryan, Thomas A. Frederick A. Bielicki.

Ambrose D. Bille. Melvin L. Losey, John L. Tilley.

Howard P. Guyett Howard F. Gas. Henry F. Schlum.

Gerald W. Zimpler. Edward P. Faust. Wallace H.

Bateman Jr. Edward S. Bremer and Robert L. Mead, all of Buffalo: Charles A. Fairfleld, Nunda: Gilbert N.

Scripter. Arcade, Claude Oleyar and Nicholas A. Roeder, Tonawanda: Wallace P. Rulapaugh, Lite; Cordon O. Nichols, Java Villager Charles E.

Bridge Burns; Orville Vanzile and Henry G. Burd. Canisteo; Louis J. Papp and Edwin R. Kemp, more: Bralyn R.

Snyder, Lancaster; Frederick J. Tomb. Bath. NAVY INDUCTEES Harold F. Frank.

Robert R. Rezabek, William W. Robert Patterson, Richard F. Winter, William S. Anderson.

Frederic J. Hoffman. Robert W. Sheehan. Kenneth C.

Bass. George J. Dangleis, Walter J. Saduscy. George H.

Harding. Stephen Moinar, Richard K. Kozlowski and Paul R. Westfall, Buffalo. NAVY ENLISTEES J.

Brylinski. Charles F. Patchill. James J. Kiouses, John E.

Delaney William G. Joseph H. Stefano. Charles J. Lynch.

Arthur E. Krause, Julius J. Fernbach. Henry F. Siwirski.

Richard M. Danheiser. Carmelo A. Tabone, Jan L. Oteszek, Edwin E.

Greiner. Kerre J. Garneau. Edwin A. Glaz.

Leona: H. Sturman and Eugene C. Voit. Buffalo; Richard E. Owen.

Hamburg: Jerould Riehman and Richard K. Terry, Leonard T. Antos. Lackawanna: John Delaney Gardenville: Stanley P. Szymanski Cheektowaga, and Charles Conley.

East Aurora. Basils COOLI LA LAFAYETTE 40c UNTIL 6 P. AFTER 6 P. -CHILDREN 20c, Incl. Tax You've Never Heard So Many Laughs! Those Goofy Guys Are Back Again in Their Most Hilarious Hit! ABBOTT COSTELLO, in IN SOCIETY with HUTTON TREACHER GOMEZ MARION GILLIS ARTHUR KIRSY and ORCHESTRA WILL OSBORNE SISTERS Margie, Sea and Geri UNIVERSAL THE THREE PLUS! "Moonlight in JEAN MALONE COOL Jefferson -E.

APOLLO VICTORIA -Grant 2 Big First GENESEE Genesee Features: 2 BIG HITS Plus "AND THE THE HOUR ANGELS BEFORE SING" DAWN" Happened Girl." B. Grable COLVIN BROADWAY ROXY Kenmore at Colvin Broadway at Jefferson 625 William Hardy's Blonde the Angels Biz First Features: Mickey Rooney D. Lamour -F MacMurray Upon Terrific" "The Hour Before Dawn" Address Unk VARSITY STRAND JEFFERSON Irene "White 3165 Dunne. Cliffs Bailey of Alan Dover" Mar- 2 Big 1800 Phantom First Clinton Lady" Features! "CRIME Jefferson--E Thrill Mite: Utica shall, Frank Morgan Off Old Block" "Gir's en Probation" 10:00 Lora- NBC 10:15 R. St.

John-N 10:30 Finders-NBC 10:45 Studio prog. 11:00 Road Life-N 11:15 Vie Sade-N 11:30 Playhouse- 11:45 Dave Har'm-N 12:00 March of Day 12:05 News 12:15 Home Service 12:30 At Sardi's 1:00 Baukhage -B 1:15 Victory 1:30 Musicale 1:45 M. Beatty-N 2:00 Guid. Light-N 2:15 Children- 2:30 Woman- NBC 2:45 Hymns-NBC 3:00 Wom'n Am. 3:15 3:30 3:45 Ma Pep.

Happiness-N Perkins- Young- 747 4:00 B'st'e Wife-N 4:15 St'la Dallas-N 4:30 Lor. Jones- 4:45 Wid. Brown- 5:00 Girl Marries- 5:15 -N 5:30 Plain Bill-N 5:45 Front Page-N TORONTO-740 kc. 10:15 Varieties 10:30 Art talk 10:35 Pianist 10:45 Musical prog. 11:00 Road Life-N 11:15 Vic Sade-N 11:30 Soldier's Wife 11:45 Sketch 12:00 BBC News 12:15 Big Sister 12:30 Farm prog.

1:00 News 1:15 Matinee 1:30 Just Relax 1:45 Keyboard 2:00 Melodies 2:15 Playhouse- 2:30 Rhythm 2:45 Music 3:00 Woman Am. -N 3:15 Ma Perkins- 3:30 Pep. Young-N 3:45 Happiness-N 4:00 Baritone 4:15 News 4:18 Your Next Job 4:30 Summer Music 4:15 Artists 5:00 Front Line 5:15 Stocks 5:30 London prog. 5:45 News Enjoy that gala SWING SHIFT show EVERY THURSDAY at 2 A. M.

in SHEA'S BUFFALO! BUFFALO GREAT LAKES YOU WANT Thrilling If MIRTH it's SHEAS -THE 2nd Heart- THIS! Week PICTURE THIS IS IT! The picture of and ELLA RAYMOND RAINES WALBURN FRANKLIN WM. PANGBORN DEMAREST DRAGON SEED CONQUERING Starring ges you funnier Preston one CREEK. MORGAN'S brings Stur- even than roon An and story spired Buck's of KATHARINE best by IMMORTAL COURAGE! LOVE seller! Pearl the year inEDDIE BRACKEN HEPBURN A rodeo of melody and fun! with IT 40c UNTIL WALTER HUSTON with JACK HALEY 6 Aline MacMAHON o'Clock Harriet Hilliard Ozzie Nelson CHILDREN Akim TAMIROFF and Band 20c (incl. tax) Friday! Stage! In Person! Starts SPENCER bock! Great as Greater a HORACE HEIDT THURS. as 1 picture! and his MUSICAL KNIGHTS: The Book- IN M-G-MS in a huge season revue of-theOn "THREE Screen: MEN VAN IN JOHNSON WHITE" in Month thriller SEVENTH CROSS HIPPODROME A Plus of 2nd BIG WEEK! HILARITY: PAY-OFF in the PACIFIC! WING DON AMECHE DANA ANDREWS merriment, of and a superb cast! CARRIER OF GLOBAL CHARLES BICKFORD NOISE" NEWS Pvt.

Thomas J. Ruane is with an Armored Division in Italy and Tender 3d Class James Ruane is in the Seabees in California. Two brothers are in Army Air Forces, Sgt. Eugene Ruane is a photographer based in Sicily and Staff Sgt. Robert Ruane is stationed at Westover Field, Conn.

KENSINGTON ELMWOOD NORTH PARK Burley and Kensington Seneca and Cazenovia Elmwood and W. Utica Hertel at North Park GARY COOPER in Cecil B. De Mille's "THE STORY OF DR. WASSELL" CHARLES COTER In Technicolor, with Laraine Day, Signe Hasso, Dennis 0'Kcefe INGR-D BERGMAN A ROOSEVELT NIAGARA KENMORE? LACKAWANNA Broadway at Fillmore Niagara St. 3021 Delaware Ave.


The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.