Fall River Daily Evening News from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)

10 FALL- RIVER EVENING NEWS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, CARE OUT OF FASHION AS MUCH AS BICYCLE RECKLESSNESS AS POPULAR AS THE AUTOMOBILE, SAYS IDA TARBELL. Woman Power of Country Must Be Enlisted in Safety Campaign--Properly Put to Them, They Rise to It Like a Fish to a Fly. Boston, Sept, has become out of fashion as much as a bicycle, while recklessness is as popular as all automobile, Ida M. Tarbell of New York told the delegates to the National Safety Council here today in an address read by Mrs.

H. M. Hawkins of Baltimore. Miss Tarbell was unable to be present because of attendance at the unemployment conference in Washington. "I am not here to talk about the new area of work which women in the war added to that already held," the paper said, "but rather that it consider the possibility of rallying to the work of the council a great body of women entirely outside of industry itself but responsive to appeals for publie service, and many of them organized in such a way as to focus power and influence quickly on tasks, which appeal to their imaginations and to their hearts.

The paychological effect of the present indifference to safety in our streets and on our highways cannot be ignored by industry. The wanton recklessnegs of the road dulls the attention and interest of the industrial worker, puts a premium on 'taking a chance'- becomes as out of fashion as a bicycle recklessness as popular as an automobite. That is, pubtic safety is the direct concern of industrial safety. The latter cannot accomplish its ends as long as the mental attitude it needs for its work is constantly weakened by wanton indifference to the former. "The woman power of the country must be enlisted.

I do not know a finer job than to go after the women, particularly organized women. I understand the feeling ofwomen that a woman in the industry section is what you may call back, that women should be taken into the safety council not a8 women at all, but as industrial workers, regardless of sex. We have a long way to go, socially, and industrially, in this world, before women will cease to be differentiated from men in all activities. Mother Nature will have to undo her work entirely before there will be no special problems connected with wherever you meet them. It is the business of this section to handle whatever there is special in the problem, whether it is the best method of getting the obstinate girl at a dangrous machine to wear her cap, or, having persuaded her to wear it, to keep her bangs tucked in; or whether it is the big and definite problem that I am suggesting, enlisting the women of the country, organized and unorganized, in a public safety campaign.

Its something of a job, and if it had not been for our expetience with women's organizations in the war I should not feel SO hopeful about it. That experience convinced me that the woman power of the country can be mollized for permanent safety' work if this section will lead the way. Suppose that this section was able to rally in each State to work of industrial and public safety all of the great. women's organized associations, to persuade themto take up this work a8 a permanent interest, what a power we would have behind the National Safety Council. Properly put to them, they would rise to it like a fish to fly.

It is their kind of thing. If this Council is going into publie safety work, as I most certainly believe it is its duty to do, passing on to the public its splendid experienceand achievement, it is going to need the women. And It ought to be the business of this section to help to capture them for this enterprise." CHICAGO POLICE, IN AUTOS. WARN SALOONKEEPERS. Chicago, Sept.

Two carloads of liquor, shunted to a railroad slip near the mouth of Chicago river during the night were seized today by police. Early today 10 men with four motor trucks were taken into custody at the slip and harbor police are hunting a 50-foot cruising launch which ded after its signals to the slip were not answered. Police believe the hoat was to transfer the liquor to towne along the river and drainage canal. Testimony that two policemen nurticipated in a fake $6,000, liquor deal was offered in Judge Scanlan's court today John Shallow, a saloonkeeper, filed charges against Alton Dubey after the latter failed to make delivery of whiskey sold to Shallow. The investigation brought out charges that Dubey was acting on a commission basis at the suggestion of Policemen John Crawford and Stephen O'Neil, of the traffic squad.

Shallow testified O'Neil was present when the payment. to Dubey -was made and demanded that he be "taken care of." The Federal investigation of- the charge by Charles Fitzmoreis, chief of police, that 2500 policemen are bootleggers, continued today. At the Federal building it was stated that policemen in automobiles toured the Side last night warning saloonkeepers to dispose of their liquor. The district attorney's office is said to have a list of policemen from a North Side precinct who delivered the warning. BEVERLY TIMES SOLD Beverly, Sept.

of the controlling interest in the Times PubIshing Company, publishers of the Beverly Evening Times, to Thomas Leavitt of Poston was announced today by Walter E. Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard came here from Brattleboro, two years ago. AR Tomorrow Alright Got au 254 Box Used for over 30 years REFRESHING SLEEP AND A BRIGHT TOMORROW After your book-an vegetable aperient) just before retiring -to make your sleep clear and refreshing.

Keeps away Headaches, Constipation and Biliousness. FRED BOOTH PIANOS and PLAYERS Tuned and Repaired. 57 Mott St. Tel. 2302-M.

Tu, JOCK HUTCHSON LOSES GOLF TITLE New York, Sept. Hutchison of Chicago, open golf champion of Great Britain, today lost his title as professional champion of the United States. In the tournament at the Inwood Country Club he was eliminated by Gene Sarazen of Titusville, Pa, 8 and 7. LOS ANGELES COUNCIL SEEKS CLEANER MOVING PICTURES. Some Companies Threaten To Leave Southern California If Hampered.

Los Angeles, Sept, for cleaner motion pictures, marked by threats that some motion picture companies might leave Southern CalIfornia if hampered, reached a climax when the city council voted yesterday to Instruct the city attorney to prepare an ordinance creating a motion picture commission of seven members to regulate the exhibition of films- in Los Angeles. Opponents of censorship protested that such action "would sound the death knell of the motion picturo industry Proponents of censorship asserted; it was necessary that the "menace to American childhood" in uncensored pictures be removed. CHANGES TIME LIMIT FOR TAX COLLECTIONS. Washington, Sept. after the Senate tonk up the tax bill today, Senator McNary, Republican, Oregon, offered an amendment proposing repeal of the freight, passenger and express transportation taxes on next Jan.

1. The tax on oil by pipe line would be retained. The amendment went over. The Senate agreed to a committee change to the House bill designed to speed up settlement of back taxes. The time limit for the final assessment of income, excess profits and war profits tax paid this year or hereafter was fixed at four years instead of three as in the House bill.

In the case of such taxes due prior to 1991 the time limit for final settlement was made five years. ATTORNEYS COME TO BLOWS. Dedham, Sept. 28. Edwin UImer, a Brooklyn attorney conducting his own defenseto a larceny charge In district court here and Clarence A.

Barnes, opposing counsel, came to blows in the court room during the noon recess today. The lawyers were about to leave the court room, the judge having, retired. court officer separated them. VICTORIES AT 99.48. New York, Sept.

of Liberty bonds and Victory notes became extensive In the last half of the stock exchange session today. A sale of pne lot of Victory aggregating 11,100,000 (par value) was reported at YORK STOCK MARKET. The following are New York Stock quotations furnished for The News by Bright, Sears members of the New York and Boston Stock Exchange: Wednesday, Sept. 28. Open.

Low. Close. Al Chal, Am Ag C. 35 Amer Can 27 27 Am Int Am Lo Co, AS RC, Am Sum Am Sug 60 60 Am T. Co 107 Am Wool Com 75 75 74 74 Anaconda Co 39 38 Atch 86 At Gulf In 27 Bald Loc, 85 Balt Ohio, 38 38 Beth St1, 54 Butte Sup 14 14 Can Pacific ....113 113 113 Cen Leather c.

28 Chandler Mtrs Rock Island, Corro De Pasco. 28 28 28 Ches Ohio St pid 39 Chi North, c. Chile Cop 11 Chino 24 24 Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sug Gen Electric Gen Motors Great North Ill Central Inspir Cop Int Mer Mar 48 Int Paper 49 49 Kan Cy So 26 26 Lack Steel 41 41 Lehigh Valley 54 54 Miami 21 21 Mid St Oil 12 Mid Steel Mex Petro 97 Mo Pac 39 89 Central NY Nor Pac Pan Am Pet Penn 37 Pierce Arrow 12 12 12 Read Co Rep I Steel Retail Store Royal Dutch 46 St Louis 24 24 Sinclair Oil South Pac 79 79 South Rwy 20 Stude Co Texas Pac 22 22. Texas Co Tobac Prod 65 65 64 Union Pac. United Drug c.

55 55 Unit Food Prod Ind Alco 45 45 US Rubber 49 49 Steel Vanadium Utah 50 Westing Worth 41 40 41 BOSTON STOCK MARKET. by F. L. Milliken Wednesday, Sept. 28.

Closing Quotations. Am Tel 1075 Am Wool Pid 961 Bos Elev Boston Maine 17 Con Range 35 Carson Hill Calumet Arizona 49 Davis Daly, 6 East Butte 9 Franklin Isle Royale 20 Libby Lake Cop Nat'l Leather Nipissing No Butte Old Dom 22 Pond Creek Swift Shannon Shoe Mach Trinity Un Fruit 107 Ventura Oil Mex Inv Swift Int'l 23 Curb. Ariz Silver 17 Boston Montana 94 Mutual 27 LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS. New York, Sept. -Liberty bonds closed: 88.26; first 4's 90.48 bid; second 4'9 90.22 bid; first 90.74; second 90.36; third 93.88; fourth 90.60; Victory 99.48; Victory 99.48.


Abs. al. vu. 2 lb. cartons 6 I.

bags, 35e. 10 I. hags, 70e: 95 th. hagx $1.76. Light Brown Sugar, Is.

$1.00. Dark Brown Sugar, cts. lb. Cut Leaf Sugar, 10c Iba. $1.

Domino Tablets, 2 lb. pkg, 25 cents, 4 Iba. 50 cente. Frosting Sugar. 12 cents package.

Powdered Sugar, 12 cents packags. New Orleans Molasses, 15 cats can New Orleans Molasses, 98 eta. SAL Table Syrup, 38 50 cts. bottle Karo Syrup. 15 and 25 canta can Syrup, 13c can.

for 25c. California Honey, 93and 40 ots. bot. Fancy White Comb Honey, 480 per CAD BUTTER AND CHEESE. Tub Butter, 48c.

Print Butter. 50c. Best Cheese, 26c. Sage Cheese, 44c. ID.

Young America Cheese, $30 lb. BAaDDy and Cream Cheese, 16 centa. Ancre, 22 cts. Pimento, 42 cts. TEAS AND OGFFEE.

Oolong Tea. 40, 50, 70 cents lb. Japan Tea, 55, 65 and 85 cents lb. Oolong 44 lo. box, 19c.

1 box.600 Seal Brand Tea, Ib hoz 45 cents. FINEST FORMOSA TEA. 85 cents per lbs, for Formosa Ten. lb. box, 35 cents.

Lipton's Tea, and 16 cents pkg. Ceylon and 80 cents pkg. English Breaktast Tea, 40, Too SPECIAL HIGH GRADE COFFEE. 38 cents per pound. Condensed Coffee.

32 cetus can. Seal Brand Coffee, 42 cents can. Percolator Coffee, 42 cents Geol ze Washington Coffee. 48. 82c, 81.30 CHOCOLATE AND COCOA.

Baker's Cocoa, 13, 25 and 49 ete. CAT Raiston Cocoa, 23 cents can Bensdorp's Cocoa, 45 and Sv can. Cocoa Shelle, cts. lb 1 ibs for 100 Cocoa in bulk. 37 cents pound.

Baker's Eating Chocolate, 13c, for Me. Baker's Chocolate, 49 cents Baker', Dot Chocolate, 50 cents ib. Creme. 17 and car. DRIED FRUITS.

Citron, $50. Lemon Peel, 450 lb. Orange Peel, 46 cents pound. Cleaned Currants, 20 cents pkg. Pitted Raisins, 23 cents package No-Seed Raisins, 28 cents package.

California Muscatel Raisins 23c lb Evaporated Apples, 250. Apriocte, 35c. Evaporated Peaches, 23 cents lb. Large California Prunes, 20 cente lb. California Prunes, 15 cents pound.

California Prunes, 12 cents pound. Fard Dates, 35 cents pound. Persian Dates, 30 cents pound, Dromedary Dates, 90 cents package, PROVISIONS, FISH aud HALT. Hams, 84 cts. Shoulders, 190 ft.

Best Lard, 17 cts. Pails, Nos. 2, 5 and 10, 40c, 95c and $1.85. Bacon, 30 and 40c lb. Pork, 24c lb.

Sliced Racon, 40 cents a jar. Crisco, 80, 60 and $1.15 per pall. Lambs Tonguez, 24, 40 and 65c jar. Sliced Dried Beef. 25 and 50 cents.

Condensed Mince Meat. 18 centa. Codfish, 18 cents pound. Tri-Sum Codfish, 80 cents box. Boneless Georges Codfish, 3 lo.

box, 900. Gorton's Fish Cake. 29 cts. package. Shredded Codfish.

18 cents package. Ready to Fry Codfish, 24 cents can. Boneless Herring, 20 cents jar. Table Salt, cartons, 12 cents. Beat Table Salt, 4c 150.

Celery Salt, 15c battle; 30 centa lb. Sea Salt, 25 cents bag. Ice Cream Suit, 3c Ibs. 250. Coarse Salt.

3 uts. 10 15s. BEANS AND PEAR Pea Beans, 7 cents pound, Toasted Corn Flakes. 11 cents pkg. APICES.

MUSTARD. ETO. Black Pepper, $5c. White Pepper, 450. Marrow Beans, 10 cents pound.

Cal. Pea Beans, 8 cents pound. Red Kidney Beans, 15 cents pound. Tallow 180 lb. Lima Beans, 100 lb.

Green Peas, 8c. Split Peas, 9c lb. FARINACEOUS GOODS, Carolina Rice, 7c 4 for 25c. Pearl Barley, 12 cents package. Sago, 6 cents pound.

Minute Tapioca, 13c; 2 for 25 cts. Tapfoca, 130 2 Ibs. for 256. Fruit Pudding, 14 cents package, Cox Gelatine, 20 cents. Cooper's Gelatine, 18 cents pks.

Minute Gelatine, 18c: 2 for 250. Knox Gelatine, 20 cent. Plymouth Rock Gels tire, pkg. Sea Moss Farina, 20c. Irish Moss.

250. Hops, 400 Ib. Malt, Sc 8 IDs. 60c. Rumford Baking Powder.

10 and 300. Royal Baking Powder, 28 cts. can. Cleveland's Baking Powder, 25c can. Magic Yeast.

10 cents Dry Yeast, 100, 15c and 25c can. Saleratus. 10c. Junkets Tablets, 12c. Ahredded Cocoanut, 12c, 13, 40c.

pkg. Macaroni Spaghetti, 13 2 for 25c. Corn Vermicelli, Starch, 120. cents, Wheat Farina, 180. 13 for 25 cents.

Jitty-Jell. 13c; 2 for 250. Jell-0, 12 cents packageReiston Breakfast Food. 24c pkg. Shredded Wheat, 14 cents package.

Potato Flour, 18c. Flapjack Flour, 15c. Buckwheat, 15 and 22 cts. package. Graham Flour.

8c 6 lbs. for 35 cts. Reliable Flour, 22, 45 and 85c pkg. Rhode Island Meal. Cream White Meal.

Granulated Yelww Meal. Rye Meal Rolled Oats, 6 cents pound. Rolled Oats, 12 and 28 cents pkg. Puf'ed Wheat, 12 cts. Rice, 16 cts.

Delisco, 48 cents package. Postum Cereal, 20 cents package. Instant Postum, 24 and 40 cts. pkg Grape-Nuts. Toastier, 16 cents cents.

package. 11 Hominy, 10 cents package, Cream of Wheat, 26c. Wheatena, 18c. Whole Pepper, 85c. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, 10 eta.

60 cents. Cloves, whole or ground, $1.10. Whole Nutmeg. 70 cts. Ginger Root, 60c.

Allspice, whole or ground, 85 cents, Mace, $1.10 lb. 18 cents box. Mustard, 60c lb. Mustard Seed, 950 lb. Stickney Poor's Mustard, box.

46c box. Colman's Mustard, 30, 50 cts. Gulden's Mustard, 15 cente jar. Pure Cream of Tartar, 60 cte. lb.

Paprika, $1.20 18c box. Tumeric, 3 cents ounce. Caraway Seed, 25c lb, Colery Seed, 600 Anise Seed, 25c Ib. Celery Salt. 25 cts.

lb. Curry Powder, 20 cents bottle. Cummin Seed. 35 cents pound. Sage, Savory, Thyme, Poultry Seasoning.

16 aid 280 box. Onion Seasoning, 18 cents bottle. SOAP. STARCH, ETO. Sand Soap, 10 bar.

Sapollo 120 cake. Best of Soap, 7 cents bar. Babbitt's Best Scap. cents bar, White Floating Soap, 7 cents a bar. Star Soap, 8 cents bar.

Octagon Soap, 8 cents. Classic Soap, 7 4 for 25 cents. Welcome Laundry Soap, 7 cents 18 bar. cents bar. Fels French Naptha Soap, Soap.

8c bar, 10 bars 760. Lux, 11 cents. Kinso, 8 White Naptha Soap. 7 cents bar, 50ay luv. rail' Duap, sc cake Wool Soap, 8 5 for 35 cents.

Wool Soap Flakes, 5 for 35c. Lava Soap, 7c cake. Tar Soap Bon Ami. 10c. Sunlight Soap, or 80 cake.

Colgate's Honey cakes, Giycerine 55 cts. Oat box. Meal Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 15, 24c cake, large Cuticura Soap, 15 20c and cake: 18 58 cts. cts. cake.

box. Pears' Soaps, Palmolive Sop, 10 3 for 25 cts. Woodbury's 22c. Lifebuoy, 80. Barber's Bar Soap.

10c; 9 Shaving for 80c. Stick, 370 Shaving Soaps, 8. 14, 17 and 20 cents. Powder, 33c. Dog Fish Oil Scap, 22c.

Carbolic Soap, 14c. ile Soap, 15 cents cake. 10 cts. can. Borax, 10 and 15c.

Skat, Soapine, large, 15c. Pearline, 15c pkg. Gold Dust. 5 and 32 cents. cents pkg.

Octagon Soap Powder, 9 Keimon Water. 12 cents bottle. Old Dutch Cleanser, 10 cents a can. Borax Chips. 15c.

Argo Starch, 12g eta. pkg. Satin Gloss Starch, 6 lb. boxes. 80 Elastic.

Starch. 10c. Ivory and 24c Starch, bottle. 10c. Liquid Blueing.

Ammonia. 10. 15 15. 88 and 860. Mousehold hot.

OILS. CANDLES, MATCHES Bixhe's alive Royal Polish, Polish 13c or Jet box; 011. for 19 25c. ot8. 2 in Sun Paste, Cake or Powder, 9 cents.

Enameline, 13 cts. Vulcanol, 9 cts. Royal Cream Worcester Silver Polish, Polish, 15 25c cents bottle can. Silver X-Ray Stove Powder, 9 cents. Globe Metal Polish, 17.

55, 850, $1.10. A MalE 55c. Vacuum Mobiloil 1 gal. $1,10 to 6 gal. cans, $5.30 to $6.00.

Molilubricant Grease. 23, 32 and 95c. Frazer Axle Grease, 15 cents box. Machinery Oil, 6, 10. 17 and 30c bottle.

8 in 1 Oil 15 and 25 cents. Sperm Oil. 7, 35, 60c 650 and $1 $1.25 bottle. Castor Oil, 13, 85, and bottle. Neats Foot oil, 10.

28: and 75c hot. Sweet or Salad On. 28 and Spanish Oil. 758, $1.40, $2.60, $5 in tin. Olive Oil, Italian, $4.75 gallon.

Olive Oil, French, 42, 60c and $1 bottle; $1.50, $2.90 and $5.60 in tins. Chip Matches, 3c box; 3 boxes eta. Safe Home Matches, 7c box; 300 pkg. Vulcan Safety Matches, La runts package. Wax Candles, 2, 4.

6. 10 and 20c each. White Table Candies, 30 cents dozen. Superior White Candles, 8 cents each. Plumber's Candles, 80 cents dozer.

Birthday Cake Candles, box; Lighters 10 cents bar. DRUGS Alumn, 10c lb. Borax, 150 ID. Epsom Sals, 15c Brimstone, 6c lb. Rochelle Salts, 65 cents pound.

Potash, 12 cents can. Chamomiles, $1.25 lb. Senna, 43c battron. $1.25 lb. Eim Bark, 700 Gum Floor Arubic, 50 cents Pumice Stone, can.

ground, Beeswax, 19c; pieces, lb. 18c Wax, 35c 50c. Flax Seed. 20c lb. Flax Insect Seed Meal, 20 cents pound.

Powder. cents pound Black Licorice, 10 cents stick. Licorice Powder, 35c tb Camphor, 7. ets. ounce; $1 pound.

Sulphur, 15 cents pound. Licorice Root, 60 cents pound. Powdered Elm Bark 55 cents pound. Chioride of Lime. 12 cents cents.

can. de, 7 ibs. 25 Rosin, 28 cents pound. Roach Sault. 10 and 22 cents box.

Turkish Ant Remedy, 39 rents. bottle. PATENT MEDICINES. Acid Phosphate, 48 and 850 bottle. Arabian Balsam, 35c.

Honey American Oil, 69c bottle. Angier's Emuision, 46 and 85c bottle. Atwood's Bitters. 34. centa bottle.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 28 cts. bottis. Beef, Iron and Wine. 95 cants bottle. Bovinine, 55 and $5 cents bottle.

Bromo Seitzer, 10. 34. and 46 cente. Castoria, 30 cents bettle. Citrated Magnesia, 32 cents.

Cutleura- Resolvent. 42 and 820 bottle. Father John's Medicine, 550 and FL. Fellow's Syrup, $1.28 bottic Fenning's Teetbing Powder. 45 cents Liquid Peptonoids, 95 cents.

Gray's Glycerine Tonic, $1.08. Hood'e Sarsaparilli, $1. Humphrey's Specines, 25 and 85c, Lime Water, 10, 15 and 25 eta. bottle Lydia Pinkham's Compound, 90-ets. Minard's Liniment, 23 ote bottle.

Nervura. $1.10. Omega Oil, and 486. Nuxated Iron. 85 cents bottle, Pain Killer, 28 and 45 eta.

bottle. Pepto-Mangan, Gude's, eta, bottle. Pepto-Mangan Tablets, 75 eta. bottle. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

95c bot. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, 95c. 85 cents Bottle. Philip's Milk of Magueala, 89C. Red Sea Balsam, 19 cente bottle.

Sal Hepatica, 28. and $1 bottle. Sioan': Lininient, 26 and 58 ets. bottle. Soothing Syrup, Sanative Wash, 260 Syrup of Figs, 48c.

True's Elixir, 360. Scott's Emulsion, 85c. bottle. Swamp Root, 48 and 90 cts. bottle, Vinol, 85 cents bottle.

Wampole's God Liver 75 cents. White's Specialty for Diphtheria, 450. White Pine Cough Syrup, 10 cents. Pinez, 45 cents bottle. GLYCERINE.

28, 70 cents and 11.35 bottle. NOR'NAY COD LIVER OIL. 25. 48 and 40 cents bottle: CASTOR OIL. 15, 28, 48 and 85e bottle.

PORTO RICO BAY RUM. 20. 40, 75 canta and $1.40 bottle. EXTRACT OF WITCH HAZEL. 60 cts.

quart; 25, 45 and Ext. of Orange, 38 cente bottle. Ext. of Lemon, 30, 60 and $1.15 bottle. Ext of Vanilla.

30, 60 and $115 bottle. Ext. of Almond, 10, 20 and 35c bottle. Jamaica Ginger, 50 cents bottle. Sweet Oil, 10.

15, 28 and 50c -bottle. Camphorated OIl, 30 and 55c bottle. Peppermint, Wintergreen, Spearmint, Rhubarb, Anise Seed, Camphor, Arnica and N'tre, 33 cents bottle. Antopulogestine. 55 and 75 cents.

Abbots Menthol Plasters. 28 cents. Alco*ck's Porous Plasters, 13c, 2 for 25c. Belladonna, Plasters, 14 cents each. Mustard Plasters, 10 leaves, 35 cents.

Musterole, 27, 50 and $2.50 ets. Strengthenir: Plasters, 20 cents. Red Cross Kidney Plasters, 22 cents. Blue Jay Corn Plasters, 20 cents. Benson's Plasters, 20 cents.

Griswold's Salve, 28c. Cuticura Salve, 40c Cole's Carbolic Salve, 24 cents. Maker's Ointment, 25c. Salva- Cea, 22c. Doan's Ointment, 49c.

Russia Salve, 20c Dr. Wilbur's Indigestion ablets. 50c. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, box. Stuart's Charcoal Tablets, 20c box.

Soda Mint Tablets. Te 028. 25c. Slippery Elm Lozenges, 80 cts. lb.

S. B. Cough Drops, 5 cents box. Luden's Cough Drops, 5 cents box. Nelson's delatine Lozenges.

40 cents. Bronchial Troches, 23 cents box. Composition Powders, 18 centa pkg. Compound Licorice Powder, 15c. pkg.

Seidlitz Powders. 28 cents Headache Powders, 15 cents box. Bayer's Aspirin Tablets 18. 35c. $1.19.

QUININE PILLS, 2 GRAINS. 18 ots. dozen. Botties of 100 pills, $1.10. Beecham's Pills, 20c.

Schenck's Pills, 20c Brandeth's Pills, 18c. Pills, 24c. Carter's Pills, 17c. Pinkham's Pills. 25c.

Laxative Brimo Quinine Pills, 25 cts. Phenyo-Caffeine Pills, 25c. Pink Pills, 40c Blaud's Iron Pills. 29 cents. Doan's Pills, 49c.

Hilton's Specife, 45c. Doan's Regulets, 250. Hood's Pills, 18c. Doan's Eye Salve, 30 cents tube. Pierce's.

Pleasant Pellete. 22 cents. 10, 25 and 50 cents box. Fruitatives, 23 and 45 cents. VASELINE.

Camphor Ice, 13c. Cold Cream, 17c box. Carbolated Vaseline, 18 cents bottle. Veterinary Vaseline, 30 cents pound. Pure Vaseline, 8, 16, 18.

30, 45c bottle. Pomade Vaseline, 18, 30 and 450 bot. White Vaseline, 20, 80c bot. Tubes, 15c. FOODS, DRINKS, ETC.

Mellin's Food, 48 and 68c bottle. Eskay's Albumenized Food, 50 and 75c. Kobinson'8 Patent Barley, 25 and 500 Imperial Granum, 22, 57 and 850 box. Arrowroot, 18 cents package. Sugar of Milk, 80 cents can.

Malted Milk, 39, 79c. Hospital, $3.15 Liebeg's Ext. Beef. 48. 87c, $1.68.

Oxo Cubes, 20c. Steero box. Lathia Tablets, 5 grains, 30c bottle. Pluto Water, 42 cents bottle. Hire's Root Beer Extract, 20 cts.

bot. Lime Juice, 20 and 45 cts. bottle. Grape Julce, 15, 25, 40 and bottle. TOILET ARTICLES.

Danderine, 30, 48 and 75 cents. Newbro's Herpicide, 42 and 80 conts. Peroxide Hydrogen, 12, 17 and 30c bot. M. L.

Florida Water, 30 cta. bottle. Colgate's Violet Talc. Powder, 18 cts. Colgate's Dental Cream, 22 cents.

Boric Acid, 15 cents package. Sozodont, 28c, Rubifoam, bottle. Listerine Paste, 40 cents. Hood's Tooth Powder, 20 cents bottle. Pebeco Tooth Paste, 40 cents.

Listerine. 23, 45 and 85 cts. bottle. Lysol, 22, 42, 80 cents bottle. Sulpho Napthol, 12, 28, 65 and $1.00, Frostilla, 28 cer.is bottle.

Comfort Powder, 20 and 38 cente box. Colgate's Violet Water, 25, 40 and 750. Mennen's Powder, 18 cents. Cuticura Talcum Powder, 83 cents. Magnesia, 2 oz.

blocks, 4c; 7 for 25c. Fuller's Earth, 17 cents pound. TOILET PAPER. Argyle Toilet Paper, 13c; $1.50 dozen. Columbia Toilet Paper, 15c; $1.76 dox.

Winslow's Toilet Paper, 180 package. Argyle Toilet Paper, rolls, doz. Lion Toilet Paper, rolls, i5e; $1.75 dos. Empire Express, rolls, 15c; $1.75 dozen. BASKETS.

Common Market Baskets, 15, 18 cents. Splint Market Baskets, extra quality, open, 45, 50, 55, 65, 78, 98c and $1.10. Splint Market Baskets, extra quality, covered, 68, 78, 98, $1.12, $1.30, $1.55 and $1.80. Extra Strong Iron Clad Baskets, $1.75, $1.90 and $2.10. Round Picking Baskets, 65 and 80c.

Bushel Baskets, $1.50. Round Splint Clothes Baskets, 65c. Oblong Clothes Baskets, $1.50, $2 and $2.50. Wet Wash Baskets, $1.45 and $1.65. Willow Clothes Baskets, $1.60 and $1.85.

Clam cents each. Office Baskets, $1.70. DOG AND BIRD SUPPLIES. Spratt'8 Dog Cakes, 75c carton. Spratt's Puppy Biscuit, 75c carton.

Austin's Dog Cakes, 14c pound. Austin Puppy Cakes, 15 cents pound. Canary Geed, 9 cents pousd. Rape Seed, 12c lb. Hemp Seed, 15c lb.

Sunflower Seed, 10c 3 for 25 cts. Millet, 10 cents pound. Maw Seed, 22 cents pound. Mixed Bird Sced, 12c. Parrot Seed, 20c.

Deane's Mixed Bird Seed, 12 cts. lb. Grave's Prepared Bird Food, 15 cts. Song Restorer, 24c. Bird Tonic, 15c bot.

Bird Gravel, 9 cts. box; 3. for 25 cts. Fish Food, 10c box. Cuttle Fish Bone.

BIRD CAGES. Brass, $1.15, $1.40, $1.80 and $2. Brass, with guard, $1.85, $1.95, $2.15 and $2.95. Bird Cage Hooks, Springs, Perches, Swings, Cups, Baths, Bone Holders. DOG COLLARS.

Dog Collars, all sizes, al; styles and for all breeds of dogs. from 10 cents to $2.25 each. Cat Collars, 10 to 45c. Collar Locks. Dog Leads.

17, 28, 85 and 49c each. CLAYTON'S DOG REMEDIES. All kinds, 40 cents each. WELSBACH GAS MANTELS, 15, 20 and 30c. Junior Mantles, 27c.

Chimneys, 27 and 30 cents. Inverted Mantles, 15, 20 and 30 cts. CHAIR SEATS. 10 and 13c; 3 for 25c. ABSORBENT COTTON, 10, 20, 30 and 50 cents package.

Shell Paper. 7a plece of 5 for 25c. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC. FOR 19 CENTS POUND. Sodas, Chowder, Commons, Oyater.

FOR 20 CENTS POUND. Little Boss Lunch. Grahams, Pilot Bread, Ginger Snaps, Jersey Creams FOR 22 CENTS POUND. Boss Butters, Boston Butters. FOR 25 CENTS POUND.

Animals, Golden Jumbles, Macaroon Snaps, Sugar Cake, Cocoa Daintles. G. Cookies. FOR 30 CENTS POUND. Tokene, Homeland, Night Cai.a, Atluntics, Extra Wine, Vienna Crimp.

Saltines, County Cookie, Butter Thins, Zephyrette, Peanut Water. Cocoa Crisp, Fig Newtons, Fruit Dessert. Ice Gen.de Orange Blossoms FOR 38 CENTS POUND. Coona Crinkle, Rarebit, 5 O'clock Tea, Dettto Sandwich, Doris, Cameo, Fruit Biscuit. Lorna Doone.

FOR 40 CENTS POUND. Peanut. Pattles, Chocolate Fingers, Lo Wt Cocoanut Creams, Puffin Sandwich, Sea Foam, Chocolate Charms, Vanilla Wafers FOR 45 CENTS POUND. Cheese Chips, Bobbie Burns, Toasterettes, Orbit, Marle, Arrowroot. BOR 50 CENTS POUND.

Sorbetto Sandwich. FOR 55 CENTS POUND. Hydrox, Advocate Cream, Dinner Biscuit, Golden Flake. FOR 65 CENTS POUND. Clover.

Leaf. Perfetto. FOR 75 CENTS POUND. Tan San, Philopena, Veronique. FOR 80 CENTS POUND.

Mult Junior, Brandywine. Champions, $1.20 can. 25c allowed for' cans. FOR 7 CENTS. Uneeda, Zu Zu, Animals, Oysterettes.

FOR 13c, 2 FOR 25c, Nabiscos, Clover Leaf, Multi Ton San. FCR 14 CENTS. Butter Thins, Zwiebach, Lorna Doone, Cheese Sandwich, Social Tea, Graham, Saltines, Oatmeal. Cracker Meal, BREAD AND CAKE. Vienna, 10 cents.

Butter Krast, 10 cents. Raisin Bread, 15 cents. American Maid, 15 cente. Raisin. Plain and Fruit Cake, 85c lb.

Ward's Package Cakes, 16c each. CANNED VEGETABLES. Standard Tomatoes, 15 and 18 ct con Blue Label Tomatoes, 24 cents Blue Label Green Corn.20 cents can. Early June Peas, 25 cents May Duke Peas. 22 cents can.

can. Tender Sweet Peas, 20 cents can. Lima Beans, 24c. Red Kidney Beans, 25c String Beans, cut, 23c. Whole, 28c can Blueberries, 35.

cents can. Van Camp's Beans, '13c, 2 for 25, and 23 cents. Heinz Baked Beans, 14 And 18 cepta Brown Bread, 18 cents can Succotash, 22c. Beats, 20c can. Squash, 22e.

Pumpkin, 20 can. Spinach, 25 cents can. Asparagus Tips, 45 cents can. Asparagus 45 cents can. Spanish Red Peppers, 20 cents can Mushrocms, 60 cents can.

Spaghetti, 23 cents can. CANNED MEATS AND FISH. Corned Beef. 38 75 cents can. Roast Beef, 38 and 75c Veal 26e Ox Tongue, 85c.

$1.30, $1.70 and $2.16. Lunch Tongue, 28 and 48 cents can. Hamburg Steak, 38 cents can. Potted. Chicken, 30 and 49c can.

Potted Meats, 6 and 10 cents can. Deviled Ham 67 Tongues, 20 and 32a. Boned Chicken, 60c. and $1.15 can. Campbell's Soups, 10 cents can.

Clams, 15c. Clam Chowder, 300 can. Lobster, 50c. Shrimp, 25c. Crab Meat, 50c and 90c can.

Kippered Herring 20 and 28 cets. can. Salmon, tall cans, 18c and 28c can. Salmon Steak, 25 and 45 cents can. Tuna Fish, 28 and 45 cents 8 can.

CANNED FRUITS. Del Monte Bartlett Pears, 42c can. Bartlett Pears, 35 cents can. Blue Label Sliced Peaches, 28c can Lemon Cling Peaches, 42c can. Del Monte Apricots, 40 cents can.

Grated Pine Apple, 29 cents can. Sliced Pine Apple, 32 and 10 cents Logan Berries, 38 cents can. Raspberries, 45 cents can. Plum Pudding, 15, 35 and 55c can Mince Meat. 50 cente can.

SARDINES. Underwood Sardines, 16 cents can P. C. Sardines, 38, 55 aad 85 cents. American Sardines, in oll or mus.

tard, 5 cents can, for 25 cents. Mustard Sardines, 15 conte can. Smoked Sardines, 15 cents box. CONDENSED MILK. Standard Brand, 16 cents can.

Lion Brand, cents can. Baby Milk, glass jare, 29 cents. Eagle Brand, 22 cents can. Borden's Peerless Milk, 7 and 140 Van Camp's Milk, 7 and 14 cts. can.

Klim, 23, 69c, $1.50 and $2.90. CHOCOLATES, COCOA, ETO. Baker's Hershey's Milk Chocolate, 49 Chocolate, cents 18 pound. Raker's Cocoa, 13, 26 and 49 cts. cts.

can. pirg. Raiston's Cocoa, 30 cents Bensdorp'8 Shells, Cocoa, 45 and 90 cents. can. Cocoa 4c 3 lbs.

100. Sour HEINZ PICKLES-67 VARIETIES. Mixed, 50 cents quart. Chon Chew, 50 cents quart. Sweet Pickle Relish, 75 cents quart Sweet Mixed Pickles, 75 cents Gherkins, 76 cents quart.

quart Sweet India HEINZ'S Relish. 20 and 35 cents bottle. Sweet Sour Mixed PICKLES IN GLASS. or Pickles, Sweet or Jour White Gherkins, Chow. Chow, Relish, Onious, Tomato uD.

FOR 35c BOTTLE. Sour Mixed Pickles, Sour Gherkins and Pickled White Onions, Chow Chow. FOR 40C BOTTLE. Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sweet Gherkins and Tomato Ketchup. BLUE LABEL JAMS.

Raspberry, Red Currants, Peach, Gooseberry, Grape, Damson, Raspberry and Currant. 60 cents jar. BLUE LABEL JELLIES. Red Currant, Crab Apple, Grape, cents tumbler. BLUE LABEL MARMALADES.

Orange and Pineapple, 60 cents Jar. JOHNSON'S HOME- MADE JAMS. Damson, Raspberry and Strawberry, 6-lb. stone pails, $1.35. DEANE'S E0 PURE CIDER VINEGAR.

cents. galion. White Wine Vinegar, 36 cents gallon. C. B.

Malt Vinegar, 45 cts. bottle. Heinz's Malt Vinegar, 25 and 40c bot. Chow Chow, 45, 70c and $1.25 bottle. CRANBERRY SAUCE, 28 CENTS JAR.

Olive OiL, 12. 60c and $1 bottle. Olive Oil, one gallon cal, $4.75. Wesson Oil, 35c. and 65c.

Spanish Oil. 75c, $1.40, $2.60, $5, (in. Mazola Oil, 57 cents quart. Easton's Mayonnaise, 25c. bottle.

Durkee's Salad Dressing, 15, 35, 60 bot Howard's Salad Dressing, 35 and 65c Premier Salad Dressing, 17 and 40 cts. Pepper Sauce. 18 cente bottle. Worcestershire Sauce, 38 and 60c bot. Snider's Catsup, 36 cants bottle.

Snider's co*cktail Sauce, 38c bottle. Blue Label Chill Sauce, 25 and 40c bot Blue Catsup, 30 cents. Olives, 15, 25 and 40c bottle. Stuffed Olives, 17, 27 and 37c bottle Stuffed Olives, qt. Plain, 60c qt Capers, cents bottle.

Kitchen Bouquet. 35 cents bottle. Horse Radish, 22 cents bottle. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. Toothpicks, 8 cento her.

Mucilage, 8c bot. Lead Pencils, doz. Ink. Sc pint, 60c; quart, $1. Liquid Glue, 15c bot.

pint can, 38c. Chamois Skine, 8, 17, 42, 95c, $1.70 and $1.90. Carriage Sponges, 36c to $1.25 each. Bath Sponges, and 30 cents Corks, 12 sizes, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 160 dos Flower Pots, 12. 20, 30, 42, 60, 86c and $1.10.

Bulb Pans, 32, 45 and 66 cents. Thermos Bottles, $2.50, $3.95, $3,70 and $5.30, Universal Vacuum Bottles, $2.50, $2.95, $3.70, $3.95, $4.15, $4.40, $5.30, $5.75. Fillers, $1.40, $1.65 and $2.55. Universal Lunch Kits, $4.15. Thermos.

GALVANIZED IRON WARE. Water Pails, 45, 55, 60 and 85 cents. Wash Basins, 10 ets. Foot Tubs, 75 eta Covered Chamber Pails, 85 cents. Ash Barrels, $3.40, Garbage Pails.

$1.40. $1.70 and $1.90. Refrigerator Pans, 65 and 75 cents. MALT HOPS Hops, 40c Pound Malt, 8c Pound 60c Peck Clicquot Club Gluger Ale, Sarsaparilla, 17c Bottle, $2.00 Dozen. $3.90 Per Case of Two Dozen.

50 cents rebate for bottles and case. MOXIE 30c Bottle. $3.50 Dozen. Rebate, 60 cts. for bottles and 03.96.

TINWARE. Pie Piates. and 10 cents each. Cake Pans, 10 cents each. Bread Pans, 6, 10, 12, 14, 17 and 20c.

Angel Cake Pans, Muffin Pans, 20, 25 and 35 cents Round, Deep Bake Pans, Bread Raising Pane. Colanders, 26 centi Squash Strainers, 40 cents. Gravy Strainers, 17 cents. Biscuit, Tart and Cookie Cutters, 10a. Nutmeg Graters, 8.

cents. Vegetable Graters, 10 centa. Pudding Pans, 10 sizes, 10 to 36 Pudding Bollers, 90c, $1, $1.05, $1.15. Lipped Sauce Pans, Steamers. 40 and cents.

Pet Covers, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 10, 20c. Lipped Preserving Kettles, 10 18, 16, 28. 20. 22 and 26 cants each. Tin Cups, 7 cents each.

Tin Dippers, 17 and 23 cents each. Scoops. 8, 25 and 42 cente each. Tin Funnels, 10, 18, 15. 30 and Tin Pans.

11 sizes. 4 to 25 centa. Milk Measures, 15 and 20 cents. Liquid Measures, 17, 23 32. 45 an 1 580.

Milk Cans, light, 25, 32 and 48c. Milk Cans, heavy, Wash Basins, seamless, 10 cents each. Dish Pans. 67, 80, 98 a and $1.20. Copper Bottomed Wash Bollers, $2.15, $2.30 and $2.45.

Copper Wash Boilers, $6.50. TIN PAILS. One pint pails, One quart palls. Two quart palls, Three quart pails, Four quart pails, Six quart pails, Ten quart palls, Milt Pails, 12 quarts, $1.40 and $1.64. Stove Pails, 25, 28 and 32 cents each.

DINNER PAILS. 70, 80, 90 cents and $1. TEA KETTLES. Tea Kettlos. Nickeled Tea Kettles, 7-Inch, $2.80 $3.25: 8-Inch.

$3.00 and $8.46. JAPANNED WARE. Lunch Boxes, 42 cents each. Cash Boxes, $1.10, $1.25 and $1.46. Sond Boxes, Spice Sets, Tea and Coffee Cans, 15 and 23 cents.

Flour Boxes, 5 cts. Pepper Boxes, be. Match Sates, Match Truuks, Cake Closets, Bread or Cake Boxes, 95c, $1.10, $1.30. Tea Trays, Dust Pane, 12 ots. Candlesticks, Child's Bath Tube, Foot Tuba, Cuspidores, cents.

Watering Pots. 58, 70, 85, 98c, $1.10, and $1.30. TEA AND COFFEE POTS. Turquoise Tea and Coffee Pots, $1.10, $1.20, $1,30, $1.40, $1.55 and $1.75 each. Nickeled Tea and Coffee Pots, $2.75, $2.90.

$2.95, $3.10, $3.20 and $3.80. Flint Tea Pots, BROOMS, BRUSHES, COMBS. Carpet Brooms, Sweepers, 60, $5 75, each. 95c, $1.05, $1.10 and $1.15. Stable Brooms, $1.63, $1.20 and $1.80.

Whisk Brooms, 28, 42 and 48 centa. Toy or Hearth Brooms, cents Scrub Brushes, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 23, and 40 cents. Stove Brushes, 30. 40 and 70 Shoe Brushes, 50, 75 and 95 cents. Blacking Daubers, 25 cents.

Dusting Brushes, 48, 55 and 15. cents. 18-inch Steel Center Floor Brushes, $1.75 Floor Brushes, $1.30, $1.66, $1.80, $3. Window Brush Brushes, 75 Handles, and 30, 95. 40 cents.

and 593. Milk Bottle Brushes, 25 cents. Clothes Brushes, 56c, $1 and $1.10. Hand or Nail Brushes, 25 and 75c. Tooth Brushes, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 450, Shaving Brushes, 25, 70 and 95 cents.

Hair Brushes, 35, 55 and 70 cents. Bath and Flesh Brushes, 67, 95c, $1.33. Whitewash Brushes, Wool Dusters, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Horse Brushes, $1.45 and $2.25. Dandy Brushes, 40 cents. Curry Combs, 17 cents, Fine Combs, 12, 15 and 25 cents.

Dressing Combs, 20, 35 and 40 cents. Pocket Combe, 12, 15 and 20 cents. LAMPS AND LANTERNS. Rayo Lamps, $3.95 each. Hand Lamps, 60.

70 and 90c each. Bracket Lamps, 60 and 75 cts. each. Lamp Brackets, Tubular Lanterns, 87 cents. Porcelain Shades, $1.00.

Reflectors, 32 and 40 cents each. Dashboard Lanterns, $1.40. Cold Blast Lanterns, $1.35 and $1.46. Driving Lanterns, $1.65 each. Lantern Brackets, 20 cents.

Tubular Lantern Globes, 14 cents. Cold Blast Globe, 17c. Bulls Eye, 20c. Star Burners, 12 and 15 cents. Sun medium, 14 cents each.

Sun Chimneys, large, 15 cents each. Jumbo Sun Coineys, engraved, 26c. Duplex, Rehceeter and Electric Chimneys, 18c. Rayo Chimneys, 18c each, Lamp Wicks, 1, 6, 13 and 18c dozen. Duplex Wicks, ac.

Rochester Wicks, 7c. Rayo Wicks. 10c. Heater Wicks, 25c. Perfectien Stove Wicks, 350.

Oil Heater Wick and Carrier, 40c. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE. Thermometers, (0 cents each. Mouse Traps, 5. and 15 cents.

Rat Trapa, 13c, 2 for 25c. Fly Killers, 86 Tack Nails, 5c. Tack Pullers, 5 and 8c. Brass Headed Pointed Tacks, 6c. Wrenches, Tacks, Scratch Awls.

Hammers, 16 cents. Hatchets, Axes, $1.55 and $1.60. Wood Saws. $1.30. Hand Saws, Screw Drivers, 10c.

Plyers, Awls and Tools. Files, 6 eta. Glass Cutters, Rules, cents. Yard Sticks, cents Sand Stones, 10 cents. Putty Knives, Wall Scrapers, Clothes Line Hooks, Pulleys, 100.

Wardrobe Hooks, 4c; 40c Picture Hooks, 3 cents. Hammock Hammock Lines, 5c. Pulley Cord, Garden Trowels, 8, 10, 15c. Weeders, 8c Spading Forks, 8c. Coat Hangers, 5c.

Scale and Scoop, $2.00. COCOA FOOT MATS. $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.80 and $2.10. Steel Foot Mats, LAUNDRY FIXTURES. Folding Wash Benches, $1.80.

ironing Tables, $3.45 each. Ironing Boards, $1.40 and $1.60. Sleeve Boards, 25 Clothes Lines, 33, 48, 50. 7(2 and 760. Clothes Horses, $1.35, $1.55 and $1.75.

Wall Clothes Dryers, $1.25 each. Clothes Line Hooks. each. Clothes Line Reels, 15c. Clothes Forks, 15 Clothes Fins, 60 5 doz.

for 25c. Spring Clothes Pins, Mop Handles, 32 and 58 cents ench. Cotton Mops, 95 cents each. Dry Mops, 75c. Liquid Veneer Mops, $1.89.

Washboards, 15, 25, 55 90- cents. Dippers, and 35 CLOTHES WRINGEHS. Crescent Tub Wringers, $5.65 and $6. Novelty Tub Wringers, $6.15 and $6.70. Keystone Bench Wringers, $10.65 $11.25 Royal Wringers, $9.

Universal, $7.90. WASH TUBS, BEST QUALITY. Largest size, second size, $2.15, Small sizes, $2 each. Laundry Tubs, extra large, each. Galvanized Iron Tubs, 90c.

$1.05, $1.20. DENATURED ALCOHOL. 65 cts. gallon; 5 gallons: $8.00. Bottles, 15 and 30 cents.

CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, ETC, FOR PER POUND. Peppermint Cough Drops, Peppermint Lezenges, Conversation Lozenges, Jelly Beans, Deanut Taffy. FOR PER POUND. Sugar Peppermints, Hoarhound, Lemon. Cinsamon and Clove Drops.

Peach Stones. Raspberry Drops. Fig Jellies, Cocoanut Benbons, American Mixed FOR 55c PER POUND. Home Made Peppermint Cough Drops, Gum Dropa, Fig Paste, French Cream Bonbons. Nut Butter Kisses.

FOR 400 PER POUND. Assorted Caramels, Butterscetch fers, Chicken Bones. Wintergreen Chips, Cinnamon Chips. Lime Tablets, Assorted Tablets, Peach Bios50m8. Rock Candy, PER POUND.

Velvet Kisses, Social Whirls, New Kings. Cream Peppermints, Cream Wintergreens, Coltsfoot Sticks. FOR 500 PER POUND. Druggists' Gum Drops, French Jelly Bunbons, Spiced Gum Drops, Licorice FOR 85c PER POUND. Cream Carame's, Assorted French Nougat.

Mexican Nougat, Butterscotch Bars, Spanish Nut Toffee, Niblets. Wafer Lozenges, Chocolate Creams, 35 cents pound Old Fashioned Chocolates, 35 cents lb. Choc. Cocoanut Cream Squares, 40c 1b. Chocolate Croquettes, 40 cents pound.

Choc. Nut Butter Chips. 40 cents pound. Chocolate Nonpareils. 45 cents pound.

Mixed Chocolates, 45 cents pound. Choc. Covered Almonds, 55 cents lb. Assorted Cachoud. 60 cents.

Wintergreen Berries, 60 cents. Assorted Stuffed Bonbons, 65 cents lb. Jordan Almonds, 76 cents pound. Crystalized Ginger, 950 40, 70u and $1.10 per box. Russell's Clinton Chocolates, thirty kinds, mixed to your taste, 50 cents per pound.

Fine quality end very popular. Russell's Chocolates, 28 kinds, 70c lb. Varsity Chocolates, none better at Any price. Five-pound 85 cents per pound. boxes.

Assorted Chocolates, $1.75 each. Varsity Russell's Chocolates, 50 and 900 pkg. boxes Chocolates, 680 and $1.35 pkg. lb. Necco Assorted 75c.

A1 Marshmallows, 88 and 480 box. Chocolate Almond Bars, 5 cents each. Baker's Sweet Chocolate, 12 cents cake. Lolly. Pops, 12 cents dozen.

Chewing Gum. Beeman'e, Spcarmint, Double Mint, Juicy Fruit and Black Jack, 5 cents package. 6 cts. Sen Ben. ets.

pkg. B. Cough Drops. 6 cents box. Luden's Cough Drops, 6 cente box.

California Walnuts, 39c. Filberts, 20c. Pecan Nuts, 85c lb. Cream Nuts, Aimonds, 30e lb. Naples Walnuts.

30c. Deane's Mixed Nuts, 20 cents pound Roasted Peanuts, 10c 4 $9.75 bushel. Salted Peanuts, 20 cents pound. Jumbo Salted Peanuts, 40 cents pound. Walnut Meats, 750.

Almond Meats. 78 cents per pound. Rice Pop Corn, ears. 15 cents pound. Rice Pop Corn, 15 cents each, Pop Corn Sticks, 40 cents pound.

DOMESTIC CIGARS. BLACKSTONES Londres Panetelns Perfectos Harvards M. C. A. Perfectos.

Quincy C. C. Winthrop J. 7-20-48 7-20-4s E. E.

Rockefellers 6. E. Invincibles. MARGUERITESLondres Conchas Salerosa Massasolts Blackstone Juniors M. C.

A. Juniors Backstone Midgets Pipping 108s Totem Keystones Little Marguerites. Old Coons Dexters Each. Box. 106 $4.75 10c 4.75 12c 5.65 10c 4.95 10c 4.95 10c 4.95 10c 1.95 110 3 10 11c 5.25 12c for 45c 5.35 12c 3 35c 5.40 120 8 for 350 5.40 10c 4.90 130 6.15 11c 5.26 100 4.00 100 4.50 13c for 250 12.00 6 for 25e 3.75 50 4.50 60 2.40 Tc for 25c 0.00 7e for 25c 3.00 7c for 250 3.10 70 for 25c 3.05 To for 250 3.10 7c for 20c 3.15 80 2 for 150 7.00 CIGARS IN PACKAGES Blackstones.

ten pack, 950 M. C. ten pack, $1.05 Harvard, ten pack. 1.00 C. ten pack, 1.05 J.

ten pack. 1.05 7-20-4, ten pack, 1.05 Pippins, ten pack, 62c Backstone Midgets, five pack. 270 M. C. A.

Junior, five pack, 250 LITTLE CIGARS Package. Box. Cutes 18c $3.20 Between the Acts 18c 3.25 Tetonettes 22c 2.00 Hoffman House Roya. Bengalg 3.10 Admission 250 2.35 Quality Puffs 300 2.70 Old Virginia Choroots ....130 5.85 MANILLA CIGARS Londres 50 6 250 3.85 Perfectos 80 2 for 160 3.25 CIGARETTES. Package.

Carton. Mecca 9c $1.60 Hassan 90 1.60 Perfection 90 4.05 Sweet Caporal 90 1.60 Zira 9c 2.00 Beechnut 13c 1.20 One-Eleven 180 1.20 Helmar 140 1.35 Camell 170 1.60 Chesterfield 170 1.60 Mecca 1.60 Lucky Strike 170 1.60 17c 1.60 Melachrino 180 1.70 Mogul 180 1.70 Murad 180 1.70 Natural 180 8.25 Edgeworth, 220 2.10 Patima 220 2.10 Richmond 22c 2.10 Prettiest 23c 2.15 Deities 250 2.85 PLUG TOBACCOS Apple Sun Battle Axe B. L. Planet, (dark) L. Neptune, (light) B.

L. Neptune. thick Black Central Union Climax. Deane's Navy Dill's Lookout Fire Alarm Five Brothers Golden Twins Honest Toil Liberty Bell Master Workman Mayo's Eglantine Mayo's Ivy Old Honesty Piper Heidsick Pride of Virginia R. R.

Sailor Jack Sailor': Pride Sickle Whist Cut Plug 150 28c 180 70c 170 95c 170 95c 17c 95c 10c 180 850 10c 180 85c 22c. 18c 180 10c 18g $1.00 18c 65c 16c $1.00 100 18c 100 180 850 10c 27c 140 80c 9c 67c 18 85c 280 85c 18c CUT PLUG TOBACCOS Black and Tan 10c pkg 3 for 250 Bull Durham 100 3 for 25c Central Union 10c 3 for 250 Fore 'n Aft 10c for 25c Geo. Washingten 10c 8 for 250 Just Suits 160 3 for 25g Mayo's for 250 Red Tag for 250 Sensible 10c for 250 Union Leader 3 for 25c U. S. Marine 100 2 for 25c Winner 3 for 25c Dill's Best 15c, 28c, 100 and $1.35 Dill's Lookout 15c Edgeworth 16c, 82c, 65c, $1.25 and $1.40 Old English 15c.

27c, 650 and $1.25 Prince Albert 15c. 65c. $1.25 and $1.40 Q. Boid 15c Tuxedo 15c $1.05 and $1.25 Velvet 150, $1.25 and $1.40 Canadian 40" 8 and 150" 120 pkg. Central Union 45c, 16 01 870 Just Suits, 14 01.

800 Mayo's. oz. 4c, 14 80e Sensible, 16 03. 850 Union Leader, 14 os 800 U. 8.

Marine, Winner. 14 ME CANNING SUPPLIES As usual, we have all the necessary Jars, for Rubbers, preserving and conning. things Racks, Litters, Ketles, Strainers and low. thing you Look need. And our prices are Spoons, Everyover the list and see.

FRUIT JARS. Z. Seal." wide mouth, The glass topa. best and most reliable jars made. Pints $1.15 Quarts $1.35 dozen Half Gallons dozen dozen RUBBER "Good RINGS FOR FRUIT JARS.

red rubber; stand the continuous boiling of the cold pack E. process 100 2. Seal Grey Rubbers per dozen Mason ...80 dozen 7c dozen Rubbers ANDROCK OVENS. We again have these popular little ovens, so handy for hot weather use. They wiil cook anything a large oven can, and are fine to don't use when you need to do a lot of cooking.

Perfectly simple and simply perfect 75c each Wheatena 18 Cents Package KLIM POWDERED WHOLE MILK. each. 14, and ets. 25 WHAT IS KLIM? KLIM is pure pasteurized milk from which the water is removed a special process in which by no changes of the M-I-L-K Milk. No.

preservative are made in the nourtshing properties is used. with the water removed is KLIM. KLIM with water replaced MILK. KLIM may be used with perfect safety for infant feeding. Ask your doctor.

We have four sizes OZ. cents of-KLIM. lb. 09 cents lbs $1.50 5 lbs. $2.90 Best Butter 48 cts POUND COFFEE 38c Pound CHASE 4 SANBORN'S SPECIAL HIGH GRADE.

FLOUR BAG AMERICA'S BEST FLOUR SUPERB I you want your bread and rolls to be the very best. buy our SUPERB FLOUR BENTON'S BEST Perfect Pastry Flour, $1:30 PER BAG. 008 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR $1.35 PER BAG OCGIDENT FLOUR $1.45 PER BAG. LUNCH BOXES. Tin, pocket foiding, 45 and 55c.

Tin, camera. solid, 42 cents. Gilman, folding, 40 cents. CROCKERY WARE. Cups and Saucers, $1.75 vet.

STONE WARE. Stone Jugs, 30, 45, 90c, $1.35, $1.80 and $2.75. Covered Stone Pots, 58, 70, 90c, $1.95, $1.60, $1.95 and $2.30. Pudding Pans, 18, 25, 32 and 40c. Stone Bean Pots.

35, 42, 50, 60, 70, 82o. Stone Poultry Fountains. 48 and 68c. Stone Hot Water Bottles, 2 quarts, 55c. Flower Pots, 12, 20, 30, 42, 60.

85. $1.10. Bulb Pans 32, 45 and 65 cents. YELLOW WARE. Plain Bowls, 48, 65, 92c and $1.15.

GLASS WARE. Tumblers, 70, 72, 75 and 78c dozen, Thin Blown Tumblers, plain, centa; banded, outs. STOVE FURNISHINGS Coal Hods, Black, 40, 45 and 50c. Coal Hods, Black, 40, 45 and 50c. Coal Hods, Galvanized.

65, 70, 75 and 80c. Coal Shovels, 10, 17 and' 25c. Coal Sieves, 35c. Rotary Ash Sifters, $4.25. Stove Pokers, 12 cents.

Cover Lifters, 15c. Cleaners, 5 cts. Stove Mats, 10c. Kettle Knobs, 3c each. Asbestos Stove Lining, 20, 32e pkg.

Cast Iron Fry Pans, $1.18 and $1.80. Griddles, $1.18 and $1.25. Steel Skillets, C0, 80 and 95c. Cake Turners, 8 and 12c. Toasters, 18 and 90c.

Skimmers, Wire Broilers. 20, 23, 25, 45, 47 and 550. Wire rutoto Fryers, 37, 42 and 48c. Dripping Pans, 29, 32 and 35c. Ladies, 10 and 25 cents each.

Model Roasters. Iron, $1.65 and $2.35. MRS. POTTS' SAD IRONS. Nickel Plated, $2.65 set, three irons.

Extra Handles, 20c. Stands, 10c each. Old Style Sad Irons, 60, 70, 80 and 90c. WOODEN WARE. Water Pails, 30, 45, 48, 50 and 55c.

Flush Hettom Stable Pana, 70c each. Galvanized Iron Pails, 28, 35. 40 and Sugar Pails, 60. 95e and $1.30, each. Pastry Boards, $1.15, $1.25 and $1.49.

Rolling Pins. 15 and 23c. 'Cutting Boards, 10. cents. Step Ladders, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.

Carpet Beaters, 38 and 50 cents. Wooden Bowls. 35 and 55 cents. Towel Rolls.15, 23c. Clothes Barrel Covers.

55 and 65 cents each. Saw Horses, 55 cents each. SARATOGA POTATO CHIPS. 48c lb. ROASTED PEANUTS, 10c quart; $2.75 bushel.

PEANUT BUTTER, 20c pound. WHIPS. 30, 35, 48. 60 and 80c. KINDLING WOOD, 5c, 6 for 25c.

Liquid Veneer, 28. 55c and $1.00 bottle. OSTRICH FEATHER DUSTERS. 80, 48. 65, 95, $1.25, $1.75, $2.35 and $2.70 each.

Turkey Feather Dusters, 35, 40, 48 and 55c. PIPES Clay Pipes, cents each. Corn Cob Pipes, 5. 6 and 7 cents each Briar Wood Pipes, rubber stems, 700 Amber Stem Briar Pipes, $1.00 and $1.25. SNUFF Helme's Checkerberry, Railrond, 100 box; 10c; for Helme's Lorillard's Chic.

Salt 100: Top. Scotch, 8. tor 100; 25c; for 3 8 for for 256. Pearson's 100: 130.

Fall River Daily Evening News from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.