The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York (2024)

PAGE TWO FRIDAY, MARCH 1063 CiANANDAtGUA, NEW V6ftK Naplt res CHARLES W. SHEPARD Daily Messenger Correspondent Naples RD2 Phone Naples 374-2927 John Hodge Lodge F. and A.M., will hold its annual Communion Breakfast in the lodge rooms, Sunday at 9 a.m. Following the breakfast, members will attend the 10:45 a.m. service at the Firsl Presbyterian Church.

A joint meeting of tire Howard CEMETERY MEMORIALS Howard J. Lynch Phone 875 256 Prospect Cdga. John C.Johnson Funeral Home Inc. 47 N. Main, Cdga.

Phone 243 Mission Circle and the Burdick Circle will bo held at the Baptist Church Thursday at 8 p.m. David Donini, son of Mr. and Sirs. Gordon Donmi, underwent an appcndlclomy, In Thompson Hospital, Cmiamlaigua, on Wednesday. i Francis Standish has relumed to.

Thompson Hospital, C.inandai- gua, for rurlher lro.ilin.cnl. Sir. and Sirs. Nelson Olnsslead and family have moved- into a trailer, home on North Main owned by Mr. and Mrs.

William Reamer. The United Presbyterian Women will meol at the home of Sirs. Orlando Pit longer, Hunls Hollow Tuesday, April 9, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Gene Kulp and Mrs.

Charles Klingenbiyger will be assistant hostesses. Mrs. Edwin Miner will lead the discussion on "Our People of The dates of tire two one-act plays to be sponsored by the Naples P.T.A., originally scheduled April 5 and 6 in the Naples-Central School auditorium, have been changed to April 26 and 27. Hprst Molz, a sludent at Purdue University, Indiana, is spending the spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Johann Molz Vivian Vance of "The Lucy Show" on the CBS Television Network first starred on Broadway opposite Ed Wynn in "Hooray for Wlial!" USE MESSENGER WANT ADS DRIVE-IN 2 Hi. EAST OF GENEVA-ROUTES 5-2D RE-OPENS FRIDAY, MARCH 29 ALL-COLOR'SHOW FRANK SINATRA, DEAN MARTIN in "SERGEANTS 3" CHUCK KAMALA DEVI in "GERANIMO" 'Plus Color Cartoons Scholarship Fund Games Slated CAST BLOOJIFIELD The BloomtieW Association of Parents and Teachers will stage its annual Scholarship Fund Night on Saturday, in Ihe school gymnasium. A three gtitnc basketball program will slarl at 7:30 p.m. The'feature game matches the Eloomfield Central. facully and Middlesex Valley Facully teams.

Bloomficld Central All Star Girls team will play an inter-squad game following a basketball exhi- bilion by Ihe Future All Slars of the Little League Basketball. All proceeds will go lo the scholarship fund. 'Refreshments i served. MISS MABEL BLODGETT Daily Messenger. Correspondent Rushville HGJ Mrs.

E. A. Cone'was taken by ambulance.Monday from- Tlwmp- scn Hospilal where she had been for. several weeks, to Green Acres Nursing Home in Rushville. James EEgicston, who was called -hom*o by, the serious automobile accident of his sister, Miss Kay returned Wednesday lo tlw Plaltsburg Air Force Base where he is stationed.

Roderick Filch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray A. Fitch, will arrive Saturday from Wayne State University, Detroit, for a week's vacation with his parents. Improvement is reported in the condition of Mrs.

Michael- Bron nan, who was taken from Green Acres Nursing Home Sunday to Thompson Hospital, Canandaigua. A 2C Carl Valdez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Valdez, Stanley RD, will go to Samsum, Turkey at Ihe conclusion of his 30 day furlough, April 11. WEEKEND 1963 9 Passenger Station Wagon Just 2 Weeks Old with Only 1,000 Actual Miles.

Fiilly Equipped Tinted Glass Power Steering Power Brakes WWk fa. Rake Sales Set GORHAM Fiftten members ol Ihe Auxiliary of the Gorham Fire Company attended the recenl meeting al which plans were made for the annual plant sale and bake sale. The sales will be held at Ihe fire house. Easter weekend. The uniform committee reported that the new blouses are being made.

The Auxiliary voted to pur chase a storage cabinet. Jlrs. Arthur Runner, chairman of the by laws committee, distributed tlje new editions of the by-laws, Mrs Runner was in charge of refreshments. East Blocmfield MRS. MAE MCCARTHY Daily Messenger Correspondent Ph.

Hole. 657-7469 IIr. and Sirs. Harry Sweeney Raybrook have been the guests relatives here. Jlrs.

Kenneth Armstrong and Mrs. Floyd Rayburn were high scorers at the meeting of the Bridge Club on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. James A Saxby. Mrs. Andrew McWilliam will entertain the club on Tuesday evening.

Girl Scout Troop 200, which I. working on the requirements fo the Readers' Badge, visited th school library Mxmday. Mis Jeanne Baker, librarian, explain cd how the library is operated the use of the card catalogue anr assisted them in planning a reac ing program. Jlrs. Donald Har is Scout leader.

Canandaigua, New York Tonight 2 Shows, from 7 SATURDAY ami SUNDAY Continuous from 2 P.M. WEEKDAYS at 7:30 Nominated 3 Academy Awards Best Aclress Lee Remick Best Actor, Jack Lcmmoii their performances in "Days of Wine and Roses" Best Song, "Days of Wine and Roses" It different: It is daring. Most ofull, in its 'own terrifying it is a love story. jacK Lemnmn "oavsoiiNine aeio Roses" tosurt CHARLES 'Mralbf SaWtf Middlesex MRS. RAY LAPLER SR.

Phone Rushville LT 4-3282 Middlesex Amos Bagley is a In honipson Hospilal, Canandaigua. Mrs. Milford Bulton lias been in honipson Hospilal. for tests. Mr.

and Mrs. 'Edward Ames nd family spent Sunday with her ister arid family in Niagara 'alls. Mrs. Laura La Due has been ill her home. Mrs.

Charles King was taken 1 to honipson Hospital, Canandaigua, ambulance on Saturday. Mrs. Roy D. Williams has re- urn cd lo her home from Soldiers nd Sailors Hospital, Penn Van, ollCAving surgery. James Leach is slaying with lis aunt, Mrs.

Faye Leach, Ro- hester, and attending a school in hat city. Word has been received of the leath of Albert Moshier in Maron. Mr. Moshier, the son of Mr. nd Mrs.

Edward Moshier, was in Middlesex and spent his Myhood here. Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Middle- jrook visited Mrs.

Nancy Mack at he Houghlaling Rest Home in 'enn Van, Saturday. The children of Thomas Fen- Bran are ill wiln measles. Robson Savage Posl American at its March meeting, revived informalion to be forwarded to the principals of the Middle- ex Valley, and Gorham Central Schools regarding scholarships ivailable throughout the nation. The Valley Garden Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Lee nney, Thursday.

Mrs. Walter fiobeson and Mrs. Bessie Moshier vill be co-hostess. Mrs. Leslie Button will lalk on "The Bird of he Monlh" and Mrs.

Irving Van Epps will conduct a quiz. Mrs. Panford Emerson will read a poem. Patience Needed To Pack Olives CHICAGO (UPI) A grand mother from Chicago's south side las a job which automation has lot been able to conquer. She is Mrs.

Anne Kabat who has been an olive place-packer in a Chicago food processing plant or 27 years. No machine, -robot or electronic brain has been devised which will )lace-pack stuffed olives in a variety of styles inside the narrow ars wilh the facility and care of a human. Place-packed Spanish stuffed olives are those found in any grocery store where the red pimiento Ihe olive is symmetrically aligned to form. various designs. Armed only with a pair tongs, 14 inches in length, Mrs Ksbal can pack up to 720 jars of olives per day.

Tlie secret behind Mrs. Rabat's success, she reports, is patience. a steady hand and persistence. Closed Circuit TV For Nursery BERKELEY, Calif. (UPI) -A local hospital has found a way to placate grandmother when sh comes to visit the new baby bu isn't allowed in the nursery.

"It's closed circuit television. Alta Bates Hospital allows only the father lo see the baby in the nursery. But a television earner has been installed in the ceilin which carries pictures lo a screcr in a lounge five floors below. Through a -voice hook-up granc mother can talk to a nurse caring for the infant. The closed circuit television system was donated by Mrs.

Harr H. Steinberg who said she knew hospitals have a grandmothe problem and "I like people." Before his role on "Dohie Gil lis," Bob Denver had only tw professional acling credils a mov ie and "The Silent Service" television. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing on Sewer Ren Ordinance for Farmlnglon Sanitary Sewer District in the Town of Farmlngton, New York. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE! that a public hearing will be by the Town Board of Ihe Town Farminglon, Ontario County, Nev York, at the Town Barns in th Town of Farmington, County Ontario and State of New York, the 10th day of April 1963, at P.M., E.S.T., in the matter of th adoption of a proposed Sewer Ren Ordinance for the said Town Farmington Sanitary Sewer Di: trict, which Ordinance general' will set forth rules and regulation and Impose sewer rent charges i said District, which said regula lions and charges will only affec persons or parties within said Di trict as established by the Town Board. All parlies in interest and citi zens for or against the adoption the proposed Ordinance will heard by the Town Board at UK public hearing to be held as afore said.

Dated: March 28, 1963. Myra T. Potter Town Cleric, Town of Farmingfon New York. M. .29 578 Do you have trouble gelling out of your own way? Tills sort of awkwardness Is-supposed to go wilh youth, but every bridge player has seen painting themselves into a corner.

dealer Notth-Souih vulnerable NORTH 7 5 3 Early. ThouKht Saves Contract Sheinwold On Bridge 7 3 2 EAST 9OUIH Jl FIRSJ PERFORMANCE TONIGHT Victor Central School students will present two performances of "The Boy tonight and tomorrow evening In the school auditorium. Portraying the parts of Pierrot and Pierrette are Barry Goldfarb and Harriett Bell, respectively. Winning Cold McNamara Tells U.S. (Continued frohi Page 1) American nuclear might forced ie Kremlin tq back down, he aid.

"That may be difficult to under- and for some, but it is not dif- cuit for me to understand, be- ause we faced that night the pos- ibility of launching nuclear weap- nc and Khrushchev knew it," Mc- 'Jamara said. "And that is the eason, and the only reason why withdrew those weapons." He also said there is nothing the U.S. arsenal to match for ange--plus mobility--the medium ange ballistic missiles'the Soviet Jnion set up in Cuba." The Air Force is at work on a roject to develop a mobile, ac- urate, light-weight missile that ouM be carried on trucks, which the way the Soviet missiles vere transported, he said. The defense secretary said there no evidence "that the Soviet Union Is concerned present inie with developing in Cuba a apability to strike the United States, no evidence whatsoever." Other highlights: Spending: Noting that some congressmen have argued thai the roposed defense budget could be cut by as much as i3-hillion McNamara invited the Cenierfield MRS. EARL APPLETON Daily Messenger Correspondent Canandaigua RD3 Cdga.

1020-W Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdy, Purdy Mrs. Ray Brockle bank, Cenlerfield and Mrs, Walter P. Brown, Rochester called on Mr.

and Mrs. Purdy'i daughter, Mrs. Robert McAllister of Clarence Center recently. Mrs. William Cherry, Cooley spent Tuesday with Mr.

and Mrs. John Kunes, Shortsville. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Ingalls, Middle Cheshire were Sunday night dinner guests of his aunt, Mrs.

Louise Ingalls, East Avon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Northrop, North BIoomfieM spent Sun day with his brother and sister-in Jaw, Mr. ancl Mrs.

Harvey North' -op, Oswego. USE MESSENGER WANT ADS pgislalors to show where it could le reduced by such a sum "with- iut so reducing our force levels is to endanger our nation. I know if no such areas." U.S Strength: American forces or strategic or limited war have been increased across the board said. The five-year defense lan he previously ouUined- to "ongress "will more than triple he number of nuclear weapons our alert forces--the weapons hat we could bring to bear against an attacker, literally, vithin a matter of minutes." Manpower: "It is inconceivable me," he said, "that our armed 'orces would be reduced substantially in the near future." 7 5 0 10 9 4 10 9 AK6 5 SOUTH A KQ 2 6 038632 South Weit North East Pass 2 NT Pass 3 Pass All Pass Opening' lead The average graybeard would play tliis hand with great speed. Eventually he would slow down.

South trumps the second club and begins to draw trumps. East discards a heart on the second trump, but our graybeard goes right on, hoping to set a new speed record for the play of the DECLARER draws all of West's discarding a club 'from dummy. AS it happens, this uses up all of South's trumps. No Out South next runs dummy's three high diamonds. Then comes the long embarrassing pause.

How does declarer get back to his hand for the remaining good diamonds? There is no way to do so, and South gets only his own five trumps and dummy's three diamonds. At best, declarer may gel one. additional trick, but he is sill! down. When this hand was played last monlh in the annual Intercollegiate Bridge Championships, some Disarmament: doesn't expect He any said he substantial rogress toward disarmament "certain of Ihe major issues" between the'United States and the Communist bloc are resolved. Youngsters Need Older People URBANA, 111.

(UPI) It is 'unfortunate if children are denied the companionship of older pfople," says University of 1111- nied the companionship of older ritle Lynch. Mrs. Lynch said that children often leam appreciation and respect for age early in life if they are encouraged to enjoy company of older persons. An older person's relaxed altitude comforts children who live in a bustling young household, she said. Older people also interpret the past and thus contribute to children's understanding of their heritage.

School Menus CANANDAIGUA Monday Teacher's conference No School. Tuesady Turkey and celery sandwich in home-baked butlem bun with lettuce and mayonnaise scalloped potatoes, mixed garden vegetables, deep-dish fresh apple pie with lemon butter hard sauce milk. Wednesday Baked Spanlsl rice with pizza cheese topping buttered hot cross 1 bun, tosscc green salad with French dressing chilled fruit cup wl fruit fillet princess square, milk. Thursday Fricassee of chick en and celery over mashed pota toe's, "fresh cranberry sauce, "ho buttered snowflake roll, hot fres apple sauce with golden cak square with chocoli'e butter icing, Oven-grilled toasted cheese sandwich with pickle chip, potato, celery and hard-boiled egg salad in lettuce cup with salad dressing, apple wedges with peanut butter, home baked lemon meringue pie, milk. the sluclcrts sliowed the way older bridge players.

South must op to tliink after drawing two cuixls of trumps. THIS EARLY. Ihought shows just hat will happen if Soulh barges head. He miisl swilch two ounds of diamonds before con- nuing wilh the Irumps. Afler cashing Iwo top diamonds outh goes back to Irumps, dis- ardlng dummy's last top diamond on the fourth round of rumps.

Then Soulh can draw tha csl diamond on the fourth round (rump continue wilh Ihe two Ihcr diamonds for a safe total of. Dally Question Partner opens with one heart nd the next player, passes. A'oii old: Spades, 7-5-3; Hearts, Q-9-8; ilamonds, A-K-Q; Clubs, Q-7-3-2. What do you say? ANSWER: Bid two clubs. You annot bid 2 NT wilh no stopper i spades, and you cannot jump to lirce hearts with only thrca rumps.

Tlie only solution is to id a suit of your own and inako strong bid later. For Sheinwold's 38 page book- el, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," end 50 cents to Bridge Book, i care of this paper). Box 2318, rand Cenlral New York 17, Vicinity School Menus VICTOR Monday No school. Tuesday Ravioli or chicken noodle soup, roll; lettuce wedge, fruit, Wednesday Hot turkey sandwich, fruit, peas, ice cream, Thursday Scalloped potatoes, or vegetable soup, ham loaf sandwich; losscd salad, fruit, milk. Friday Macaroni and cheese, or tomalo soup, egg.

sandwich; rolls, fruit, ice cream, milk. MIDDLESEX VALLEY Monday-- Teachers Conference. Tuesday Lasagna, Italian bread, or tomato rice soup, tuna- fish salad sandwich; buttered corn, fruited jello, milk. Wednesday PIzzaburger and roll, or vegetable soup, peanut butter sandwich; green beans, banana cake, milk. Thursday Oven fried chlckin, mashed potatoes peas and carrots bread and butter butler- scotch pudding, milk.

Friday Tunaflsh noodle casserole, bread and butter, or cream of celery soup, egg salad sandwich, cabbage salad, fruit co*ck- tal, milk. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESULTS SANGSTER TV Authorized EMERSON Dealer ANTENNA SERVICE Used Furniture Appliances PHONE 14(1 29 BRISTOL ST. Shortsville and Manchester MRS. HAROLD FLETCHER Daily Messenger Correspondent Shortsville Phone 28S-3255 Edward N. Carpenter, 15 Hebron has been named to the Dean's List at Syracuse University where he is a freshman.

His major is landscape architecture. To qualify for the honor, a student must maintain a average or higher. 10 BIG A SHOW STARTS AT 2 P.M. Doors Open at 1:00 ADMISSION Children 33c Adults 7Sc MONDAY, APRIL 1st For Easter! For dress, for school, for every dey there's no finer, no better-looking shoe for your child-- Active young feet need tha comfort, support, and durability cipsrtly crafted into every Classmate Shoe. Bo, bring in your ehijd ren for a flttin today.

INFANT SIZES to 8 $5.95 CHILDREN'S SIZES 2 to 12 $6.95 Davidson's Shoes, Inc. 153 So. IVIatn St. Cntiandaigua 1.

The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.